White Storks shot at Hal Far

The White Storks which came to Malta on Wednesday have been reportedly shot dead in Hal Far.

MaltaToday is informed that the three White Storks that came to Malta on Wednesday afternoon were shot at in Hal Far.

After resting on residential roofs and then settling for the night on the floodlights of the Mgarr football pitch, the birds had flown out to the sea. They reportedly flew back heading to Hal Far where they were reportedly shot.

BirdLife Malta campaigns coordinator Geoffrey Saliba said the last time they saw the birds was on Thursday as they were heading out to the sea - at which point they lost sight of them.

“We have also received reports that they came back and were shot at, but our teams cannot confirm this,” Saliba said. 

Another White Stork spotted in Gozo spent last night on a crane. Teams of the BirdLife Malta spent the night escorting the bird, making sure the bird was safe from hunters.

The  White Storks have made a hit with the Maltese as hundreds gathered in Mgarr to look and photograph the birds. ALE officers and members of the BLM team also spent the night guarding the birds. All three White Storks - originating from Hungary - had metal rings, clearly visible even without optical equipment.

Luke Camilleri
Shoot Them...with cameras! . ABOLISH NATURE'S TERRORISTS that call themselves "Hunters" ! ------------------------------------------- Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. - Paul Rodriguez
Dear hunters, you are shooting in the wrong direction. Your enemy is right in your midst: The poachers and all those hunters who are not abiding the law and regulations. If they would not shoot at every protected bird that comes across, then YOU, who respect the law, had no headlines at all. It is sad enough that storchs and other protected birds need to be escorted by numerous volunteers and police to make it past Malta. Fight against the poachers amongst you. Only then you will be able to keep your "sport".
La m'hemmx provi ma nemnux!!
George Zammit
Another biased and misleading headline. Well, what do you expect from a rag whose own editor brags about having been single-handedly responsible for banning trapping in Malta. Maltatoday seems to operate under the hearsay-is-Bible rule.........any excuse to get in a dig against hunters. Some journalists you are.
Raymond Falzon
Nobody believes you anymore.
Krista Sullivan
Malta Today il heading huwa hazin ghax id dikjarazzjoni mill birdlife hija li dahlulom rapporti li irritornaw lura u setaw sparaw fuqhom biss ma hemm xejn konfermat tkomplux titfa bzar fuq il feriti tan nies. Kunu onesti fir rappurtagg please