BA has ‘legitimised racism as a political view’ PEN Malta says on RTK103 fine

PEN Malta slams Broadcasting Authority’s decision to fine church radio station RTK103 for refusing to invite Imperium Europa’s candidates during this year’s MEP election

Broadcasting Authority offices (File photo)
Broadcasting Authority offices (File photo)

PEN Malta has slammed the Broadcasting Authority’s decision to fine church radio station RTK103 for refusing to invite Imperium Europa’s candidates during this year’s MEP election.

“The Broadcasting Authority’s decision to impose a fine on RTK103 for refusing to invite Imperium Europa’s extreme right-wing candidates is nothing short of disgraceful and absurd,” the NGO said.

On Wednesday the Broadcasting Authority fined church radio station RTK103 €4,660 for refusing to invite candidates of the far-right party Imperium Europa on “Andrew Azzopardi on RTK103” during the MEP election campaign.

PEN said it is the duty of editors, journalists and producers to not allow their platform to be used by people who fan hate speech, saying the BA has legitimised racism as a political view.

“Let’s remember Imperium Europa leader Norman Lowell has been convicted on charges of racial hatred and has a history of disgraceful racist statements, including calls for ethnic cleansing. This is just unacceptable,” it said.

PEN Malta said the decision to impose a fine on RTK103 makes a mockery of the BA’s constitutional role to safeguard democracy while abandoning its crucial role to protect our democratic freedom of expression.

“It’s a shame that the spineless Broadcasting Authority is once again showing moral bankruptcy and persists in setting a dangerous precedent for broadcasting,” the statement concluded.