'We can do without cultural and political support' - Bishops in Pastoral letter

‘The Church can do without the cultural and political support as she has an inner spiritual power’ say Bishops in Pastoral letter.

In a Pastoral Letter written “after moments of silence and reflection,” the Maltese Bishops have hinted at surrendering to the privileges enjoyed over the years by the Church through a Concordat with government.

“The Church can do without the cultural and political support as she has an inner spiritual power,” Archbishop Paul Cremona and Gozo Bishop Mario Grech said, adding that “the Church must continually look to purify itself from all that is just an external support to that which is the strength in conviction of the faith and of the Holy Spirit.”

The Bishops went on to say that “these are strong moments of rising up when who gives his part in the Church, will have no support of social privileges and so will need the faith to entrust himself or herself in the hands of God.”

Currently in the midst of public outcry over its refusal to accept legal responsibility for the convictions imposed on two clergymen found guilty of sexually abusing a number of young boys entrusted under their care in a Church orphanage, the Bishops say that they feel “humiliated” in front of the victims of abuse.

“We feel humiliated in front of the victims of abuse, as well as in front of the Church and the society to which we have been sent to be witnesses.” The Bishops made no further reference to the abuse except the passage: “Every kind of abuse brings about enormous suffering.”

In their Pastoral letter the Bishops also referred to the introduction of divorce legislation, and said that “the introduction of divorce wounds every marriage, both the civil one as well as marriage as the sacrament.”

Archbishop Cremona and Bishop Grech lamented the powerful and fast changes of society and culture, saying that it is difficult for a Christian to identify himself or herself in all that pertains to this culture.

“It is a culture that helps us live better some values such as the environment, the acceptance of persons with a different cultural background, the openness to the global reality including opportunities and risks that this involves. But on the other hand it has become difficult to live Christian values such as: respect for the individual from conception to the last moment of life, permanent marriage and stable family life in which children can grow in security, an experience of God that through prayer brings about commitment in the Church and Christian commitment in society,” they said.

“The second reality results from the introduction of divorce in our country, as we now have a society that can be more vulnerable in the context of marriage and family context. These have a very important part to play in the network of society and the Church.”

@John Azzopardi Even Christ called the priests and clerics of His time "White washed tombs" because they did not carry out their mission of truely guiding the people and dabbled in politics. Then you gingerly come along and tell people to be ashamed for expressing their views. Go get a life man.
Alas, what was i honestly expecting to hear from his excellency or any other high ranking clergy official of the local curia at this point in time after everything that's happened? Naturally that was a rhetorical question save for those who wish to answer it with a genuine and honest response. I was actually expecting the usual, another rant full of double speak which as usual continues to ever strongly imply that their church always knows best and better than any of us sinning citizens who could be spiritually saved by allowing this ever-amazingly "untainted" elite of clergymen to do both the thinking and the decision making for us. Amending article 2 of the constitution would be start, your excellency.
The Church can do without cultural and political support, but PN cant and that is the problem with you lot. Also I do not agree that the Churh can do with out cultural support as it has always depend on the Maltese culture to thrive in our society. The best way forward is to come clean and distance yourselves from any position of power and be a voice for the people who are the foundation of this Church.
@ John Azzopardi We are not anti-clerical. We are anti-injustice. You cannot call us hypocrites since we do not go on any pulpits preaching about our self-proclaimed holiness. We are commoners, sinners, beings with our shortcomings like everyone else, but we fight for justice... even if we have to fight to 'holy' roman apostolic church.
Giovann, "Il-velenu li nzera' fil-passat qed jinbet u jaghti hafna frott!" Kieku mhux ġejjha mingħandek, kont ngħid li qed tirreferi għal velenu li żera' l-arċisqof Gonzi fis-sittinjiet. Il-Malti jgħid, Ħadd wara Ħadd tasal ta kulħadd. Naħseb min ħareġ b'dan il-qawl kien profeta u kellhu f'moħħu l-knisja appostolika rumana ta' Malta
Oh yeah, go tell it to the marines ! Iif His Grace really means it it should ask for its constitutionally entrenched priveleges to be rescinded.
I have just one comment to say to archbishop Cremona and that other fire and brimstone bishop of Gozo, Jesus said ,"If you really love me sell everything give it to the poor and come and follow me".
God protect me from your followers.
Il-velenu li nzera' fil-passat qed jinbet u jaghti hafna frott!
Good morning
"..can do without cultural and political support.." Yeah and I can do without food and water for the rest of my life..... Pure quality bull.
@ Just Ray - You might have read it but, for sure, you did not uinderstand anything as, otherwise, you would not have written what you wrote. Try to read it again calmly.
The church does everything for financial gains and political power. The list of good 'deeds' that we are all aware of and grateful for are only a means by which the church was and still is able to retain its relevance and justify its existence. It doesn't sound nice to say this but its the truth - in a sense, the church always benefited at the poor and needy's expense!
“The Church can do without the cultural and political support as she has an inner spiritual power,”...M'ghankomx ghaggla, issa li hadtu hadtu, vera ghad fadlilkom biex tixtru lill-Malta u Ghawdex ghal darbtejn, forsi issa minflokk il-granspinat tad-deheb tibdew tilbsu tal-fidda jew tal-bronz. Eh kemm kien bravu dak li holoq il-qawl 'Qisek Gizwita!!!'
The people who write here against the church are a bunch of hypocrites. The church has done a lot of good through the years - missions, church schools, caring for children and the sich, aged, etc etc as well as proividing a sense of community. Of course some mistakes were made as well, but given the overall values instilled in the maltese, the church did have a good run and it still treasured by tens of thosuands of maltese. Shame on you who instigate and are so anti cleric. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
@ Silent Citizen . I have read the whole thing, what is so different from the above? . The truth is that the bishops and those before them made many realise that religion is fake! It is the invention of those who dreamed it and this goes to all religions of the world.
It is in the PL's supporters interest not to dwell on the past, this is a step foward other will hopefully come about. Not dwelling on the past does not mean to forget our history but to get strenght from what happened and be able to move foward. . Min jibqa jhares lura facli jitfixkel f'saqajh.
The same can't be said by gonziPN. . Hope the bishops keep to their words and make sure no grey collar steps over the line when elections come about. Unless the bishops can reign in their subordinates it is only empty words that are included in the pastoral letter. Well done, religion and politics are two different institutions.
Licking the wounds!
The Church has a very important role to play in our society; not a political role and not a privelleged role as the Bishop has very well explained. However it comes a bit late after the damage has been done?. The Archbishop has to put aside those people who advised him in both the divorce and the sexual abuse issues. From then it will move forward.
Good start but time will tell! I sincerely hope that the Church will represent another effective social force in Malta without hiding behind political banners, as it seems that here everything is based on political agendas: Unions, media, church, employers' associations, NGOs etc. The only valid social force are politics and you realize that by how many Maltese are lackeys of politicians. Basta bl-indipendenza u l-helsien...iva mill-fomm il-barra imma mhux fl-iskutella tar-ras!!
Luke Camilleri
The Church can do without the cultural and political support as she has an inner spiritual power’ - Why does the Church allow (Fr.) Joe Beirut Borg and his alliances with Gonzipn and Profs (fr.) Serracino Inglott who even gives consultanceis to Nationalist Party Prime Ministers? -------- Is it also a Perception that the Church never speaks out about the way supporters of the LP are treated by the administration in Gavernment as "Children of a Lesser God"? Does the Church support the Christian Values, the Maltese Christian Values that the Party in Power Profess, especially in the way it disposes of the country's assets and finances? . Who has the Church never condemned the Maltese Christian Spirit that certain Blogs are run with the Blessing of the Party in Power? U halluna tridx......
It seems that you only liked to publish this as a title, but those who wish to see the whole letter may go to: http://c256.r56.cf3.rackcdn.com/8b7437d3966ca7ab6dbb9054d5676ffd461495878.doc
Spiritual power indeed, using the interdict as a mediaeval reenactment in the divorce debate! Now the Church is still putting salt into the wounds of those who it inflicted HARM IN THE NAME OF GOD. MEA CULPA, Chiesa. Non ritornero MAI
As far as I know the church and their clans are the greatest supporters of the PN and vise versa. Hope the church comes into its sences and stop this kind of support because a lot of people are "cold" where church is concerned. Please work for the "Glory Of GOD" I will be the first one to return back. May God help you to achieve his task.
good words but as usual not actually coming far enough .... so are we to understand that further dragging of feet and excuses, ducking, slipping & diving re.... financial compensation DUE to the church's pedophile victims ... Deo Gratias !
Spiritual Power ! Insejtu l-Interdett ? u kemm geliedtu familji? Insejtu kemm dfintu nies fil-mizbla? u bikketu nies, u kemm nies ma dahlux aktar knisja? insejtu li anki tfal li anki tfal wehlu maghkom. Jien niftakar tifla ftit l-isfel minn nicca tal-Madonna ta Lourdes Insektu kemm kelna ingiebu karti minghand il-kappillani biex insibu xoghol? Insjetu kemm ma biriktux ghand nies and kien hemm xi Laburist? Insjetu kemm il-pastorali hrigtu kontra il-Partit Laburista? Insejtu li lanqas twerr ma kont tista? Insejtu li dawk stess li dfintu fil-mizbla kien jiebnu il-knejjes bi flushom? Insejtu li kontu untouchables, u minn johoda kontrikhom jispicca hazin? Insjetu li kontu tghidu li minn jitghallem jitlef ruhu? Din -ispiritwalita li qedin tiffanfraw biha il-lum?