'I won't exclude a future in politics' - Gejtu Vella
Union Ħaddiema Magħqudin (UHM) secretary general Gejtu Vella does not exclude a future in politics but categorically denies being approached by any party to contest the next general election in their name.
“I don’t know what will happen after this but I definitely won’t disappear… I’ve always remained in contact with people,” Gejtu Vella told Illum.
Proud of his participation in the preparation for Malta’s entry into the EU, Vella said, “It was the most challenging time for me because I wanted to give my utmost in helping workers understand that Europe will be for their own good."

Nispera li jibqa jghid il frazi 'issa nitkelmu fuq mejda'.

Comparing Gejtu to Debbie Schembri is like comparing a chihuahua to a Doberman.
One is a pocket dog for gonziPN whilst Debbie is her own no nonsense person.

WoW - Gejtu Vella MP, that would be the cherry on the cake.
Who'll vote for you Gejt, only those with dimentia and have forgotten your stint as general segretary of UHM which wasn't very brilliant although admittedly it did serve gonziPN/PN well.

You should start your own political party and name it: Round and Round the Table (Till you get dizzy)!

Gejt jekk tithajjar dags siehbek Censu Cinku tkun popopolari. Nies bhalkom lewel tixbaw titnejku bin nies, umbad triduhom javdawkom fil politika biex toqodu tpappuwa.

No one have ever excluded a future in politics for Gejtu Vella as you have been dabbling in Politics already Mr Vella since the era of Mr Fenech Adami. The whole country knows that you have always been a PN puppet. Rember when Alfred Sant came to power you requested 5 Malta Liri as a cost of living increase, now that since that time all cost of living has gone sky high you never requested something like that again. So we do not have any doubts where your loyalty stands.

Hallina Gejt...m'hemm l-ebda partit li ghandu (jew li jista' jigi) bzonnok ghax minn jitwieled tond ma jmutx kwadru............Union!!!!!!!!!!!!!!X'Union!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hanqa ta' hmar qatt ma telghat is sema Gejt.

I presume Gejtu might be tempted to get the 500 euros weekly increase for himself, considering Gonzi's statement on the capabilities of his mp's.

Nazzareno Pace •
Mr. Vella does not need any approach from the Nationalist Party. He was committed to the party in government well before he became union secretary. This became very clear in the change in attitude he and the other Gejtu made in the period 1996-1998. Whilst the PN was still in government, the actions taken by union were sparse, whereas when the PL was in government, every issue was good to protest and strike.
I cannot understand how he is pride to have convinced workers to vot for EU as so far the gains where minimal...not to say nothing except debt, problems and crises.
So I plee Mr. Vella to stop being there in the public eye as if he is a statistician as he was always biased in his decisions towards a party whose main interest are his voters and those who sustain the same party....
Please retire once and for all please Mr. Vella.

“It was the most challenging time for me because I wanted to give my utmost in helping workers understand that Europe will be for their own good." Hahahahaha....mur dabbar qargha Gejt!

All I can say if the PN will harbour Gejtu will be a bigger mistake than keeping A.Gatt. We are fed up with MP's and canditates of Gejtu caliber.Sliema Pn voters are looking forward for new faces in their district. (I am one of them). Voters from A.Gatt district are more than happy to get rid of him and A. Delia stand no chance! I think Gejtu fits well with the Communist Party!

Paul Sammut •
Tad-dakq man! Mela il-Maltin hsiebthomt tan nej-? Mhux kullhadd jaf li Gejtu jimxi skond kif jigbidlu l-ispaga il-partit. Hallina Sur Vella. Jekk ghandek tghamel, ghamel li jghejdulek u daqsekk u tiprovax tghaddina biz-zmien please.

i guess he will contest the next general election with the gonzi pn, maybe now we have a clear view why this blue eyed man always defend the gonzi pn goverment.

Surprise ,Surpriise,
Gejt are you going to do the same as Vince when he used to say ,Mhux wiehed,mhux tnejn,mhux tlieta lanqas erba izda hamsa imbaghad ha tkaxkira

As if Gejtu Vella was ever anything but a politician - thinly disguised as a Trade Unionist.

gejtu avolja dhalt fiz zmien xorta ghadek thobb il malta
kompli stinka ghal pajjizna
biss ibza ghal sahhtek hi ghax jekk jigrielek xi haga min se jiddefendi il haddiem????
min se ikun kapaci iggib id 9 liri fil gimgha
ahna ma irridux 500 euro fil gimgha tafx
9 liri bizzejjed ghalina

How predictable can this piece of 'no news value' news be?
As if it wasn't so obvious, long, long time ago that Gejtu was more of a staunch nationalist political 'animal' than many of the nationalist MPs themselves.
Thanks to him and the UHM (which always cohabitated, although never 'married'with the PN) the workes'cause weakened by time. so much so that today the workers have seen a lot of their hard earned privalages and rights disappearing to their detriment and to the benefit of the big fat fish.

Michael Cutajar •
Not only you should not exclude a future in politics!!!
You should not even exclude a past and present in politics!!!

Hemm bżonn tgħidilna Gejtu.
Mhux dejjem hekk kien ħsiebek.
Ara fi żmien il-gvernijiet tal-PN qatt ma tlabt LM9 żieda fil-ġimgħa kif tlabt lill-Labour.
Il-poplu issa jaf li inti wieħed milli taħti għat-tbatija li kulħadd qed ibati minħabba s-sħubija fl-UE.
Hemm bżonn li kulħadd iqum ħalli nerġgħu nieħdu l-ħelsien tagħna mill-ħakma kolonjalista tal-UE u mit-tradituri li hawn jiġru ma saqajna fuq iż-żewġ naħat tal-kamp politiku.

And to think that way back (obviously in Labour's time) he demanded a weekly increase of Lm 8.00 (Malta lira NOT Euro).
As if there was any doubt which party he supported!
Fl-ahhar b'xi mod il-maskri jinkxfu.

gejtu issa li smajt li se tohrog ghal elezzjoni mohhi veru mistrieh...........u il lejla bhal austin gatt se norqod il lejl kollu
hdimt ghal eu
il haddiem x ha???
euro fil gimgha.........tridni ninzel gharkuptejja u nirringrazzjak????
inqas vaganzi ....viva il uhm
kontijiet tad dawl u ta l ilma............. veru bomba
mohhok fl ewropa u malta rega dahal il faqar
bil haqq kont se ninsa il gid li hadt f malta fl ewropa
pakkatti ta l ghagin, kupuni tal yougourt, jam ta l apricot, ross
forsi ghalhekk ma tridx aktar id 9 liri zjieda fil gimgha

prosit gejtu
jekk ittini id disa liri fil gimgha il vot tieghek ghalik

Mur strieh Gejt!!...u hallina kwieti.....ministru ta xoghol missu jaghmlek siehbek Gonzipn...

Oh yes! another orator. Perhaps he will be on the PL/ AD ticket for sure. HALLINA!

Wasn't it obvious in the the way he has always deferred to the present government and pushed his way into political issues that his ambition was to get into the political fray.
However from the PN point of view he is a good choice as if you forget his PN leanings he has show himself to be a good orator , a good leader and that he understands the needs of people quite well. He has also shown himself to be a canny manipulator who can influence decisions.
He is certainly better than many of the current back benchers on the government side who are found deficient and lacking in many of the qualities which one expects in those who represent the people.
Our Parliament will only improve if both parties select better candidates than they have done in the past few general elections.
So overall a very good three star capture by the PN , I would say at the same level as the excellent catch of Debbie Schembri by the PL. Let us hope for some more good fishing by both parties.

Jien nivvutalek kieku Gejt - forsi ma tafx kif iggibilna xi euro500 zieda fil-gimgha kif hadu l-ministri Nazzjonalisti! Awguri

No wonder he always towed the PN line. Who cares about 'il-haddiem' he represents.

Zack Depasquale •
L-ahjar li johrog mal-Partit Nazzjonalista halli jimilita halli il-haddiem jinghata xi 9 liri zieda kif kien talab taht Partit Laburista fil-Gvern umbghad wara li telgha l-Partit Nazzjonalista tilef ilsienu ghaliex ma smajniex b'Gejtu iktar. u hallina nghixu Gejtu, mela in-nies hsibthom tac-cajt. Nahseb daqs siehbek tal-GRTU Vince Farrugia (maghruf bhalha ic-Cinku) ser taghmel success.

Min jirnexxilu jaqta ma liema partit ser johrog jirbah weekend break fil-facilita' korrettiva ta' Kordin . Ikel u allogg imhallas .

Esteban Hernandez •
zgur hireg mal pl dan!!!!!!!!!

Why is it that I am NOT surprised!
And it is also not difficult to guess which political party he will join.

nahseb gejtu ma jkun qed jaghmel xejn hlief jikkonferma li dejjem hsibna , pero inheggu johrog lil gejtu ghaliex bhala persuna nahseb li hu hafna u hafna ahjar min iktar min nofs id deputati fil parlament min naha nazzjonalista . awguri gejt jekk tiehu din id decizjoni.

biex tkompli tkisser pajjiz

Postok mal-PN, fejn minn dejjem immilitajt. Pero toqodx tinkwieta. Gonzi mhux se jhallik tmur tirregistra.