Carnival Association presents government with ultimatum

Carnival Association threatens to withdraw participation in next year's Carnival celebrations if not given answers from government on long-pending issues by next Friday.

A frustrated carnival association (L-Ghaqda Partecipanti Karnival) this morning said government was leaving them hanging lose as nothing concrete has been set about next year’s Carnival edition.

Jason Busuttil, speaking on behalf of the association, said they are being discriminated against and the participants feel everything is being dismissed.

“[We] are not prepared to work with incompetent people currently in charge of the Cultural Department: they completely dismiss our work and the traditional activity which is Carnival.”

Busuttil said that while other events such as Notte Bianca and Ghanafest have someone from the Department who is individually responsible of the activities, not the same could be said about Carnival.

“No one is recognizing the hard work involved in setting up this activity,” Busuttil said as he called for the Carnival Committee to be set up again, and for the appointment of a person who would be responsible of the activity all year round.

The association complained that the necessary applications for Carnival 2012 have not yet been issued, even though the regulations were discussed and settled over two months ago.

It added that government has not yet released any information on where and how Carnival is going to take place – “and this is obvious because of the projects going on in Valletta.”

Busuttil added that Fort St Elmo is in a derelict state and no authority was giving attention to the danger the carnival enthusiasts were working in.

The association said government has failed to keep its promise of creating a ‘Carnival village’ – “another promise which remained on the paper.”

The association threatened that if government does not come forward with proposals by the end of this week, the association would be boycotting the event. In reality, this would mean that no traditional floats would be present, marking the end of Carnival in Malta as we know it.

Jason darling, the Government is preparing its own carnival right at City Gate (without a gate). GonziPN will soon go and cut a few ribbons.
Steve Chan
Li ma nista' nifhem qatt hu, ghala f'dan il-pajjiz minflok naghmlu kapital mit-tradizzjonijiet u naraw kif se naghmluhom attrazzjoni unika, irridu naslu f'punt fejn nibbojkotjaw l-avveniment...din l-Assoccazzjoni ilha snin titlob ghal post adekwat, ma nahsibx li qed jitolbu hafna sincerament..
“another promise which remained on the paper.” liema huma dawk li zamm ? Meta qal li meta johross iz-zejt jinzwl il-prezz yad-dawl, fuel u gass? Meta qal li ghandna state of the art Hopsital u tmur hemm u tikkampja fil-kuridur? jew biex taghmel operazzjoni u tilhaq tmut u ikun ghadek ma ghamiltix, bil-pinnoli b'xejn? Meta qalu li qalbna mal haddiem u solidarjeta mal-familji? huwa u shabu ta bla-talent hadu bil mohbi €500 u lil haddiem tawh il frakk €1.16? Meta qal li kullhadd jimxi il qiddiem u lil dawk li ma jaqblux mieghu baqaw fid-desert, bi transfers vendikkativi. Meta qal lit-toroq ser ikolna toroq sewwa u flok ghandna hofor? Meta qal kemm huwa demokratiku u mur jivvota kontra bhal tad-divorzju? Meta mar jivvota "Bil-Qalb" kontra ir-rieda tal-poplu Meta ghamel l-Arriva ? il-poplu Malti sejjer jitlef ruhu biex imur ghax-xoghol jew l-iskola? Meta qal li sejrin tajjeb u hlief pjanijiet ta awsterita mhux jaghmel bil-mohbi? Meta qal iggudikawni fuq dak li naghmel u mhux dak li nighd? metaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa???????????????????
nahseb ahjar nibldu l-idjoma maltija minn "qisek wicc laskri" ghal "qisek wicc gonzipn" :)