Government overrides Mosta council's decision, enforces weekend pedestrianisation of square

Mosta Square will be closed off to traffic every Friday and Saturday evening despite council decision

Mosta square without cars passing through on a weekend
Mosta square without cars passing through on a weekend

Transport Malta has informed the Mosta Local Council that Mosta Square will be closed off to traffic every Friday and Saturday evening, despite the council's decision to halt this practice.

The Local Council had previously revoked the pedestrianisation of the square, citing concerns from residents and businesses, pending public consultations.

The pedestrianisation policy, initially implemented after the square's renovation, has been a point of contention within the community. While some residents and environmental advocates praised the move for reducing traffic and emissions, others, particularly those living on streets affected by the diverted traffic, expressed frustration. Business owners in the area also reported a decline in revenue due to decreased accessibility.

In July, the newly elected council responded to these concerns by deciding to end the square's weekend closures starting in September. However, Transport Malta's latest directive effectively overrides the council's decision, extending the pedestrianisation policy through the end of October.

The Mosta Local Council expressed its disappointment with this decision, accusing Transport Malta of disregarding the community's needs and failing to consult adequately. "The Government's policy, which is being called ‘pedestrianisation,’ cannot be applied without planning and consultation because what will be happening is to the detriment of the residents," the council stated.

Later on Friday, Transport Malta issued a statement clarifying the hours during which the square will be closed to traffic, which will be on Fridays and Saturdays between 7am and midnight.

"This decision follows a careful evaluation of the traffic flow and public benefit. It is our priority to create safer and more beautiful spaces that put the best interests of the community first."

READ ALSOPN-led council wants Mosta square to be opened again for traffic on weekends