Government exploring possibilities of Gozo windfarm


The Gozo Ministry has applied to set up a 60-metre wind mast at il-Hotba tal-Imgieret, to the west of Wied Mielah in Gharb Gozo.


A spokesperson for the Ministry for Gozo, which presented the application to The Malta Environment and Planning Authority, confirmed that the testing is aimed at exploring the potential for the development of wind energy sources in Gozo.

“Through the wind measurements collected through this research project as well as data collected so far at other sites across the Maltese islands, it will be possible to assess the potential for harvesting wind energy in Gozo and the surrounding waters,” the Ministry spokesperson told MaltaToday.

A proposal for an offshore wind farm in the northern shore of Gozo was previously made by Edward Mallia, who had argued that a wind measuring mast in Gozo would offer the government backup in case the Sikka l-Bajda proposal failed to go through.

Writing in 2009, Mallia had specifically referred to a strip of water within a 20-meter contour between Qbajjar and the Mistra rocks at the eastern end of San Blas Bay as the site of a potential offshore wind farm. 

Contacted by MaltaToday, Mallia said that a wind mast at il-Hotbna tal-Imgieret will only be able to assess the potential of land-based turbines sited to the west of Wied Mielah up to Ras San Dimitri.

“It will do nothing for any useable sea-areas of Gozo, which lie well to the east of Wied Mielah,” Mallia said. He also pointed out that the Gordan lighthouse station already has large quantities of high quality data on the potential of wind energy in Gozo.

While measurements from Gordan are as good as those taken il-Hotba tal-Imgieret to assess the potential of a land based wind farm; the latter is not good to assess offshore potential as it is too far away from the shallow sea areas to the east of Marsalforn.

The decision to start studies in Gozo comes in the wake of a government’s decision to request a two-year extension to the L-Aħrax Point wind mast permit to confirm results on the viability of an offshore wind farm at Mellieħa’s Sikka l-Bajda.

Wind studies at L-Aħrax began in November 2009 after an 80-metre wind mast was installed.

The Environmental Impact studies on the Sikka l-Bajda site, which are costing the government around €300,000 are expected to be concluded next year. 

One potential obstacle for the Sikka l-Bajda site is the presence of under water caves in the area.

Before the 2008 election, the government had completely excluded land and near-shore windfarms and lost valuable time by issuing a call for expression of interests for a deep water wind farm despite the fact that this technology is still being developed.

After the election the government changed direction by hedging its bets on a windfarm at Sikka l-Bajda and smaller land based installations in Bahrija and Hal Far. 

May I remind the readers on what the MRA said in a report The bathymetry of Maltese waters imposes severe difficulties and limitations on wind farm development, since the 25 meter contour extends to just around 2 to 3 km off the coast. The main constraints to offshore wind farmdevelopment at these sites include the heavy and conflicting use of the waters where a significant proportion of the economy depends on marine activities and tourism. We are turning in a downward spiral on this issue!!!
Windfarms in the UK have been an extremely costly affair so far and the balance study of pros & cons needs years to yet ascertain. However this project has all the signals of the Gonzi pompous eye catching flash type of project doomed to massive amounts of money ending in the wrong pockets (tipo Mizzi BWSC) badly executed (tipo ARRIVA) screwing the environment in some other way (tipo energy plant Marsa chimney) ... say no more !! and please let no old fashioned,die hard PN loyalist or tribalism instigating LOO Bondi type come back with calling us a ' sour grape cynic ' because we are ' progressive thrifty critics ' with Malta's future at heart not Gonzi / Bondi arrogant personal egos and pockets. ... NICE DAY EVERYONE !
So the Mellieha windfarm study came to no conclusion. But Gozitans beware. The windfarm could spell the end of your dream of an airstrip! Well more jobs for the blu eyed boyz
ALGAN you forgot to say that they are paid millions from our taxes. ** sgb Ħabib, ma niskantax li jfaqqa elezzjoni bikrija. Fil-budget li ġej se jibda jroxx anki jekk ikompli jisplodi d-dejn.
After wasting so much time and umpteen studies to line pockets they are coming round to a strategy proposed long ago by Dr Edward Mallia (D.Phil Oxon),the unpaid expert much more knowledgeable than the know alls hovering round government circles and surrounding the minister .
Esteban Hernandez
qed tara nihseb li l elezjoni qed qrib iktar mili supost.
As always exploring and exploring. Dahk fil-wicc!
Finally some sense to the renewable energy issue. So far I got the feeling that this issue was being pushed back by debate being directed towards offshore wind farms which are too expensive to construct and maintain. Moreover the area to the west of Gozo consists of plains open to the predominant winds on the Maltese islands.