Budget 2025 will send a clear signal on where we want the country in the next five years: PM

Robert Abela discussed the upcoming Budget which will send a clear signal on where the country should be in the next five and ten years

Prime Minister Robert Abela stated that the next budget will continue to be the basis of implementation of the program 'Malta Flimkien' but it will send a clear signal on where the country should be in the next five and ten years.

Abela was speaking during an interview on ONE Radio, where he spoke about the upcoming budget in October, which will focus on reforms in different sectors, affirming that our country cannot accept everything, including investments.

"We have to be selective even in the investment we make. It is not an investment that employs hundreds of workers, and we accept it, but we prefer a quality investment that employs fewer people and highly skilled workers and gives good wages. That is the direction we gave and are giving,” Prime Minister Robert Abela said on Sunday.

The Prime Minister discussed the government's plans to reform the economy, focusing on key areas such as population growth, electric infrastructure, medical infrastructure, and road infrastructure. He also mentioned the importance of addressing pension issues and improving education opportunities.

He emphasized how the Government last year supported 43 projects which translated into €36 million in the economy of our country. Until the middle of this year, 12 projects have been approved which translated into €144 million.

"Four times more exactly in our economy in the first six months than what we brought in one-year, last year. This is what we want to attract. An investment that leaves added value."

The Prime Minister also mentioned the upcoming executive elections within the Labour Party, stating that the party will continue to prioritise the needs of the people on multiple fronts. 

He emphasised a commitment to "quality work and careers that provide a healthy income for families," while also supporting "the most vulnerable" and helping individuals regain independence from social aid. Abela highlighted the importance of implementing necessary environmental changes to protect the characteristics of towns and villages.

Additionally, he affirmed that investments in health and education will remain a priority in the upcoming budget, ensuring a sustainable future for the people of Malta.

Abela also announced that in the coming days, a legal notice will be issued that will exempt VAT on services linked to counselling and psychotherapy sessions; “they provide an important service to the people. The health of the people is not only the care of the body, but also mental health is important.”

Lastly, Abela also spoke about the recent issue concerning three young people and a lecturer who found themselves in court for identifying a problem in a popular Maltese student app, where he stated, "When we say that we are a government that brings changes and reforms, we also mean it. Addressing evolving realities. A crucial point remains that we remain alert to the truth. We will certainly not try to introduce a policy in which we protect those who are not in good faith, those who are not of goodwill. We keep making initiatives; we keep bringing changes in favour of what is right."