MMCCA orders Melita to regulate itself over ‘deceitful’ advert

The Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Association ordered Melita to regulate itself over a sports advert it considers as fallacious.

Melita plc has been ordered to amend the adverts in all its advertising spaces by increasing the font size of the last two sentences which stipulate the price for the new services, the date of expiry and the terms and conditions.

It also requested the company to include in the advert that the consumer must enter into a new agreement with Melita and renew the contract of service for a minimum of two years (24 months).

“If Melita plc fails to comply, MCCAA reserves the right to take further actions,” MCCAA said in a statement.

MELiTA!!! Never again.  They don't give a toss about customer care, never listening to customers.  Worse still they employ aggressive and arrogant selling tactics never respecting customers' wishes. Can't say it often enough....NEVER AGAIN
I wouldn't go back to Melita for a completelt FREE service!
At last MMMCA is waking up to the fact that many so called special offers by Maltese companies are nothing more than misleading if not blatant deceitful forms of adverts. When I am offered a special offer my immediate reaction is to remember the maxim "caveat emptor" or buyer beware. I suggest you always pose this question to a seller or his salesman "Where is the catch" or "What is the difference from a normal purchase". At least asking these questions forces the seller to be truthful or face the consequence of the sales being null and void" . Make sure you get such assurance recorded or in writing or better still insert it in any document you are asked to sign.