Action plan to combat human trafficking

Existing methods used to identify human trafficking victims before prosecution proceedings initiate, to be reviewed and reformed by the Attorney-General’s Office and Malta Police Force.

The Malta Independent on Sunday has reported that the government is currently drafting up an Action Plan on Combating Trafficking in Persons due to a critical report from the US State Department criticising Malta’s minimum standards to eliminate human trafficking.

All 10 cases related to human trafficking reported in Malta were for the purposes of sexual exploitation and led to the conviction of 14 people. The US State Department’s report placed Malta on the Tier 2 watch list for the second year running.

This particular watch list focuses on countries believed to have large numbers of human trafficking victims or a lack of action against human trafficking according to the US.

More vigorous and inclusive measures will be included in the action plan to ensure the country tackles the problem of human trafficking by preventing, prosecuting offenders, and identifying victims and providing them with the support and protection required.

As part of the action plan, a Manual of Procedures is intended to be drawn up next year to provide guidelines for victim identification to be used by health care professionals, social services and law enforcement officers.

It is expected that by the third quarter of 2012, anti-trafficking legislation and its practical implementation will be reviewed. The government will be committed to pursue full implementation of Council Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims as one of the international legal instruments proposed in the plan.