Enemalta announces fuel price increments

Enemalta announced price increments in fuel prices.  The increases are of 1c for unleaded  to 2c for diesel and kerosene.  EneMalta also provided the press  with prices in other EU countries to prove that Maltese price were below the EU average.

Luke Camilleri
Capcpulhom wahda lill-Gang ta' Gonzi talli jcapcpuwulna kulll'ahhar tax-xahar! . Imbaghad irridu jdahqu bil-pre-budget document! Min qieghed jithaq b'min!
xorta raqad dal lejl austin powers nahseb!! :)
ALGAN Anke fid-distribuzzjoni tal-Gas kellna monppolju. Tista tghidli x'gara mil prezzijiet tac-cilindri min mindu spicca il monopolju? Litteralment SPLODEW il fuq.
Jon Sciberras
@Algan: true market price is unreal and not true. Oil will be depleted in about 40 to 50 years time. Even the Arabs know it and have been trying to diversify business for the last 15 years. Its not fantasy that there are alternatives for oil, but its costly and cheaper to keep digging for oil. We have made billionaires out of the largest oil producers (just go to Forbes and see how they squander their wealth) and in return they've hurt the environment, created the so called green house effect and started global warming. Its a catch 22 situation.
The days of subsidized and cheap fuel are over and we have to pay whether we like it not the true market proce. The trouble is that ENEMALTA contrary to EU rules has maintained a monopoly and therefore there is no competition and we do not know whether we are paying the true competitive price for fuel. Taking the UK as an example the price per litre in the various petrol stations can vary by as by as much as 20 cents .We already have the experience of the gas monopoly and how prices have been better contained once there is a new competitor in the market. Perhaps one of our MEPs will raise questions about this monopoly in BRUSSELS.