National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for 2030 unveiled

National Biodiversity and Action Plan for 2030, setting 22 targets and outlining 79 actions aimed at addressing biodiversity challenges and protecting the environment, unveiled on Thursday

Environment Minister Miriam Dalli
Environment Minister Miriam Dalli

Malta has unveiled its National Biodiversity and Action Plan for 2030, setting 22 targets and outlining 79 actions aimed at addressing biodiversity challenges and protecting the environment.

The plan, aligned with global and EU biodiversity goals, focuses on key areas such as ecosystem restoration, genetic diversity, climate change adaptation, and sustainable agriculture.

Building on the success of the 2012-2020 plan, which Minister Miriam Dalli said exceeded its targets by 11%, the new strategy highlights progress in communication, land and marine protection, policy development, and the use of EU funds for environmental projects.

The government aims to continue the momentum “to secure a sustainable and biodiverse future for Malta.”

“This plan is our commitment to safeguarding Malta’s natural heritage for future generations. Together, we can ensure a sustainable and biodiverse country,” Dalli said, emphasising the importance of collaboration across government and society to achieve these goals.

Kevin Mercieca, CEO of the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA), echoed the minister's sentiment, stating, “This strategy is a culmination of significant hard work and aims to continue on the success of the previous strategy. The work must now continue through collaboration with other entities to ensure that good results are achieved.”

The NBSAP 2030 aims to position Malta as a leader in environmental protection, setting a blueprint for other countries in the region to follow.