Government set to strengthen laws protecting police officers, public officials

Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri meets police officers attacked on Saturday night in Marsa

Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri meets with police officers Clive Mallia and Aidan Demicoli
Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri meets with police officers Clive Mallia and Aidan Demicoli

Government will be looking to strengthen laws protecting police officers and public officials, the Home Affairs Ministry announced on Monday.

The statement comes after Minister Byron Camilleri met with Clive Mallia and Aidan Demicoli, the two police officials who were assaulted in Marsa on Saturday night.

“[The aim of strengthening the law] is to ensure the disciplined forces are increasingly better respected while carrying out their duties,” the ministry statement read.

It said government has continued to invest in conditions and training for the disciplinary forces.

He also condemned the attack, appealing for more respect towards disciplinary forces, saying such respect should also be reflected in court decisions.

Camilleri was accompanied by deputy commissioners Sandro Gatt and Kenneth Haber.