Bernard Grech urges respectful dialogue on abortion
Opposition leader: ‘We can disagree on a hundred things, but let’s work together on what we agree on’

Opposition leader Bernard Grech insisted having a respectful dialogue on abortion and other divisive issues during a radio interview on Saturday.
Speaking with Andrew Azzopardi on RTK103, Grech said the Nationalist Party made its position clear on abortion, while accusing others of using abortion “for their political convenience”.
“We can disagree on a hundred things, but on what we agree on, let’s work together,” he said.
Women and pro-choice activists today will gather in Valletta for the annual abortion rights rally, in a renewed call for reproductive justice led by the Voice for Choice coalition.
Grech also reiterated calls from social partners for the government to adopt a new economic model but said that the prime minister is being stubborn on the issue.
“We have a government that is unable to take action, and as a result only takes action where it bests suits them,” he said.
Grech also touched on violence against police officials after two officers were brutally attacked on their line of duty. He called out the police commissioner for failing to take action and said the government’s position was hypocritical on the matter.
“The prime minister should see that the police are well-trained and that they are given all the necessary respect,” he said.
In his concluding comments, Grech said that a Nationalist Party in government could build a better future for the country, “a future where the government understands the people’s realities and implements solutions”.