Gozo court building issues remain despite authorities’ promises – lawyers

Avukati Għawdex say authorities have failed in finding solutions for problems related to lack of space and accessibility at the Gozo Law Courts  

Gozo Law Court (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)
Gozo Law Court (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)

Gozitan lawyers have slammed authorities for failing to “once again” find solutions to the Gozitan court buildings’ lack of space and accessibility.

“Over the years, various proposals have been made for an alternative site for the Gozo Court building, and even permits were issued by the Planning Authority at great public expense, but none of these proposals were ever implemented for one reason or another,” organisation Avukati Għawdex said.

They said the problems related to a lack of space at the Gozo courts and inaccessibility for he elderly and people with disabilities remain an issue.

“In January 2023, the Court Services Agency also issued a call for proposals to identify an alternative location for the Gozo Court, but no one knows the outcome of this call. It also appears that no particular site has been identified that could serve as the Court building,” they said.

They also regret that a centrally located site in Rabat, Gozo, which had been identified for the Gozo Court building, will now be developed solely as a car park, despite the original proposal also including extensive parking facilities.

MaltaToday reported on how the space is now being earmarked for the development of a four-level underground car park with an overlying floor of commercial space topped by a roof garden.

“Avukati Għawdex insist that the relevant authorities finally take the appropriate decisions without further delay to identify a suitable site to host the Gozo Court building and implement it within concrete timeframes. This is all to ensure that the Gozitan people and all those who use the Gozo Court building receive a service from a structure that is worthy of the people and dignified,” they said.