Students want government to get serious on university funding

Student associations concerned by Finance Minister’s comments on the University of Malta’s annual deficit

The financial future of the University of Malta has come under intense scrutiny following recent comments by the Minister of Finance, who suggested that the institution "pull up their socks and roll up their sleeves and generate income" to address its growing annual deficit.

This statement has triggered a wave of concern among student organisations, who fear that the government's approach to tackling the university's financial issues may compromise its primary purpose – educating the workers of tomorrow.

In a joint statement, 21 student associations said they were concerned with the minister’s stance. They warned of a disconnect between the increasing costs of delivering education and the actual financial support the university receives, which has resulted in an increasing annual deficit.

“Revenue generation should not be the main objective of the University, since the University’s primary purpose lies in providing Malta with the workers, professionals and leaders of tomorrow,” the associations said in their statement.

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“As students, we ask for no special treatment compared to our predecessors – just a well-equipped university and a stipend to help us through our full-time studies,” they said, adding that this is no special treatment compared to previous years.

The statement concludes with a plea to the government to use this year's budget as an opportunity to make a meaningful investment in Malta's educational future. They argue that neglecting the university would risk its further deterioration and compromise the quality of education that is vital for the country’s long-term success.

The statement was signed by Għaqda Studenti tal-Liġi on behalf of: ASCS - Association of Students of Commercial Studies, BetaPsi, CSA - Criminology Students' Association, DESA - Department of English Students Association, ESA - Earth System Association  ESO - European Studies Organisation, GUG - Grupp Universitarji Għawdxin, GħSL - Għaqda Studenti tal-Ligi, GħMU - Għaqda tal-Malti Università, ICTSA - Information Communication Technology Students, JEF - Young European Federalists, JCA - Junior Chamber of Advocates, SĦS - Studenti Ħarsien Soċjali, MHSA - Malta Health Students' Association, MMSA - Malta Medical Students Association, MKSA - Media and Knowledge Sciences Association, MBSA - Malta Biochemistry Students' Association, PACTS - Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics Students' Society, Pulse, Scubed - Science Students' Society, SACES - Society of Architecture and Civil Engineering Students, UM Rowing - University of Malta Rowing Club.