Ombudsman declares Gozo Channel fares discriminatory against Europeans over 60

Ombudsman sends report to parliament after the ferry company and prime minister failed to remedy the situation

The Gozo Channel’s fare policy, which charges EU nationals aged 60 and over a higher fee compared to Maltese nationals in the same age bracket, has been ruled discriminatory by the Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman, Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon, issued a Final Opinion regarding a discriminatory fare policy by Gozo Channel Company Limited, which unfairly charged higher ferry fares to EU nationals aged 60 and over who are not Maltese.

The case involved a Portuguese national over 60 who was denied the discounted fare given to Maltese seniors.

Gozo Channel defended its policy, citing that the discount applied only to holders of the Maltese “Karta Anzjan” (Senior Citizen Card).

However, the Ombudsman found this interpretation incorrect, as other forms of EU identification should suffice to verify age. He referenced a similar case where discriminatory bus fares were ruled unlawful by the European Commission, leading to a change in Maltese policy.

The Ombudsman concluded that Gozo Channel’s policy violated EU law, was discriminatory, and recommended that all EU nationals aged 60+ be entitled to the same discounted fare as Maltese citizens.

Despite no immediate action from the company or the Prime Minister, the report was escalated to the House of Representatives for resolution.