Malta leads Europe in Europride awareness, survey shows

Europride was held in Malta in 2023, and a Eurobarometer survey shows that awareness of the pan-European event has increased nine percentage points since 2021

Europride was held in Malta in 2023
Europride was held in Malta in 2023

While just over half of Europeans (53%) are aware of Europride, a pan-European event dedicated to LGBTQI+ pride, Malta stands out with 91% familiar with the event.

Notably, only 32% of EU respondents understand what Europride entails, compared to 81% in Malta, who not only recognise it but also grasp its significance. This nine-point rise in Malta’s awareness since 2021 is likely tied to the country hosting the event in 2023.

Across the EU, more than one-third of respondents (32%) both know about Europride and understand what it involves, while about 21% have heard of it but aren’t sure what it means. In contrast, in Malta, 81% are fully aware of Europride, and only 10% are unsure about its significance.

Country-specific results reveal notable differences. Respondents in Malta (91%) are the most aware of Europride, followed by Sweden and Slovenia (both 78%) and Latvia (77%). In comparison, Germany (40%) ranks lowest in awareness, followed by France (44%) and Bulgaria (46%).

Regarding a deeper understanding of Europride, Malta again leads with 81% knowing both the event and its meaning, followed by Sweden (64%) and Latvia and Slovenia (55%). At the lower end, just 20% in Romania, 21% in Poland, and 23% in Germany are fully aware of Europride.

Across the EU, Europride awareness has risen by an average of three percentage points since 2021, when it was the second most recognised awareness-raising event.

Respondents were also asked about their awareness of other EU days dedicated to combating discrimination. These included the EU’s Roma Week, which promotes Roma integration; the Access City Award, recognising cities that improve accessibility for people with disabilities and the elderly; and Equal Pay Day, a symbolic effort to highlight the ongoing gender pay gap in Europe. Among Maltese respondents, 22% were aware of Roma Week, 55% knew about the Access City Award, and 33% were aware of Equal Pay Day.

The questions were part of a wider survey which assessed perceptions in member states about justice, rights and values in the EU.