Smartcity contractors say they finished their work ‘ahead of time’
Ballut Blocks Services Ltd and Bonnici Bros Ltd present documents in Courts in which they refute Smartcity’s allegations that the contracted work was not delivered on time.
The BV Joint Venture presented documents in which Smartcity offered them acceleration costs after they finished the work earlier then planned, according to Sunday newspaper Illum.
“In a letter of 5 August 2010, the Engineer on behalf of the Employer made an offer to the Contractor for acceleration costs. This offer was without any reservations or condition and constitutes an admission and confirmation by the Employer and the Engineer that Contractor finished the work ahead of time,” a document seen by Illum reads.
“It is contradictory now for the Employer to claim for delays.”
Illum also reports that Smartcity’s claim that the work was not delivered on time contradicts with what government has been saying all along: that the Smartcity project was on time.