Joe 'Peppi' Azzopardi coached JPO before 2008 elections

When repeatedly questioned in court this morning Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando revealed that PBS broadcaster Joe Azzopardi had been assigned by the Nationalist Party to coach him before his appearance as a ‘journalist’ on PBS against Alfred Sant

Nationalist backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was appearing as a witness in a case instituted by Richard Cachia Caruana against Saviour Balzan as managing editor of MaltaToday.

In his testimony, Pullicino Orlando confirmed that he was following instructions before the 2008 elections as instructed by Cachia Caruana and former PN secretary-general Joe Saliba.

In court Pullicino Orlando was asked by Balzan’s defence lawyer Toni Abela to mention the name of the person who had coached him. Last week in an interview with Josanne Cassar, Pullicino Orlando had mentioned he had been coached before being issued with a temporary press card to appear as a 'journalist' for PN media house Media.Link at PBS. He did not mention who the person was.

Pullicino Orlando admitted in court that it was Where's Everybody director Joe 'Peppi' Azzopardi who had coached him.

Azzopardi hosts the Friday show Xarabank on state TV and is also one of the directors of the media company Where’s Everybody. Azzopardi has always argued that he is independent and has no political agenda.

JPO’s revelation is the first confirmation that Azzopardi is involved in rehearsing Nationalist politicians, a rumour that was never proven before.

JPO did not say if Richard Cachia Caruana or Joe Saliba had instructed Joe Azzopardi to coach JPO. Azzopardi’s critics have always accused the TV presenter of being biased in favour of the Gonzi administration.

At least the floaters should keep these dirty tactics and shrewd maneuvering when it comes to casting their vote. If they don't want to keep on living an illusion created by the free masons for their sole benefit, than the floaters know what choice they should be making now.
Make sure you pay your TV licenses so that the Dardir Malta can pay peppi 7,000 euros a week. Corruption and injustice is well paid in Malta. As long as the people are willing to accept this state of affairs - it will go on. For myself, when I was in an establishment and they have Xarabank showing - i told them that I was there to relax and not watch garbage - and they were nice enough to switch to switch channel. I would have simply walked out anyways and left whatever was order on the table rather than watch garbage. I practically have no idea which local channels there are and what they show by now and I am far better informed at what goes on that people who tune in to local channels. The way i see it - i can usually pick the truth when i am not being bombarded with lies.
O you lot of power broking gnomes, it will soon be your turn to have your fill of shame.Engorge yourself while you can and whilst your foreskin gets uncovered for all to see. The vote is now in the hands of the Maltese who will soon come around to let you fall in utter disgrace and drought and famine will follow the current PBS cornucopia bonanza. With apologies Habakkuk verse 2:16
Isabelle Borg
Suggett interessanti ghal fuq xarabank, x'tahseb Pepp?
Eh ħija dawn dejjem għedew fil-ħmieġ! Il-ħembet, Terinu, faxxiżmu, daqqiet ta' stalletti lil Ġorġ, bombi wara bibien in-nies, u l-lum plusijiet u xarabankijiet etc..etc.. etc...etc...
Sur Demartini tafa listorja ta Terinu int?
Ta kafkaf dawk wahedhom idabbru rashom. Kollha fuq in NET jispiccaw.
Are you still stating that your are an independent journalist Pep? U jriduna nhallsu il licenzja lil PBS xwicc tost ghandhom. Ihallasa Peppi u tac cingi jekk iridu.
jiena haga wahda biss nixtieq inkun naf....jekk jitla L-PL lil dan u lil siehbu tac-cingi ser jikaxxkruhom il-barra miTVM jew le? Clear reply please.
Surprise ,Surprise ,Surprise This confirms how Peppi`s views are .And we are made to believe that PBS are neutral?????
And the plot thickens.
And the plot thickens.
The sound of silence from the so-called PBS Editorial Board (hilarious title) is staggering. Today's evidence in court proves what we have all known for a year or more. PBS is biased, biased, biased. How can anyone think otherwise?!
titolbux iktar ghar rizenji pls. lanqas haqq il hela ta hin .
Zack Depasquale
Min sejjer jirrezenja jew ma jhalliex wiccu jidher aktar
Has anyone doubt Peppi's loyalty? Pepp do you believe that God exists? If yes mur qerr ghand Joe Borg and you should not have any problem at all! If you do not, well, join your buddy and show us another comedy of sadanisim. All I can say to those who pay TV lincence are either indipendenti like Peppi or bhahen! Hemm xi hadd fil PBS li baqghalu nitfa zejt f wiccu? Of course not!!! Qum ja poplu qum!
This is nothing new. Maybe EFA has something to say? Doesn't it ring a bell? Partit tal maniggi minn taht. What I cannot understand is how someone like JPO is still riding the same boat. It is a pity because I am sure there are many out there who have a lot of admiration for him.
Hadd wara hadd tassal ta' kulhadd.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Please Peppi speak up.. or are you still discussing your reply to this accusation which I presume was made under oath?!!
Mario Pace
Fejn hu Sur ghandux x'jikkumenta fuq dan it-tbazwir kollu. Jew ma jghoddx hal widnejh. Iva il-PL hziena u il-PN qaddisin. Hekka veru qaddisin......
Oh dear. No wonder TVM has gone down the toilet. This court case is a better soap opera than Eastenders! lol
nistaqsuh halli iwiegeb
@ bidlafilgvern What you say is all true, bit it is always useful to have confirmation "from the horse's mouth".
This is the biggest non-news of the decade! All who have eyes, ears and a brain can easily understand that the trio Times-Daphne-Where's Everybody are the PN's elite troops, the media "Republican Guards", if you like. During this past week the trio lost its mask: The Times sacking a reporter, Peppi is exposed as coaching PN candidates in a highly controversial event, and Daphne dedicates post after post to a young 20 year old who refuses to be mesmerised by Gonzi's and Gatt's Malta.
Imbasta kollu profezzjonalizmu...ighdilna Pep kemm se titlef jekk ma jitlax il-PN?
what 's the news?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what 's the news?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's the surprise here. We always new who this Peppi is! . We should boycott TVM is he is still there. . TVM what joke you are!
What has always been very evident, except to the blind, is that Peppi is at the service of the PN. He is free to do so, but not on national TV.
ok than thats why when peppi interviews Mr Gonzi its all jokes and smiles and when he does the leader of the opposition its like the gestapo questioning.I remember when he interviewed Mr Alfred Sant the atmosphere in the studio was as cold as ice,the only missing thing was a big spot light in the LP ex leaders face and someone clicking a gun behind his ears. Peppi please do us and yourself a favour leave the political debates to more competent and credible journalists and keep the Xarabank for programes on ghosts and the Eurovision so we can entertain ourselves now that they have removed the comedy channel.
Anton Portelli
tajba pepp! dan hu l-idealizmu li thaddan?!!!!
Mela l-muzajk issa beda jaghalq bil-mod il-mod! How could they not! THEY have everything to loose if their beloved GonziPN is booted out of power. That's explains all the huffing and puffing from the usual vampire bats.