Archbishop Charles Scicluna to lead series of Christmas celebrations
Archbishop Charles Scicluna leading series of celebrations during the Christmas season

Archbishop Charles Scicluna will lead a series of celebrations during the Christmas season, starting on Tuesday and is open to all members of the public.
The festivities will kick off on 24 December, with the archbishop presiding over the First Vespers at 5:15pm at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta. Following this, he will lead the Vigil Mass at the same location.
Later in the evening, at 11:15pm, the Office of Readings, along with Christmas carol singing and a child's sermon, will take place at St Paul’s Cathedral in Mdina.
The highlight of Christmas Eve will be the Midnight Mass, which the archbishop will preside over, with a live broadcast from 11:30pm .
On Christmas Day, Scicluna will celebrate Mass at 9:30am at St Paul’s Cathedral in Mdina, with this service also being broadcasted for those unable to attend in person.
The celebrations continue into the New Year, with a Thanksgiving Mass scheduled for 31 December at 5:45pm at St John’s Co-Cathedral. This Mass will conclude with the singing of the Te Deum and the imparting of a Sacramental Blessing.
On 1 January he will celebrate New Year’s Day Mass at 9:30am at Dar tal-Providenza in Siġġiewi, which will similarly be broadcast live.
Finally, on 5 January Archbishop Scicluna will preside over an Epiphany Mass at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta