Charity telethon raises €1.5 million for Id-Dar tal-Providenza
The traditional fund raising TV marathon, Festa ta’ Ġenerożità, raises €1.5 million for Id-Dar tal-Providenza, a home for persons with a disability

People and companies donated €1,540,278 in cash to Id-Dar tal-Providenza during the traditional New Year’s Day fund raising activity dubbed Festa ta’ Ġenerożità.
Id-Dar tal-Providenza is a church-run home for persons with a disability and this year’s charity marathon coincided with the 60th anniversary of its founding. Last year, the fund raising event had raised €1.4 million.
The 12-hour marathon held on the grounds of the home in Siggiewi was broadcast on all TV stations. The online art auction – paintings, sculptures and ceramics – donated by various Maltese and foreign artists raised €37,158.
Throughout its history, the home has offered permanent residency to 270 persons with disability and others who needed respite services. The home offers personalised services to residents that respect their rights and dignity.
At the end of the marathon, Mgr. Martin Micallef, director of the home augered that the solidarity shown towards Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza on the first day of the new year will continue throughout the year with all those in society who need support.
Inclusion Minister Julia Farrugia donated €25,000 on behalf of the government from the Good Causes Fund.
Parishes in Malta and Gozo organised special collections on new year’s eve and new year’s day that were then presented to Id-Dar tal-Providenza on behalf of their communities.
The marathon kicked off at noon after mass celebrated at the home’s chapel by Archbishop Charles Scicluna.