Ghajn Tuffieha military barracks being restored
Minister views restoration works on Ghajn Tuffieha barracks that were leased to Heritage Parks Federation

The former military barracks at Ghajn Tuffieha are undergoing restoration works and will serve as a visitors’ centre for the area’s heritage park.
"With this project, spaces will be restored that will eventually serve both for the administrative work of the park as well as for educational programmes linked to the natural environment and the historical heritage of the area,” Darren Saliba, Heritage Parks Federation representative said when accompanying Lands Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi on a tour of the works.
Saliba, who has been taking care of the park for the past 15 years, said the renovated rooms would be equipped with necessary facilities to host various educational and recreational activities.
The Għajn Tuffieħa Barracks were leased by the Lands Authority to the Heritage Parks Federation. The renovation project is being carried out in collaboration with Din l-Art Ħelwa and Nature Trust.
Minister Zrinzo Azzopardi said this initiative is part of a broader effort by the Lands Authority to collaborate with local councils and NGOs on similar regeneration projects across Malta.
"As the Ministry for Lands it is our duty to see that these historical sites which are the property of the government, are restored and regenerated for the benefit of the community," Zrinzo Azzopardi said.