Anti-divorce figureheads say emails were stolen, not leaked

Muscat emails | Anti-divorce movement say their private correspondence had been stolen, not leaked to the press.

The members of the anti-divorce movement Le are claiming their email correspondence was stolen when it was leaked and published by the press back in April 2011.

In the wake of a police complaint by the former acting editor of Church radio RTK into the leak of her private correspondence with Labour leader Joseph Muscat to the Nationalist media, the members of the anti-divorce movement are saying that Muscat should answer for the way their “stolen” emails were leaked to General Workers Union weekly It-Torca.

Referring to Muscat’s comments on Bondiplus on Monday that the ‘divorce emails’ were not stolen but leaked, Andre Camilleri, Fr Joe Borg, Ray Baldacchino, Lawrence Zammit and Arthur Galea Salomone have denied having leaked their group emails.

“On the contrary these emails, which were our private property, were stolen in an illicit manner and ended up being published by it-Torca and MaltaToday and broadcast by One TV and One Radio.

“We are of the opinion that Dr Muscat should provide to the Police any information he may have as to how stolen emails ended up in the hands of it-Torca, One TV and One Radio.”

The divorce emails contained a discussion in which media studies lecturer Fr Joe Borg suggested that parish chaplains forward them a list of separated couples and children from broken marriages to “speak intelligently” against a law on divorce.

Borg denied this was a reference to minors, but that it was important to give a voice to those “more vulnerable” to know what they think of the proposed divorce legislation.

Muscat has insisted that his private email correspondence with journalist Sabrina Agius were stolen. Agius asked the police to investigate the theft of her emails, citing a breach of the Computer Misuse Act.

Muscat said that Nathaniel Attard’s – the head of Net News – argument that he did not procure the emails in any illegal manner was not justified: “The police hold me responsible if I buy a stolen television, even though I wasn’t the one who stole it,” Muscat said.

@issa naraw What a crappy excuse, still doesn't explain that they did not mention it earlier when it was important. It could have given them victory yet they mentioned nothing. Go tell it to the marines.
Helenio Galea
fehmawvuci, the reason is pretty darn obvious. They had put it aside and moved on. It wouldn't have come up again were it not for the Joseph Muscat mess.
This case too has to be investigated. . The evil attitude that personal email can be looked into and published at will has to stop. . It appears that a lot of people are at fault, however the sad situation is that there is no independent authority. They are either blue or red. . So the reality of the situation is "so sad so bad never mind"; Welcome to the Congo. .
It seems that the curia regime is going to take an active part in the coming elections.
There are TWO questions for these PUPAZZI DELLA CURIA. (1) Why did these hypocrites take 6 months to issue these statements? (2) Are they convinced that two wrongs make it right? What a sick society that tries to defend illegal activities by distorting the truth, all in the name of a fascist regime.
Lucas North, actually you are right but the other way round: Whistle blowing is always right (not wrong as you imply) but you are spot on when saying that what's good for the goose is good good the gander. But obviously the gander will only complain when it's him and not the goose who's in the pot! That's human (and avian) nature after all. Hey! Am I the only one to note that the CAPTCHA Math question is getting harder each time I post ? Is this some sort of numerus clausus to keep the stupid ones like me out of this message board ? LOL.
you chaps are a bit pathetic... so if the MLP does it is fine but if the MLP is on the receiving end then it is the end of the world. Just accept the fact that this is wrong irrelevant who does it... be it MLP, GonziPN, RTK, catholic church and whoever.. It was wrong in this case, wrong in the case of the divorce chaps, wrong in the case of Censu Galea, wrong in the case of BWSC and wrong in all cases where emails have been leaked, hacked into, stolen etc Just be consistent and not pinnuri skond ir rih u skond min jaghmilhom...
Luke Camilleri
Morru orqdu, ja laqgha tal-Gvern tal-Gurnata!
Its too late now, why did.nt they say so 5 months ago; they have an axe to grind? Someone fro Pieta pulled the string on the puppets?
mela dawn il purcinelli ghadom jesistu wara tkaxkira li hadu
why do I have this funny feeling that someone from high up pulled their string to go parroting, after yesterday's performance by Joseph muscat ?? I wonder
The whole anti divorce campaign was just a ONE BIG LIE ! Why Should we believe them now ! U halluna dawn ma' kienux illikwidaw il moviment ? imsomma kor shih ghandna li qed jedded id demokrazija f'pajjizna bil knisja komplici !!!
These five guys remind me of an old two liri note I recently found in a drawer (you know the one with the late Ms Agatha Barbara). Why? Well I thought they had gone out of circulation long ago and then they just popped up from nowhere!!
"Ready when you are maestro". The orchestra is ready to play to the tune of the PN. All they need is someone to pull the strings and presto, the music begins.
Both these cases should be weighed according to the nature of the allegedly "purloined" information. In the Muscat/ Agius case the information derived from the email correspondence is not really as "hot" as it has been made out to be. The claims made by the PN and its sympathisers are blatantly contrived and over-blown. In this instance the plan is clear...merely another futile attempt at mud slinging. The Muscat/ Agius emails are actually quite harmless. On the other hand the Le Movement emails are anything but. They cast an interesting light as to how Conservative Catholic movements in Malta try to manipulate modern media and the ubiquitous nationwide network of Church establishments in order to retain their considerable hold on society. I see nothing morally wrong in exposing this "saintly" behaviour to the general public. No attempt was made in this instance to interpret what was written in the emails, as was done in the Muscat/ Agius case. The Le Movement emails stand on their own as a clear example of the machinations underpinning the PN - Conservative Catholic alliance still determined to do its best to cast its shadow over the future of our country.
Both these cases should be weighed according to the nature of the allegedly "purloined" information. In the Muscat/ Agius case the information derived from the email correspondence is not really as "hot" as it has been made out to be. The claims made by the PN and its sympathisers are blatantly contrived and over-blown. In this instance the plan is clear...merely another futile attempt at mud slinging. The Muscat/ Agius emails are actually quite harmless. On the other hand the Le Movement emails are anything but. They cast an interesting light as to how Conservative Catholic movements in Malta try to manipulate modern media and the ubiquitous nationwide network of Church establishments in order to retain their considerable hold on society. I see nothing morally wrong in exposing this "saintly" behaviour to the general public. No attempt was made in this instance to interpret what was written in the emails, as was done in the Muscat/ Agius case. The Le Movement emails stand on their own as a clear example of the machinations underpinning the PN - Conservative Catholic alliance still determined to do its best to cast its shadow over the future of our country.
Why come out now with this piece of information, they spent €250,000 in propaganda, they mobilised anything that came to mind , would they have us believe they did not report the theft out of some fair play. These people only show their true colours, they came out now to defend gonziPN's media nothing else.
Adrian Busuttil
And they've decided to hold a press conference about their allegations now because...? . The church must truly believe that the Maltese man (and woman) in the street to be a complete bumpkin. . I suggest that the church raises the level of it's arguments a notch higher so that at least kindergarten children don't feel their intelligence is being insulted.
Why did they not report the theft to the police?
Then they should do what Agius did and file a police report. Of course such a report should have been filed right away, not so many months later, but that is how police investigations start - with a police report. . However keep in mind that the more people are involved in a conversation, the more difficult it is to keep a secret. In Muscat's case it was a private conversation between two persons. In the divorce case it seems to have been more of a group discussion. In fact, some question that should be asked are, was anyone else other than the individuals mentioned above, ever included in these conversations? Did any of them ever forward the emails to anyone else in order to inform them of the ongoing plans? It only takes one person.
Are we realy living in a DEMOCRACY pr in a legalised Dictatorship??