Work on implementation of electronic monitoring reaches advanced phase
Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri says victims is being prioritised in setting up of electronic monitoring system

Preparatory work for the implementation of electronic monitoring has reached an advanced stage, the government announced on Saturday.
"The way we are proposing this change and the way we have worked on it, we are always keeping the victim in mind," said Minister for Home Affairs Byron Camilleri during a recent visit to observe the testing process.
The electronic monitoring law was presented in Parliament by the Minister for Home Affairs, Security and Employment Byron Camilleri. A bill that will allow electronic tagging on people convicted of certain offences was approved unanimously in parliament last January.
He said the electronic monitoring system will bring about an important change in the areas of justice and correctional services in Malta.
Minister Camilleri emphasised the reform is the result of extensive consultation and legal analysis, including the examination of court rulings.
The minister also announced that, “this change follows other important steps such as the establishment of the agency for victims of crime, because we wanted to have structures that protect the victim first and foremost.”
He stressed that while rehabilitation remains a crucial element, the primary focus is on creating a more secure system in specific circumstances.
Minister Byron Camilleri concluded this reform will lead to a stronger and more secure system in specific circumstances.