Income tax revenue decreases in first two months

Figures released by the National Statistics Office show that in the first two months government finances registered a deficit of €95m • Income tax receipts decreased by €179m

Income tax changes that left more money in people's pockets came into force in January (File photo)
Income tax changes that left more money in people's pockets came into force in January (File photo)

Income tax revenue decreased by €179 million in the first two months, figures out today show.

The National Statistics Office said on Monday that recurrent revenue amounted to just over €1 billion between January and February. This represented a decline of €103.8 million over the same period last year.

The NSO said the largest drop was recorded under income tax – a decline of €179 million when compared to the same period last year. Other declines were registered in grants (-€37.1m) and rents (-€2.9m).

However, these decreases were partially offset by higher receipts from social security contributions (+€34.1m), VAT (+€32.4m) and miscellaneous receipts (+€23.2m).

Total expenditure from January to February stood at €1.2 billion, €142.6 million higher than the previous year.

This reflected higher outlays on programmes and initiatives (+€63.3m), contributions to government entities (+€57.1m) and salaries (+€31.3m).

The interest component of the public debt servicing costs totalled €47.4 million, an increase of €6.2 million when compared to the previous year.

Additionally, the NSO said that by the end of February, government’s capital spending amounted to €38.6 million, €23.6 million lower than the same period in 2024. Lower spending was registered under road construction and improvements (-€14.4 million), property, plant and equipment (-€5.3 million) and maritime facilities (-€3.9 million).

The difference between total revenue and expenditure resulted in a deficit of €95 million at the end of February. By the end of the same month last year, government finances had reported a surplus of €151.4 million.

At the end of February, central government debt stood at €10.9 billion, an increase of €859.1 million when compared to 2024.