Malta’s deficit to decrease, Opposition offers no solutions, says PM

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says the Opposition leader’s only intent is to discredit government despite the “best EU certificates” Malta receives.

Addressing a political activity in Qormi, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi reiterated that government will remain focused on giving the people what they need.

“Next Tuesday’s confidence vote in Parliament will confirm the confidence this government enjoys and from there we will continue moving forward in the best interest of this country,” Gonzi said.

Received by cheers as the PN activists chanted out his name, Gonzi said that the Opposition leader only wanted to confuse, criticise, and discredit the certificates government receives by the European Union.

“We have been three years waiting for the Opposition leader to come out with proposals. The only concrete proposal we have seen so far is of Muscat telling a journalist to spy on her employer.”

Referring to the immigration problem, Gonzi said that Muscat only proposed that Malta should send back the asylum seekers from where they came from: “He told us to do what the Italians were doing. During the Libyan crisis, while the rest of us were faced with serious problems and finding solutions, we realise that Muscat was only writing emails.”

Gonzi said Muscat did not care and did not feel it was important that he (Gonzi) was participating with euro zone and world leaders to try and find a solution to the financial crisis: “15 days ago I met with the foreign leaders to try and find a solution to the euro zone crisis. We spent till 4am in Brussels discussing the issue. But this obviously means nothing for Muscat.”

Gonzi also hit out at former Prime Minister Alfred Sant who, Gonzi said, was more interested in delaying the ratification of the EFSF and the EU bailout measures when the rest of the world “was waiting for us”.

“But then again, Sant was the one who froze Malta’s application to join the European Union. And he has remained frozen since then.”

Gonzi said that this only goes to show that Labour is still sceptical about Malta’s accession to the EU.

“The public expects perseverance, discipline and determination. And we promise we will continue to do our duty and deliver what the people expect until the end.”

Referring to the upcoming Budget, the Prime Minister said environment, energy, education, the family and creation of jobs would be the priority.

“What is my first interest? Family. What is the interest of the Labour Party? Winning the general elections,” Gonzi said.

“Muscat said that he has calculations that would lead to the reduction of electricity bills. I challenge him to come forward and publish them in the national interest.”

Gonzi said that Muscat should give the guarantee that he would still be able to keep the utility bills low, even if the international oil prices spike.

“How do you guarantee that you will not lead us in the same situation Greece is in, Mr Opposition Leader?” the PM said.

He went on to say that the budget would reflect how a Nationalist government plans long term and not for the general elections.

“We are not a rich country but we are doing our utmost to reduce the deficit. In fact, we will be announcing that Malta will be one of the few countries that managed to bring down its deficit under the 3%, despite the international crisis.

“Other countries wish to be us, to be able to announce that they reduced their deficit. We will manage to obtain this result by the end of the year with the measures that the Labour Party opposed. But, at the end of the day, we have secured results.”

Gonzi said that Budget 2012 would continue creating jobs: “We are the party which creates jobs and we will continue doing so.”

Malta’s deficit to decrease--- Oh yes- and how MANY times have we heard Gonzi preach this bit of fantasy
If Dr Gonzi is so confident why doesn't he blow the whistle for a snap election? It would be the ideal way to get rid of those backbenchers who are giving him such a big headache. Of, course he will not do this because he is not sure of the end result.
“Next Tuesday’s confidence vote in Parliament will confirm the confidence this government enjoys. Wow Mr.Gonzi Your Government does nor even enjoy the confidence of its own members. Tuesday vote is just some kind of assurance that your own MP will not throw you out before this coming Christmas.An insecure man is always looking for some support.
I think what Gonzi is saying to Muscat regarding the utility bills is's easy to say that they shouldn't go up. However Gonzi is being manifestly cynical when he says:the Opposition offers no solutions! How can a Government let the Opposition apply their "solutions" when they are in opposition? they don't. It's only when an opposition becomes Government that they can offer solutions!!! Of course Gonzi is applying the old tactic - make them look like whingers with no solutions etc etc. Of course the Opposition needs to start ramping up the rhetoric inclusive of their policies and clearly articulate how they differ from what the Government is doing now.
Gonzi said that Muscat should give the guarantee that he would still be able to keep the utility bills low, even if the international oil prices spike. “How do you guarantee that you will not lead us in the same situation Greece is in, Mr Opposition Leader?” the PM said. . Can you give those guarantees Mr gonzi ?
We don't expect the deficit to decrease Dr gonzi you promised a surplus by 2010 whta happened? . Lieing gets you no where and hollow promises get you derision,ridicule and contempt.
Gonzi said he was participating with other European leaders to find solutions for the current crisis. Does he expect us to believe him, he cannot find solutions domestically how can we believe that he the ever Super Gonzi has helped to find solutions on an international basis. If the advice offered equals that on the Arriva bus routes given by TM the European leaders are in for a very big surprise. Hallina tridx
Paul Sammut
“15 days ago I met with the foreign leaders to try and find a solution to the euro zone crisis. We spent till 4am in Brussels discussing the issue." says Dr Gonzi. It sounds as if he was giving advice to Angela and Sarky and they took note. As if... U mela le. Din lanqas Kate ma tiiblahha.
You spent till 4AM-in Brussels discussing the issue ."My foot", everybody knows that Merkel & Sarkozy are dictating everything you do on the crises.They want taxpayers to cover their financial crimes. This is just another case, of save the rich, because they got GREEDY.
GONZIPN you told PL that you don`t want to hear their opinion,now that you have your back against the wall and your leader AUSTIN is telling you to say these things, now you want PL`s opinion,after all with your PAR IDEJN SODI you managed to generate e4 billion in depth,destroyed Maltese families with heavy electricity bills,and managed to make a web of corruption that is second to none in the whole world. You GONZI and your friends got e500 a week raise and now you expect help from low can you get. PL will help you off course,but after the election to throw you out of your reigning podium from Castille.
Further to this article, and other snap shot articles, I see some very serious trouble coming our (Malta-s) way. . What I fear most is that we are prepared for absolutely nothing. .
Here we go again. The official deficit seems to be on the decrease. However who is going to pay for the additional deficit currently deposited in the Gov agencies? What about KM? Hallina Gonz!
Europe's debt crisis will not go away. We are all in for the long haul.It will be at least another ten years before we will start to go out of it. Angela Merkel's words,not mine. Thank you Eddie. Did some one mutter that Alfred Sant was right?
Enjoy it while it lasts for its not going to last long Gonzi. ** You will be swept from power at the next election. ** Call an election now if you dare Gonzi. ** Do it or are you a chicken?
@Solidarity If I were you I'd get my figures right first before babbling out nonsense
Gonzi you are preaching to your chicken brained herd who believe everything you say. Getting a dose of ego booster after your poor performance last Friday? Surely you don't believe you morally won the day by the speaker's vote. As a lawyer you would twist the facts and say you did but in your heart of hearts you know you didn't. Just the look on your face once you exited parliament shows what a jovial mood you all were in!!!!
It is CRIMINAL when this Gonzi administration aided by the fascist media continues to camouflage the dire straits this little irrelevant island has been exposed to. Consider the following. (1) It is Criminal when you have a government that continues to raise and collect taxes but gives the citizens nothing in return. The deficit and national debt are still out of control so that the corruption and collusion within Transport Malta & Enemalta fatten the bank accounts of the cabals within this GONZIPN administration, while the citizens must put up with inferior services for transportation and energy. (2) It is Criminal when you have an administration that protects and collude with incompetent or corrupt civil employees and business agents whose main aim is to get rich at the detriment of the state with questionable practices. (3) It is Criminal when you have an administration that has been acting in parliament like a medieval comedy show while millions are spent on commissions, committees, investigations and consultantions full of nepotism that all lead to nowhere. (4) It is Criminal when Maltese Tax Payers Money and EU Funds are being lavishly directed towards those who has the inside edge while there has been no Anti-Corruption Reports, TAX Auditing and Accountability to the EU. MR. PRIME MINISTER THIS ABUSE OF POWER AND MISUSE OF STATE ASSETS ARE AGAINST THE LAW AND THE MALTESE PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT TO BRING THESE ACTIONS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE COURTS IN BRUSSELS.
Don't be fooled by all the PM's sweet talk, fluttery and self-praise. It is evident now that Dr Gonzi and Co. are only interested in retaining their grip on power. Nothing more and nothing less.
apologies they took power 30 years ago 1987
When the PN took power in 1997 the PN found no maltese debt and did not need to lowe any deficits. They sent and spent for 30 years still spending and after selling all maltese assets we have 4 billion euro of debts. Can Gonzi tell us where he is getting the money for the parliament? It was a simple question Joseph muscat placed to him and he gave no answer. Perhaps by keeping my tariffs high? Can Gonzi tell us to the detriment of who did all ministers take 500 euro rise weekly? Selfish government making himself richer and the country power