MUT research reveals negative feedback over college system reform

Main findings reveal that 54% think the reform is not filtering down to students while 70% feel that the college system has placed increased pressure on schools to perform and deliver.

A survey conducted the Malta Union of Teachers among college principals, members of school senior management teams and personnel in the various teaching grades revealed that 54% do not agree that the reforms are actually filtering down to students.

The survey was carried among 5,139 stakeholders, with a response rate of 29%.

MUT said that since the college reform was launched, it show concerns on many issues. “Following the initiation of the pilot project at St Bendedict’s College, we have repeatedly asked for results. Despite passing months, not only we did not receive any results, but we had to commission an academic study to have a realistic view of the results of this reform,” it said.

MUT said that the findings “fully reflect the concerns and principles of the Union and proved that we had been right on various issues.”

It went on to say that the survey revealed lack of consultation with teachers, majority of teachers are in favour of reform but have seen an increase in bureaucracy, while too many reforms are taking place at the same time.

The respondents also said there has been an increase in paper work and administrational work, while there seem to be no time for the senior management team to carry out curricular duties.

Positive feedback

According to the main findings, 46% feel that the college system has resulted in more logistic collaboration and cooperation in terms of sharing of resources among schools in a college, while 56% feel that the system has rendered schools more inclusive in the general sense of the word.

70% feel that it has placed increased pressure on schools to perform and deliver and 40% feel that the several reforms are much needed and long overdue.

In all, 69% were in favour of the system, 94% in favour of the setting, 87% in favour of benchmarking and 83% in favour of new forms of assessment.

Negative feedback 

Based on the data sent by the Union, negative feedback far outweighed positive feedback sent by the respondents. The majority, 54% do not agree that the reforms are actually filtering down to students, as 53% do not feel that the reforms are resulting in a better quality education for all children.

69% feel that the many reforms are negatively affecting teachers’ work in class, while 82% feel that they have not been adequately consulted about the reforms.

76% feel that they are not being properly prepared for the reforms.

82% complained that their voices are not being heard and 89% agree that there are too many reforms taking place at the same time. In fact, 67% do not agree that the pace of implementation is reasonable.

66% do not agree that the abolition of streaming was a good decision as 49% agree that the new system has given rise to unhealthy competition among colleges.

Of the several reforms the two which personnel feel most uncertain about is mixed ability teaching (64%) and new assessment practices (61%). 

71% admit that they have not been properly prepared to teach a mixed ability class and89% feel that the student load in a mixed ability class should be 15 or less.

60% also admitted their work is not giving them any satisfaction when compared to how they felt five years ago. 58% say they do not feel happier. 88% also feel that work load pressure has increased.

Bus Reform, Smart City, Smart technologies, City gate project, now we talk about schools and college reforms. All these reforms are just a distraction from focusing on the real issues which are very serious! This goverment will go down in the hall of fame and history for its tragic reforms! Why reform a system that is already working well! Better to refine it or improve it than a complete overhaul! This college reform should be scrapped with immediate effect and the directors of education responsible for such atrocities in education should be fired from their jobs withouth a second thought!!!