Task force prioritises public transport during rush hour

First task force meeting decides to give public transport priority over traffic during the morning rush hour.

The Prime Minister’s public transport reform task force has decided to give priority to public transport during rush hour (between 6:30am and 9am) to alleviate problems that have been created with the new public transport service.

This will be achieved by a plan of action to be designed by the Police, Transport Malta and the Armed Forces following consultation with Arriva.

“The plan of action will include proposals and analysis of possibilities of bus priority lanes and other measures.”

The parties have been given a week to prepare the action plan, which will also include monitoring of the situation.

The task force also agreed that Arriva should continue enhancing its route managing structure.

“Prioritising public transport during rush hour goes hand in hand with the government’s policy to safeguard environment by promoting alternate use of transport,” government said in a statement.

Meeting for the first time, the task force was made up by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, Transport Minister Austin Gatt, Justice Ministry Carm Mifsud Bonnici, Parliamentary Secretary Chris Said, the Police Commissioner, the Commander of the Armed Forces of Malta and other members of the police force, Transport Malta and Arriva.

The task force came into being on a decision by the Prime Minister when the Transport Minister was faced with a confidence motion in Parliament. Gatt had been saved by the Speaker’s casting vote.

A second meeting will be held next week.

mf. Exercise has nothing to do with the bus system. First of all the Govt shud make a straight forward apology to the public. Secondly change all bus routes as they were B4, so that "Arriva" will get some respect from the consumer. Eventually introduce changes.
I fully support this - many times it takes approximately 15 minutes to get from the Kullegg stop around the roundabout to Rue d'Argens. Each car usually has one person driving and that's it. If Gonzi really wanted to push this reform he should restrict the number of cars each family can own. A two person family (each with a car) who each drive separately to work is absolutely ridiculous and is found no where in the world but here. Let's set a smart example for the rest of the EU and wider world to follow and show them that the Maltese can get the job done better. P.S. Its unfair on the bus riders to have to put up with the selfish attitudes of the single car users when we have to get to work and are in a hurry.
Sur Gonzipn Qabel xejn grazzi talli kkonfermajt in-nuqqas ta' fiducja li ghandek f'Mr F Wanker, the one and only Mt Ring Master himself. Issa inti ddecidejt li tmexxi Task Force. J'Alla jkollok success AKTAR milli kellek fil-MEPA. Biss ikolli nghid li diga bdejt fuq pass zopp!! Lit-trasport pubbliku mhux ittieh PRECEDENZA fuq il-kumplament tal-karozzo (privati) fit-triq trid. Li trid huwa li TOBBLIGA lill kuntrattur izid il-frekwenza tas-servizz halli f'qasir zmien mijiet ta' haddiema (u allura anqas karozzi privati jigru fit-toroq) isibu ruhom fejn jixtieq FIL-HIN. X'jonqos taghmlulhom lill tal-Arriva? Iva, halli nghidlek x'taghmel. Wahlilhom serena tal-vetturi tal-emergenza!! Ghaliex lill tal-buses l-antiki QATT ma' ghamiltulom dak li qed taghmlu lill Arriva? Mela dawn mhux taht l-istess kundizzjonijiet ta' traffiku fit-toroq KIENU joperaw? Prosit sur Gonzi. Ibqa' sejjer hekk forsi jibdew jirreferu ghalik bhala il-Jack of all trades imma master of none!! Ara tergax tiehu Eur500 ohra zieda tafx!!
So what`s the difference between a person going to work on a bus and another person using his private car. This certainly is not the solution GONZ. Solution is to have direct buses to Valletta like they were before,and buses that travel from A to B not from A -C - D then B. It`s easy GONZ,why did you have to bring in the Armed Forces too ? Are we under attack ?
buy a good pair of trainers and start walking.. part driving or bus rest walk. guess we are too pampered. not that the bus system has not turned into a nightmare, but complaining doesnt help either. so what open options do we have? A: create a peoples task force and present to the press a realistic solution B : change our life styles and add more physical activity where ever possible ( as there are restrictions to elders and less able persons) . but moaning and grumbling makes us really a sad lot and no government will be ever able to change our demented attitude. so folks wake up and come up with ideas that function ,at the end for our own benefit. stop thinking with this colonial mentality, that the government , any government,should take care of our nappy changing. simply GROW UP. !!!
Peress li ghndna autobahns tarax! forzsi il Gonz ra xo kartoon ta xi Watsons! Kemm jahsibna cwiec. I demand a rebate of the car licence as I pay the monopolistic state imposed rate and then I am restricted......
Darba kien hemm wieħed li kiteb hekk: It is a good thing to follow the first law of holes; if you are in one, stop digging. Milli jidher it-task force dwar it-trasport pubbliku u min qed imexxiha qatt ma semgħuha din!!
Are we criminals because we do not use public transport? Is gonzi going to wait as well in the car queue for the buses to pass or is he going to use his escort to bypass all of us? First you created this mess and now you want to punish us further. Isa vvotawlu fl-elezzjoni li gejja!! P.S. fenea ifrah la twelidt iblah!!
i had a growing suspicion that gonzi is slowly going bonkers, but this beats the lot. It's already hell on the roads during rush hours; what does he want to do ? keep us at home ? why doesn't he and his minsiters travel on arriva and maybe they might come up with some brilliant idea ? why not hire the SAS and while we are at it, maybe get green beret or two ? I shudder to think what will happen if we have a real emergency on our hands. Safe pair of hands ? even the marines do not believe it any more
I don't know if this is a joke or a tug at my feet.....sometime back someone posted this comment on my blog (whcih I am reproducing, about the pigheadedness of Minister Gatt and his sidekick; http://andrewazzopardi.org/2011/11/09/the-pigheadedness-of-minister-austin-gatt-and-his-sidekick-manwel-delia/ This is where we ended up, the PM heading a reform that started back in July and the worse thing about all of this is that people have lost all hope that the Public transport will ever manage to make a comeback....
L-Arriva ghandha tbiddel l-emblema u taghmila "GRANC" Hekk sejjer it-trasport publiku Stage No 1169 , fil-ghodu mis-sitta u kwart u fosi 30 minuta wara tigi il bus Din hija is-serjeta Hon Dr Gonzi Bqajna bla bus stop bejn ix-xayy u il-Knijsa ta' l-Inglizi Fejn huma is-60 u is 63, jew ghar-residenti ta tas-Sliema mhux sejjrin jigu bhal ma kienu Nispera lil partit Nazzjonalista ma igibx vot wiehed la ta kunsilli lokali u lanqas fl-elezzjoni general Isthu jekk tafu kif
Mhux maltese gemgem fenea, imma azzjoni hitlerjana min naha ta Gonzi. Mela ghax issa ghandu task force ifisser li kullmin isuq vetturi privati ghandu xi haga anqas minn min jirkeb l Arriva? Where on this planet are these types of situations handled in such arrogant and blatantly incompetent manner
Mela dawn gabu karozzi daqsxix u minghajr ma raw it-traffic u it-toroq Maltin kif ikunu fir-rush hour? Dan planning medjokri u tal-pruzunzjonii kien mhux planning avant-garde! Liema survey ghamlu biex jaraw x'irridu il-passiggieri Maltin? Dawn huma kollha elimentari u ghalhekk il-big mouths ghamlu froga li ma tista qatt titiekel! Task force? Ic-cajta tal-gimgha!
these people are fu**ing lunatics or what?!!!!!!!..............gonzi should go and find a good greek and treat him well!!..............dawn x hasbuwna imbeccili???
maltese gemgem
I think this is going too far and it is simply ridiculous .Should we call also the navy seals.A few years back they narrowed the roads e.g.Mount Carmel Hospital area,now are they going to remove the wide central strip again?And where the roads have only one lane what are they going to do?
Wow - great f***ing idea. Solve the problem by obstructing further car drivers. Its not enough that when we buy a car it cost double what it costs abroad because of taxes and its not enough that we pay the highest fuel fees in Europe and then drive on some of the more shitty roads in same said place. Yes - fix the problem by taking in on us the drivers. VERY F**ing avant garde!!!
A bus lane in Mrabat/Rudolf streets- simply brilliant.