Draft national children’s policy launched

The 91-page policy aims to adopt a holistic, integrated approach to promote child-focused programmes and actions.

Education Minister Dolores Cristina today launched the draft national children's policy
Education Minister Dolores Cristina today launched the draft national children's policy

After years of discussions calling for a Children's Policy, Education Minister Dolores Cristina today launched the Draft National Children's Policy for public consultation.

The draft policy - with the slogan Proud of our Childhood - has been produced in two forms: one for adults and a shorter version for children. It also includes comments from children who were consulted during the writing of the draft policy.

"It is important for children to feel they can benefit from the policy and that is why they have been given the opportunity to be heard," Crisitna said.

She added that "children are fully fledged individuals with all the dynamics to be treated as human beings."

"I urge anyone with a constructive view on this important subject to come forward and to make it known," the Minister said.

The 91-page policy aims to adopt a holistic, integrated approach to promoting child-focused programmes and actions. Children's views are not only going to be recorded but also taken into account.

The draft focuses on ten principles: best interests, mainstreaming, well-being, participation, inclusion, accessibility, protection, families, accountability and sustainability.

Cristina said that each principle has a number of key policy recommendations; with the document aiming to produce an overall co-ordination of policy towards children through mainstreaming children's needs and endeavouring to guarantee a cross-departmental commitment towards the achievement of the objectives and principles set out.

"This approach requires all parties involved in the areas concerned with children to ensure that fragmentation is avoided," she said.

"For this vision to be turned into practice there is to be a concrete and coherent commitment for children to be viewed as important and equal human beings, who can contribute to the well-being of society."

The draft policy is open for public consultation for a period of five months during which public dialogues will be held in seven different venues including Gozo, each dealing with a different theme: Well-being, Rights and obligations, Protection, Active participation, Inclusion, Creativity and Leisure.

There will also be consultation during one-to-one meetings and, once again, children will be consulted at school and through their social groups.

A full copy of the two documents can be downloaded from www.meef.gov.mt.

Read the draft national children's policy here.