MEPA denies official threatened doctors

The Malta Environment and Planning Authority says the source of the foul smells at Hexagon House has been identified.

This week's foul smells at Hexagon House have been identified, MEPA said.
This week's foul smells at Hexagon House have been identified, MEPA said.

MEPA has denied statements claiming that a high official within the enforcement authority phoned doctors working at the Health Centre, threatening he would report them to the Health Superintendent.

Yesterday, Labour's spokesman for the enviornment Leo Brincat said that a MEPA official had called doctors who issued medical certificates to MEPA employees after foul smells returned to Hexagon House.

Upon visiting the health centre, most workers were certified to be suffering from conditions resulting from the noxious smells. The alleged threat was made when the workers turned up with the health certificates at MEPA's Human Resources Department.

In its statement, MEPA also said that following a stop order issued on certain activities being carried out by Mediterranean Offshore Bunkering Co. Ltd (MOBC), earlier this year, the odour problem has significantly subsided in the area.

"Complaints by both employees and residents have also been minimal," the Authority said. "The source of yesterday's complaint was identified and the operator was ordered to stop until further notice."


Only in Malta .To me Leo is more credible than Mepa
Now why is it that Leo Brincat has much more credibility than MEPA?? Is it perhaps because MEPA is less than transparent – very strong with the weak and pathetically weak with the strong??
How can MEPA be trusted? That area (near Hexagon Hse) has been notoriously known for the dangerous fumes and foul toxic smell for years now. How can MEPA keep denying the obvious? And then I heard the vice PM, Tonio Borg on tv stating that he would be worried if people were happy with MEPA’s operations! Padre, figlio e Spirito Santo!!!! What reverse psychology is this? What obscure logic and what sinister reasoning! The vice PM happy that the people mistrust the MEPA!! And this mistrust is based on very valid reasons, dear Dr Borg.