Emails between Muscat and RTK journalist sent to private households

The Labour Party has accused the PN of sending the anonymous letters, but the Nationalist Party’s secretary general categorically denies the allegations.

The leaked email correspondence between Labour leader Joseph Muscat and former RTK journalist Sabrina Agius is being sent to private households.
The leaked email correspondence between Labour leader Joseph Muscat and former RTK journalist Sabrina Agius is being sent to private households.

MaltaToday has received various reports that the leaked email correspondence between Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat and former RTK journalist Sabrina Agius is being sent to numerous households.

The correspondence is being sent by post in brown envelopes and the address is typed out.

Contacted by MaltaToday, Agius was surprised to hear about the distribution of the letters and added that whoever was behind it "has a sick mind".

Reacting to the mail shot, the Labour Party described it as "a cowardly act from the Nationalist Party, which has embarked on the biggest ever anonymous mail shot."

It added the PN "cannot win on the arguments, so they resort to predictable scare tactics".

But the Nationalist Party categorically denied any link with the incident.

"We came clean with the correspondence when the head of our news published the emails. Even so, we have no interest in sending anonymous letters, something which we heavily condemn," PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier told MaltaToday.

Borg Olivier added that the email correspondence is already in the public domain while highlighting that the posting of anonymous letters is condemnable, whatever  their content.




Its quite amusing that you PL hypocrites cheered the release of the SECRET American ambassadorial emails in the light of right to know. However, when the same thing happens against you - where the PN supporters and the island in general have a right to know - you're all flabbergasted. HAHA funny. Secondly, isn't the PL supposedly the party to champion a secular state despite their backers being conservative socially? WHy become so close to a reporter for a church supported station?
Minn jaf hux is sur pawl qabadx ghamel google search biex jirriforma il -partit tieghu fuq u turn kbira rigward divorzju!! Fuq ta emails vera ma nafx fiex wasalna! Ghalkemm f'dan il-pajjiz issa gejn ma hu impossiblu u kollox possible , jekk wiehed jaghti titwila raport ta kif inghata kuntratt ta BWCS dan instab mill -yellow pages! Ta dahq imma hekk hu. Tal-misthija fiex wasalna rigward redikolangni fuq kif il-votant jigi stmat minn dan il-gvern.
PL, if and when in government, must be 100% focused and constantly on the look out for the numerous spokes in the wheels, sabotage, espionage, hurdles and back stabbing from the PN stooges who have now comfortably settled in their strategically cushy posts and influential places with the sole responsibility of glorifying the PN and harming the PL. If PL wins the government, these same stooges would definitely not hesitate to harm Malta, consequently putting labour in bad light. This is reality. PN has always been the party of choice of the Masonic lodge in Malta
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. Mhux ahjar tmur tara l-kutrumbajsi li qieghed jaghmel il-Partit tieghek biex jigbor giehu u l-voti? Ghadu kemm ghamel U-turn wahda nobis fejn jidhlu d-divorzju u l-gays! Anqas fic-cirklu ma jaghmlu dawn il-kummiedji. Il-PN sar qisu t-3-Ringed Circus! Tghid xi jmiss issa?
As usual the PN party uses every dirty trick in the book before an election,but the Maltese people are not stupid,except for a few who have blue eyes and are totally brainwashed by their PN party. The time will soon come and Maltese people will show their disgust in this PN regime and finally Malta will take a breath of fresh air.
I betmy a** that the next General Electon will be held nex March. That' why the Regime Stared firing to thry to assinate Joseph Muscat's character. But I say that The New Labour Movement will march or as the British army did agains the Mussolini (Their OLD IDOL).
Il-makkinarju mahmug tla partit mazzjonalista startja, u Joseph ha jkollu bumbardament li ma bhalu. Kull mod possibbli ha jattakkawh, bhall ma kienu ghamlu lil Alfred Sant fir referendum ta EU. qatt ma niftakar propoganda u gideb bhall ta dik id darba. INSOMMA STIL FAXXISTA KIENU, GHADHOM, U JIBQGHU.
Antoine Vella the witch's ass licker got his tongue out again.
Ian George Walker
Looks like the PN's "Dirty Tricks Department" is up and running again.
this is a pity that this things happen in politics, there was worse things in past by 2 brothers of pn MP from gozo, who is still in parlament, it's more worse to have 2 brothers accused of raping a 15 year old girl, then just having a simple email
Character assassination has started as a prelude to the forthcoming election. The NP has always been the party of the xewwiexa.
Character assassination has started as a prelude to the forthcoming election. The NP has always been the party of the xewwiexa.
As I was one of those persons that received the emails via maltapost, I really thank the person who sent them due to the fact that they opened my eyes and in the next election I will vote for Labour.
@ Antoine Vella, WE PERSONALLY WILL BE MORE PLEASED TO SEE HOW CERTAIN CONTRACTS ARE AWARDED BY DIRECT ORDERS What about the amnesia that few people had in regards the BWSC when they testified and forgot many important incidents .Oh one did remember when he found someone from the Yellow pages.What a Joke
Labour Elves seem quite agitated by the fact that more and more people will be able to read what is in those emails.
U tghid mhux jemmnek il-poplu Pawl !!!!!!
PBO is a born loser who uses loser tatics, his father must be turning in his grave to see how has turned out, a loser using loser tatics.
"Borg Olivier added that the email correspondence is already in the public domain ..."   In the "public domain"?   Looks like another bigwig does not know what constitutes the "Public Domain".   Just because it is widely known and/or publicly accessible -- such as, Facebook, or this portal -- it does not mean that it is in the Public Domain.
a bunch of cowards.
a bunch of cowards.
a bunch of cowards.
Election seems close. Back stabbing has initiated