MUT will not quit Forum - Kevin Bonello
Malta Union of Teachers tells Prime Minister it is not ready to quit the Forum.
MUT President Kevin Bonello
Sunday newspaper Illum reports MUT president Kevin Bonello has warned Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and his Chief of Staff, Edgar Galea Curmi, the union has no intention to discuss whether MUT is ready to quit the 11-union confederation.
"I confirm that I made it clear with the Prime Minister that this subject is not up for discussion. We are in the Forum and we are not going to quit," Bonello told Illum.
Bonello said MUT has long been pressured into leaving Forum to rejoin the CMTU.
Read the whole story in Illum's digital edition.

So the MUT is refusing to be part of the PN's Masonic Lodge? Good to know that there still exist people with a clear conscious in this corruption filled country.
Sometimes the Mafiosi do find some strong opposition to their diktat.

I heard Mr Kevin Bonello being interviewed by Saviour Balzan on Reporter. If one ignores the "language issues" Mr Bonello made a lot of sense in the subjects he discussed. Unfortunately however, Mr Bonello couldn't finish properly a sentence in Maltese. He's is clearly the product of Malta's education system where many can neither speak Maltese properly, and nor other languages. And he's representing teachers!