Updated | Forum ‘shocked’ by Prime Minister’s ‘manoeuvres’

Forum said it is “shocked and disconcerted at government’s hidden tactics and manoeuvres in a bid to weaken it".

MUT President Kevin Bonello said he warned the Prime Minister that the union will not quit Forum
MUT President Kevin Bonello said he warned the Prime Minister that the union will not quit Forum

Updated at 18:53

In a statement, the Office of the Prime Minister denied having pressured MUT President Kevin Bonello in leaving the Forum and rejoin the CMTU.

"Government believes it is up to the union to decide who to join and such decisions should only be taken by its members," the OPM said.

"Government respects and recognizes the choices made and consults with everyone."

The OPM added that on November 9, government had in fact held a consultative meeting with Forum on the budget as it is not represented on the MCESD.


In a reaction to a story revealed by Sunday newspaper Illum, the 11-union confederation Forum said it was hurt the Prime Minister was "using his position to poach the Forum of its members".

Yesterday, Illum reported how Kevin Bonello, president of the Malta Union of Teachers, had told Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and his chief of staff Edgar Galea Curmi that the MUT had no intention of leaving Forum.

"I confirm that I made it clear with the Prime Minister that this subject is not up for discussion. We are in the Forum and we are not going to quit," Bonello told Illum.

Bonello added that the MUT had been pressured in leaving the Forum and rejoin the CMTU.

"Such manoeuvres go against every ethic and it is extremely worrying when the head of government - who should be equidistant from all unions - undermines democracy and worries those who believe in the right of association," Forum secretary-general Paul Pace said.

Forum has been keeping up its pressure to join the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) for the past two years. But unanimous agreement is required from all Council members for the expansion of the MCESD, for which government has also passed a motion supporting the agreement.

Pace recalled how Gonzi had criticised former Labour Party leader Alfred Sant for describing the General Workers' Union (GWU) as a "privileged union".

"But today it is clear there is another confederation that is privileged," Pace said, stopping short of mentioning the CMTU by name. "Today the situation is worse as government is urging a union to leave one confederation to join the other."

Pace said the latest revelations shed light on the resistance against Forum to join the MCESD and added that it expects an official explanation from government.

Forum is also writing to the European Trade Union Confederation (EUTC) and the European and Economic Social Committee (EESC) over these latest developments.

Prim Ministru tal-misthija.
Elezzjoni Generalili ghaddiet (PN) Flimkien kollox possibli Elezzjoni li gejja (PN's motto) Ifred u Saltan
And our arrogant PM has the cheek to criticize Muscat for the correspondence with the RTK journalist. This is a shameful example of maneuvering by the PN government to have all its acolytes firmly under its grip less they harm its changes to retain power at all costs.
Manuvri u indhil min Lawrence Gonzi sabiex l-Union tal l-Ghalliema titlaq mil-Forum tal-Unions u tmur ma min jrid huwa, deskrit bhala att XOKKANTI u tal-misthija u lis ser tirraporta dan il-kaz ta "POACHING" b'mod urgenti lil International Trade Union Federations.(FORUM)Dan huwa kaz Gravissimu fejn intwera bic-car in- nuqqas ta demokrazija ta' dan il-Gvern li jrid jimponi biss dak li jrid huwa, mhuwiex tolleranti li jirrispetta l-opinjonijiet diversi. Nistghu nergaw nafdaw l-vot taghna ma GonziPN u nispiccaw One Party State?