Finance Minister describes Muscat’s proposals as a simple ‘wish list’

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech says increase in ministerial salaries was “fair and just”.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said Opposition leader Joseph Muscat only wanted to create doubt in government's proposals.
Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said Opposition leader Joseph Muscat only wanted to create doubt in government's proposals.

Giving his comments after the Opposition leader's reaction to the budget, Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said Joseph Muscat is not prepared to govern.

"If the Opposition leader describes the international crisis as a means for government to scare people and does not say what he would do if he was governing in a similar scenario, then we have a serious problem of what capability he has to govern," Fenech said.

He went on to describe Muscat's speech as "a list of wishes which lacked proposals and completely ignored the 10 questions posed by the Prime Minister".

Fenech added Muscat said nothing about what his proposals on work and investment are and instead chose to sow doubt in government's proposals for economic growth and measures to help businesses:

"He simply says that he would be close to them. Businesses suffered more when Alfred Sant said the same thing."

Speaking on the utility bills, Fenech said Muscat only proposed one concrete measure - reassessing the return on capital employed factored in the utility rates and reduce the mark-up on the rates which would lead to a reduction of €12 million from the utility bills.

"In actual terms this means that the utility bill would decrease by just €4," Fenech said.

On Muscat's proposal of the night tariff, Fenech said Muscat did not explain how he would compensate for the loss made in electricity costs: "If the night rate is cheaper than the day rate, and more people resort to using electricity during the night, how would Muscat compensate? Would he increase the day rate?

"I still do not understand what he is trying to say. Muscat needs to be more concrete and clear."

Fenech added that it is impossible for government to introduce the night tariff, unless all households are equipped with two metres - one for the day and one for the night.

The finance minister also accused Muscat of trying to confuse government's proposals that encourage more women to join the workforce, measures which help the elderly and the introduction of the parent tax.

Asked about the €500 increase given to the ministers, Fenech said ministers are simply being given what the rest of the members of parliament have already received.

"None of the Opposition opposed the decision to give members of parliament the honoraria and two pays if they worked in the public and private sector," he said, naming Labour MPs Marie Louise Coleiro Preca and Anthony Agius Decelis an an example.

"I cannot agree with Muscat because I believe the rise was fair and just."


Dear Tonio, you shall get your answer following the next general election.
Raymond Gatt, Muscat already spoke on Monday. I don't think it's fair that he should speak again tomorrow. Who told you? It should be the Government's turn.
Ali Baba and the 34 nats was on telly last week, delivering a phantom budget on budget day. It's time for Houdini now to make his appearance tomorrow. Let us all prepare our self for two hours of illusions, trickery, gimmicks, smoke and rabbits out of the magician's hat.
Dear Tonio, whether you like it or not, the writing is on the wall and all over the place. Yourand your corrupt government's time is up. The sooner you're out the better.
I had to mention Aladdin; with this "gvern-immexxi-minni" speech, Muscat has put the fairy in fairy-tales. His next speech will be about Ali Baba and his 40 elves, trying to break into the treasure cave.
My wish list is to go and see Arsenal on a private plane when I'll become a Minister! An other wish (list) is that I have this stupid smile on my face, and I can't help smiling even though I am talking of things I can hardly comprehend. My last wish list is to get rid of the 4.5 billion of debt PN saddled Malta with.
Mark Fenech
Another arrogant minister, who has filled us with huge debts. They want the LP to tell them what would be done when in government, and then when we tell them they come out will silly remarks, because they are unable to provide us with suitable operations. The Minister of Finance should be ashemed of himself for allowing the project of bieb il-belt, the new partliament and the opera house to start before he budgetted for them. This goes against the financial act provisions which the government is breaking. He should see that Enemalta and WSC come in line and publish their audited accounts which have been delayed by 3 years now and again this goes against the provisions of these Corporations' Act. And one can keep listing the defaults in other sectors aswell.
antoin do yourself a favour and disappear you are making a fool of yourself everytime you open your trap or give your opinion.
Antoine = Pappagal
Even if Joseph Muscat founnd Aladdin's magic lamp, he would only get three wishes from the genie. . His looong wish-list would therefore still be impractical.
Joseph Pace
"Fenech added that it is impossible for government to introduce the night tariff, unless all households are equipped with two metres - one for the day and one for the night." WHAT? Isn't this part of the reasons why the new smart metres had to be installed????? From the website of enemalta: "3.4 Will the new smart meter help me become more environmentally friendly? Yes. It will help you identify the periods of the day, week or year your electricity consumption is higher, enabling you to reduce or shift this consumption to other times. Once all smart meters are installed, the Utilities will be able to promote different tariff bands which will reflect better the cost of electricity being generated at different times of the day, week or year. By changing your consumption habits you will not only be reducing your CO2 footprint but also saving on your electricity bill."
Tonio Fenech, I have one wish: That you disappear for good from the political sphere of this planet. X'antipatija u vojtacni ta' bniedem.
TONIO to you we Maltese are cwiec keeping in mind that you are Maltese too.So why don`t you TONIO keep your big mouth shut and enjoy your e500 honoraria.....while you can.
Luke Camilleri
Dear Dr. Fenech , If Dr. Muscat’s proposals is a "simple" ‘wish list’, what do you call Dr. Gonzi's solution to the energy crisis, the changing of light bulbs to energy saving bulbs at his Office ? . Who do you think you are kidding? Dr. Muscat is doing your Boss's job, just take heed.... and give us some value for money for the honoraria you are getting , YOU are TRULY OVERPAID FOR YOUR SERVICE!
" I cannot agree with Muscat because I beleive the rise was fair ". Argument pattetiku ghal l-ahhar, aktar mit tariffa li ridt tghamel meta kont Sindku ta B`Kara...dik li min jaghddi mill wied ihallas. Mhux ovvja li int temmen li iz zieda kienet gusta,jekk kienet ghalik u ghal shabek.Ara lil min qeghed johrog il flus biex int u shabek tirregalaw lilkhom infuskhom il 500 ewro ZIEDA ( ghax kulltant qeghedin ninsew li din ZIEDA )taghajtuh 1.16 ta ewro.Kienet gusta ghalik li ittih 1.16 ta ewro fil gimgha, u hadtilu l-ghada stess ? Ghax ghalina ma kienetx gusta.
He went on to describe Muscat's speech as "a list of wishes which lacked proposals and completely ignored the 10 questions posed by the Prime Minister". Minn hu dak li qatt ghamel xi haga qabel bassara, mhux kull politikant jispjega kif ser ibiddel jew jghamel dawk il-bzonnijiet/htigijiet li l-pajjiz ikkolu bzonn....biss wisq nibza li d-dejn mohbi ta' pajjizna huwa vicin jew ghar minn tal-Grecja, Spanja u l-Italja...ahna wisq zghar u kollox mistur bejn ftit nies u organizzajonijiet.Iz-zmien biss irid jikxef dan..... li jista' jwassalna biex nigu eskluzi miz-zona euro.
Grazzi Dr Joseph Muscat tax- xogħol impekabbli li qiegħed tagħmel għal Malta. Prosit tad-diskors Genwin tiegħek fejn tajt proposti SERJI kif Lawrence Gonzi għandu jnaqqas it-tarriffi tad -dawl u l-ilma anka mil l-opossizzjoni għax veru trid ġid li l-Maltin kollha. Sincerament iħossni kburi li ħa nagħzel Labour fl-elezzjoni li gejja ghal l-ewwel darba. Ma nafx kif xi ħadt Genwin jista ma jagħtiex fiduċja lil Dr Muscat fl-elezzjoni li ġejja u jhalli lil Lawrence Gonzi u l-ministri tieghu jiehdu Eur500 fil-gimgha apparti zieda tal-Gvern.Gvern gdid laburista immexxi min Dr Muscat ma jgholliex l-eta tal-irtirar u se jregga lura zieda skandaluza ta l-Eur500 fil-gimgha apparti jbiddel is-sistema tal-warden li ma tibqas tahdem biex timmasakra lil haddiem bic-citazzjonijiet ingusti.
Paul Sammut
All this minister has been saying so far is bloody wish wash. But then what would you expect from the man who came out with the downer concept of "Cuc Malti". It does take one to recognise.
Mela Sur Ministru jekk inti qed tghid li l-poposti ta'Dr. Joseph Muscat huma "wish list" sinjal li taf iktar u iktar milli qed tghid lilna dwar il-finanzi li ghandu pajjizna. Ibqa zgur li Dr. Muscat hadem il-lista tieghu fuq dak li qed tghid int u l-Prim x'ghandha Malta bhala finaniz li nistghu nahdmu bihom. Pero jiena nibza li ahna ghandna problema ikbaar minn tal-Grecja u jekk ser ikun hekkk minn issa nghid lil Dr. Muscat biex min ilu zmien jghidilna li ghandna finanzi fis-sod u li l-flus mhux problema jhallas talli dahaq bina. u bil-haqq Dr. Fenech siehbek Dr. Grech tak ezempju kif ghandhom isiru l-affarijiet, ghamel zball darba u rrezenja minn Chairman tal-Gozo Channel u inti u shabek ghamiltu elf zball u Alla jbierek ghadkom hemm, u dik tissejjah arroganza grassa. int kellek tirrezenja ta' l-inqas 5 darbiet u ghadek hemm paxxut fuq is-siggu. Uuuuu zgurrrrr inkella l-€500 fil-gimgha minn fejn ser jigu. Iftah ghajnejk ja poplu gwejjed.
Priscilla Darmenia
Fenech said "I cannot agree with Muscat because I believe the rise was fair and just." Well, let me see how fair it was. Out of the €4.66 about 50% is going back to the government in the form of social security contribution. If I take the minimum tax band another 15% is also going back to the government in the form of income tax. The balance remaining of 35% is not even enough to cover the additional cost of living we suffered last year over the €1.66 we received. - Yes it is a good raise for the government as he will enjoy 65% of it. - He also called Dr. Muscat’s declarations as a “wish list”. Well we had so many declarations from the PN before the elections that remained only as a “wish list”.
One more comment: noticed that roads have not been mentioned this time around. Is that because all roads in Malta have been taken care of or is it because the issue, for some unknown reason, has been dropped from everyone's agenda? There are roads that I remember Mugliett (as Minister) promised they will be built in villages, that are still not built.
What Muscat says is no more of a wish list than what the PN says they are going to do and either never do it, or delayed by years and re promised in subsequent budgets. Of course some things get done and that's good.What's the difference between the two in this regard? Other issues though might make the electorate think that after 25 years there is a case for a change in malta and give the PL a chance to see whether they can do some things better or at least differently. At least that way most of the things those in power are getting used to - which is not good for democracy- will be done by a different team. That chance will then prove or not whether the PL is better or not. That's why we have elections!!
I still do not understand what he is trying to say. Muscat needs to be more concrete and clear."Of course you would not understand, do you ever understand anything?If the rise was fair and just, was it fair and just to give the rest of us 1.60 euro?.Typical PN bullshit.
L-akbar injorant huwa dak li ma jridx jifhem!
The finance minister says that the rise was fair and just. Well we leave this judgement to the electorate for next year when they will be voting for the general election. If the electorate is wise then they know what to do, if they are unwise then they will stick to the present government. Easy as that.
Tonio Fenech and Company know how to govern! Imlejtuna tilja dejn li Alla biss jaf meta se jithallas u min min! Bil-Parliament il-gdid se nimxu il-quddiem! Aqta kemm se nzidu il-GDP bil-paroli fil-vojt tieghek u tal-Gvern inkapaci tieghek bil-Parlament il-Gdid! Mur ara l-Arsenal u oqghod hemm,;inheba u tigix tidhirx aktar!