Asbestos traces found on clothes worn by civil protection officers
Only a month ago, Justice Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici said there was no danger.
A lab study revealed traces of asbestos were found on protective clothing worn by members of the Civil Protection Department working in the dogs' section, Sunday newspaper Illum reports.
As part of their training, both officers and dogs have to run through large drainpipes.
Read more in Illum's digital edition.

This will easily be solved. Just issue a direct order for new clothing. Money is no problem with the return of the 500 euro weekly raise the PM and MP are giving back

No PPE is too expesive when compared to health or life. This is written in the ILO's legislation and workers may sue if their health is compromised or damaged.

Health and Safety calls for wear that has been used in the presence of asbestos should be discarded and destroyed. This would mean a great expenses considering the PPE worn by the civil protection people , but I believe inexpensive overalls are available that can be destroyed after use.

As a measure of Health and Safety did the handlers and their dogs wear proper breathing masks? This might sound silly for the dogs but should these animals suffer lung problems just because they are dogs. Under a real emergency their sniffing capabilities are required but under training that is another cup of tea.