Prime Minister gives Police right to join union

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has given Police the right to join a union.

Addressing a political activity in Marsascala, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi announced he told the Police Commissioner that Police would now have the right to join a union.

"We accepted Police should join a union, but without the right to strike," Gonzi said, adding he was so pleased seeing the police managing the traffic as part of the task force's plan on public transport reform.

"I enjoy watching the police out on the road," Gonzi added.


Soon we shall hear Gonzi proposing lower electricity bill, changing tax bands, etc, etc, and other proposals put forward by Joseph. He thinks he can outmaneuver PL in hijacking all its proposal one by one before election time, but he is very much mistaken.
Luke Camilleri
... ahh Dr. Gonzi taking some advice from Dr. Joseph Muscat, even if he will not admit it! That is where Dr. Gonzi is gong for ideas.. to JOSEPH MUSCAT and not to his Ministers of Limited his own admission!
Dahk fil wicc......Irrelevanti il post tax xoghol, .X`tiswa Unjon bla dritt ta l-istrajk ? XEJN...Jekk ikun hemm " dispute " jew ftehem kolletiv,kemm personali, jew kollettiv, jekk il managment jghed Unjon x`ser tghamel? Tmur tribunal ? Dak dejjem tista tghamlu minghajr il Unjon. L-avukati ghal fejn qeghdin hemm ?...Tista titlob ghal avukat b`xejn ```jigifieri ihallsu il gvern ```.
What a friend told me is that this is not true, but that Gonzi is considering the Police Association as their Union. ** How can it be considered a Union if the Commissioner himself sits as its chairman?** If this is true, then as Abraham Lincoln had said "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time"
So now the prime minister is accepting the fact that joseph muscat did make good propsals and they require no expense from the tax payer.
What about the members of the Armed Forces , the Prison Wardens and members of the Civil Protection ? Are they going to have the same right to join a union too ? Mr.Prime Minister , please no if's or but's , just give a simple and strait answer of Yes or No.
Dr Muscat leads, Gonzi follows.**You will not be saved Gonzi.**You are in for the greatest defeat that any political party has ever suffered in Malta.
There is one suggestion from Joseph that gonzi seems to finally agree on.
The idea of a police union has been mooted for years now and specific negotiations between government and the Malta Police Association have been held since January of this year. For months, progress was held up because of disagreement on how this union should be formed: Minister Mifsud Bonnici was of the idea that the MPA should be turned into a union while the GWU wanted police officers to be able to join any union they wanted. In October it was announced that the views of the minister had been accepted and, in late November, Joseph Muscat tries to jump on the bandwagon and claim credit for the reform.
Sorry for the multiple posting!
According to the TheTimes of 13 October 2011, the GWU had said that it has recevied correspondence from Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici informing it that Government has accepted that police officers can join a union. This was more than a month before Joseph Muscat said anything about this matter. So, who is following who?
According to the TheTimes of 13 October 2011, the GWU had said that it has recevied correspondence from Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici informing it that Government has accepted that police officers can join a union. This was more than a month before Joseph Muscat said anything about this matter. So, who is following who?
According to the TheTimes of 13 October 2011, the GWU had said that it has recevied correspondence from Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici informing it that Government has accepted that police officers can join a union. This was more than a month before Joseph Muscat said anything about this matter. So, who is following who?
I lead, you have to follow! LOL!!!!!
That's why Dr Gonzi is pressing Dr Muscat to bare his plans before the elections, so that he can say "I've done it". So, another recommendation by Dr Muscat has been copied by Dr Gonzi.