Quarter-century old incidents to highlight PN campaigns

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says remembering what happened 25 years “helps us appreciate what we have today”.

The Nationalist Party is to remember political incidents that took place during the 80s.
The Nationalist Party is to remember political incidents that took place during the 80s.

Addressing a political activity in Marsascala, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi outlined activities to be carried out by the Nationalist Party in the coming weeks, commemorating the political incidents which took place during the 80s.

The PN yesterday commemorated the 30 year anniversary since the attack on PN activists in Zebbug during a PL demonstration. In the coming weeks, the PN will also remember the incidents of the Tal-Barrani mass meeting, the murder of Raymond Caruana and the frame-up of Pietru Pawl Busuttil.

"We are not trying to steam people up but to appreciate what we have today. Those were years when democracy was stolen for five years, a person was accused of a murder he didn't commit and a man's life was taken away."

Gonzi said people must appreciate what the country has today: "We need to understand we are surrounded by problems which have brought down the strongest countries on their knees. And yet, we managed to obtain record figures in tourism, education and industry for three years in a row."

He said, the Libyan uprising could have badly affected the country's tourism and added he will today leave for the first political contact with Libya. "We will soon take to Libya a business delegation with the intent to discuss business proposals."

Gonzi said if it was not for government's prudence to go against populist choice and increase utility bills when the oil prices went up, Malta would be in the same situation as the failed countries.

Muscat's promise to reduce utility bills is not real, the Prime Minister said: "His promise is tied with the Sargas investment. But reality is there are several questions which still need to be answered."

The Opposition leader's 51 proposals are populist attempts to gain leadership in government, Gonzi said. He said it is true that everyday Malta has to pay €500,000 in interest because of the country's debt, but €1 billion of that debt derives from the Malta Shipyards. Meanwhile, government is also spending €1 million daily in education.

Health Minister Joe Cassar, also present for the activity, said the PN managed to change the country from the way it was during the 80s. "Sometimes we do not appreciate that it is not easy to make this change. This is why people have to trust us. The PN changed that culture and fear. I remember when we used to fold In-Nazzjon in four so no one would catch us with it."

Cassar went to on to mention government's work in the health sector and said Budget 2012 has allocated a €32 million increase for the sector.

He described the Opposition's proposals for the health sector as a "Form 5 project - all theory but no practice".

Cassar also said that in two years' time all localities will benefit from the pharmacy of your choice (POYC) scheme.

The PN's secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier said the Nationalist party continues to build on its roots: "But what is the identity of the Labour Party? They changed their image but what message are they trying to convey?"


Abdullah alhrbi
Perhaps Lawrence Gonzi can redeem himself by proposing a Commission for a true National Reconciliation which would prove cathartic once and for all and maybe this nation can truly move forward as a European democracy. My guess is that the statesman in Lawrence Gonzi is nowhere to be found alas! The parochial divisive politician however is very much in evidence.
Extremists are dangerous Vincente (Camicia Nera) Destra. It is the centre where everybody in politics wants to dominate. The left and the right ideologies have today narrowed their differences and only the hardcore are nostalgic about the past.
Martin "Balky" Borg, you should take a long hard look in the mirror before insulting other people. I can tell you - for you need telling apparently - that you're no Nordic deity.
Le ghal Malta Nord Koreana Le ghal Malta cubana Le ghal Malta social-mintoffjan- komunista Le ghal Malta iranjana Liberta`! Liberta! Liberta! Liberta! Liberta! Liberta`! Liberta`! Viva il- Lemin.
does gonzi realise how much damage he can cause to Malta playing this game?? does he want to stop any investment or tourism. if people follow the news and actually believe any of this crap they might have second thoughts since we are so close to the elections. unless that is the plan seeing gonz is trailing in the opinion polls.
The maltese and the labour party must watch out for the nationalist party. When in government they will kill to retain power and when in opposition they will kill to grab power. This is a fact and it has always been like this, unfortunately.
@thor "you can recognise a.vella from his brown nose not the blue blinkers. Not all those wearing blue blinkers necessarily have brown noses" LOL!!!
@fellus everyone knows that antoin is brown nosed elf sucking up to the witch and her dream boy Gonzi .............or is it Fonzi? Shot I am getting confused now
@V Destra I never said you are a nazi I said nazzi , short for nazzjonalisti. Secondly tell your incompetent leader not to be selective and if he respects your intelligence he should tell the story as it is and not what suits his politically perverted mind.
Go easy in Toni “Antwà” Vella, guys. He is used to writing on The Blog where he is protecteds and only allowed to see favourable posts (except for the occasional one written by some idiot (or by the witch herself) which is allowed through to show how ignorant those jaqq laburisti are, marelli). When he comes here and realises that most people disagree, it is a shock he finds hard to take.
@ thor My friend I was making a point that we should not have too much selective memory, although it in human to do so. no, i am not a nazi....but definetely a right winger. and proud.
By the way antoin vella and vince destra how come EFA never delivered when he promised to bring the killers of Karen Grech and Raymond Caruana to justice? His side kick gonzi hasn't done anything in this regards either.
@the alchemist........ you can recognise a.vella from his brown nose not the blue blinkers. Not all those wearing blue blinkers necessarily have brown noses.
@vincent destra..... are by any chance a nazzi because of your surname. No need to mention the 60's the 80's and 90's can also be mentioned, eg , SAG thugs attacking people watching the regatta at Bormla.
@alan smith.... Well said mate , if the people back then did not take any notice of the statesman EFA why should they take any notice of his sidekick robin gonz.
@ Antoine Vella What relevance are you talking about? Events that took place more than a quarter of a century ago? You obviously fail to mention the bombs planted on various doorsteps to destabilise the country and which coincidently vanished after 1987. Why didn't you mention the mortal sin imposed by Dr Gonzi's uncle in the 60's and the PN just looked on and sat on the fence because of political gain. What about the thousands of Maltese who were 'forced' to emigrate to Australia under a PN rule in the 60's because they were dying of hunger here! Was there any violence during the Labour government of 1996 under Dr Sant? Wasn't it EFA who was found guilty in Court of political discrimination - after which came the 'messa in scena' of his resignation? I won't tell you to wake up and smell the coffee because you will continue to adulate Gonzi+ at all cost because of your thick blue blinkers!
Mlp wants us to forget the Past..... then they mention the 60's. Halluna Tafu x'ghandha bzonn Malta? Gvern iehor tal- P.N.
maybe someone could explain something to me. in 1996 people voted the MLP in government with a landslide victory. Most people who voted in that election lived the 70 and 80 and knew exactly what went on in those days. If things are as the PN want to make them why did people vote for the MLP?? On the other hand the PN spin doctors have an easier task to try and "teach" young people by twisting the facts and omitting certain things. For example they conveniently miss out the cold blooded murder of Karin Grech whilst milking the case of Raymond Caruana ( by the way will the murderer be revealed in Eddie's auto biography??
maybe someone could explain something to me. in 1996 people voted the MLP in government with a landslide victory. Most people who voted in that election lived the 70 and 80 and knew exactly what went on in those days. If things are as the PN want to make them why did people vote for the MLP?? On the other hand the PN spin doctors have an easier task to try and "teach" young people by twisting the facts and omitting certain things. For example they conveniently miss out the cold blooded murder of Karin Grech whilst milking the case of Raymond Caruana ( by the way will the murderer be revealed in Eddie's auto biography??
Abdullah alhrbi
@ Antoine Vella How come you were sidelined and not part of the PM's delegation to Libya in order to offer the Misuratans your scintillating 1987ista views on the process of national reconciliation? Oh gosh I forgot, because in your own words 'there never was anything called a national reconciliation project' for Malta and the Maltese.
I so look forward to it. Hope they get the clip of Eddie telling us he knew who killed raymond caruana and later we see the culprit going in jail that would be nice to see
Hopefully PN parents will educate their children and their children's friends on the total history of Malta (not forgetting the bits the PL supporters want us to forget) to prevent these atrocities from happening again. Thank god for a righteous and world respected leader like Dr. Gonzi to lead us into the future.
That is what Cameron should do....blame it on the NAZIS
Ian George Walker
What the PN spin-doctors, for all their cleverness, fail to realise is that the majority of voters in the next electio were not even born when these events occurred. For them, they are part of history,just as the PN's involvement with Mussolini's fascists are a part of history and the German and Italian bombardment of Malta are a part of history. They are unlikely to influence their voting intentions. Or maybe they DO realist it- but go on regardless because they simply have no other cards to play.
Yes Dr Gonzi should not be selective and should also commemorate the attack on the Socialist delegation visiting Malta at Zurrieq, The bombing champaign that ended abruptly after the 1987 General Election. The death of Wilfred Cardona, Carin Grech,attempt on Dr Paul Checuti Caruana,and others. We all agree that al forms of violence are not acceptable. Also Violence comes in different forms such as transfers due to a different opinion, and all other forms of mental abuse as there is still on going in certain government departments. Dr Gonzi should have gave a decent answer to why he is still refusing to acknowledge that just like Gaddafi and others his time in power is near.
Ian George Walker
@ Antoine Vella Has Lawrence Gonzi ever apologised for the political assassination of Karin Grech which was certainly inspired (if not worse) by the PN?
B’hekk trid tirbah l-elezzjoni Dr Gonzi. Ghakiex ma isemmix kif il-Parit Nazzjonalista farrak pajjiz? Mela insejtu lin-Nazzjonalisti kellhom dritt jidhlu iz-Zejtun u haddiehor ma ghandux dritt imur fejn irrid? Mid-dehra il-Knisja mhux sejra tghinnek f’din l-elezzjoni u ghalhekk ha tara x’sejjer tivvinta. Semmi kif gvern laburista halla fil-kaxxa ta Malta € billjun u inthom ghamiltu €5 biljuni dejn? Semmi kif kul progett li kien smat jiswa certu ammont spicca biex sewa ta labqas id-dopju Semmi kif l-assi li kellu dan il-pajjiz li saru l-gharaq tal-haddiem Malti gew moghtija bil-karawett. Semmi kif kull haga li gahmel gvern laburista kissirtuha halli ma jifdal xejn u tghidu li issa saret taht gvern Nazzjonalsita. Semmi kif il-Kontijiet tad-dawl, Hajja gholja infern, bicca uniformu, medicini, trasport ecc ecc splodew. Semmi kif il-penzjonanti bil-kemm jezistu ahseb u ara jghixu, kif haddiema b’xoghol prekarju, b’pagi miserabli u bla drittijiet ta’ xejn. Semmi kif studenti li studjaw u gradwa ma inghatawx xoghol fuq dak li gradwaw fuqu w ohrajn minghajr kwalifiki inghataw l-ahjar jobs, sempliciment li dan ta l-ahhar l-unika kwalifika li kellhom kient li huma nazzjonalisti tal-qalba? Ghaliex ma issemmix li fis-sittinijiet jekk tkun laburist ma tahdim, insejtu li kien ikollna imorru ghand il-Kappilan biex ingibu karta biex intghwa meta imorru ghal xi interview? Insejtu li wiehed minkom ried jghaddi ligi biex min jistrajka jintefa il-habs? Insejtu li dawk li hadmu taht gvern Laburista nies taghkom li kien smati taht l-istess gvern qallukhom li iridu ibaghtu ghaliex hadmu taht l-istess gvern? Insejtu kem inghataw transfer vendikkattivi tul dawn l-ahhar snin kemm tahtek kif ukoll taht Dr Denech Adami. Insejtu kif haddiema li ghamlu xogholhom gew mormija fiz-zibel, insejtu kemm kien hemm diretturi u chairmans li kasbru haddiema sempliciment ghaliex kienu laburisti. Isejtu kemm kien hemm haddiema li gew bullied min diretturi u meta il-haddiema tkellmu gew imzebilha u trasferiti biex jaghmlu xoghol inferjuri ghal grad taghhom? Insjetu kemm min kien Nazzjonalist li qamu ghal shabhom li kienu laburisti xorta gew ikkastigati. Insejtu lil dawk il-whistle blowers li irrappurtaw korruzzjoni/inefficjenza kif gew trattati. Insejtu kemm ghidtu lil certu haddiema “ma fadalx aktar postok fid-dipartiment” u imbghad tigi tikkellem fuq il-meritokrazzija? Insejtu kemm ghajatu fuq “Xoghol Gustizzja u Liberta” u sar bil-kontra. Insjetu li ghaliex tkun Laburist ma ghandek dritt ghal xejn? Nispera lil poplu tghallem. Gvern Laburista ma kienx qaddis ghaliex kieku qatt ma ivvutajtilkom, imma nittama fil-Hanin Alla li qatt ma nerga naghmel dak l- izball li nivvota lil partit nazzjonalista ghal dak li ghaddejna minnhu f’dawn l-ahhar 25 sena.
In a post further down I stated that only a handful of fools will be impressed by gonzi's desperate actions and it seems that antoin vella just proved me right as he leads the pack.Get a life antoin
What a great christian attitude this wanna bee projects. Your uncle divided Malta and brought hatred.You are doing exactly the same , where are your christian principles? Hypocrite of the first order.
@ Nazzjonalisti....Ghalhiex QATT ma tibdew l-istorja mis SITTINIJIET? Ghax tafu li kienu snin tal biza, twerwir, tad dlamijiet u fuq kollox tal hmieg..Min kien imexxi dak iz zmien ? Il partit Nazzjonalista uuuuuuuuu GONZI L-IEHOR " l-isqof ". Dak li ghamel tant hsara irreparabbli lil Knisja.
Luke Camilleri
....and we all know where that got us once The P.N. got the POWER they wanted ! If they don't rule , they don't want no one to rule, and it was really never the National Interest First but always the interest of the Nationalists and their Party! ------------------------ Just look back and evaluate how the PN spent off and sold off and made their own anything that was MALTESE! ---------------------------- Malta was certainly more Maltese and even more Richer before the P.N. took over and pilage Malta's finances and assets!
It is disgraceful that Mintoffian politicians who were in power 30 years ago are still around, yapping and yipping, eager to recapture the power they abused in those times. Because of them, Labour violence of the 1970s and 1980s is still relevant today - who know what they would do if they were in power again? And let us not forget that Joseph Muscat has refused to apologise for the violence.
Those incidents that took place over thirty years ago are condemnable but what is of interest to the Maltese people is what is going on today. Today we have a government which I like to compare to the story of Robin Hood where you had the King and his most loyalists living lavishly and the commoners always paying more and more in taxes and fees to support the King's lavish living. Lawrence Gonzi is the King with a 500 euro wage increase and all and we as expected are the commoners. Lawrence Gonzi wants us to believe and unfortunately some of our country man still believe this that he is the savior of Malta and that without his guidance Malta would be in far serious trouble. Mr Gonzi those present at the PN general council believe you but we are far more intelligent then that and we do not believe you. Sorry you will not draw our attention with what happened thirty years ago.
Missek tisthi Dr.Gonzi.....Qeghed terga tinbet il hdura u il mibeghdha fost il poplu Malti.Int giddieb, ghax ma inthiex tghejd il fatti kif graw veru.Tal Barrani, min ipperikola il hajjiet tan nisa, tfal u xjuh billi tefahhom tarka umana ,u il KAPIJIET qaghdu fuq it trakk? Min waddab il balavostri min fuq il bejt tal kazin nazzjonalista ? Fejn instabu l-armi qerrieda intizi biex jintuzaw kontra il Maltin....Araw www.maltapolitics.com/violenzanazzjonalista.htm u tkunu tafu il verita.
From what I read I pity Gonzi. Let John Dalli sail the sinking boat. We shall remember the present when we come to vote!
OK those incidents were ugly and everyone hopes they will never occur again. But for the PN to draw this long bow yet again must be an indication that they are scraping the bottom of the barrel and trying to inject "fear" in what they plan to be their campaign! Hopefully most Maltese are not that stupid to take the bait!! Of course some are already falling for the trick by going tit for tat mentioning what the PN have done. Of course this is exactly what the PN wants......they hope that some hot heads on both sides do something to foment trouble and then the blame game starts again!!
Assuming that what we read about "zmien it-terrur" (times of terror) is correct and one should not believe everything one reads in the Times of Malta and other PN newspapers, it would be far more profitable for Gonzi and his mates to look at the causes that led to these alleged abuses. Take the behaviour of his uncle, the then archbishop, who time and again harassed and persecuted Labour voters. What about Borg Olivier, other PN MPs, Mabel Strickland and a bevy of priests meeting at the Times to plot against Mintoff and his party, a fact my late father remebered so well given that at that time he was night editor of Il-Berqa? What about boys and girld frightened because priests told them that Mintoff was turning Malta into a Cuba and that priests and they (the children) would be persecuted? Rewrite history and remember the past when it suits you, Gonzi. You are a divisive and desperate leader. You remember the 'past' because you can find nothing wrong in today's LP. It is time for you and your incompetent administration to go. By the way, Mintoff did the right thing in putting Malta's elite in their place. If there was a time that Malta needed a Mintoff, it is now!
What about Karen Grech .She was murdered because her father helped the people in hospital in need while others were on strike .We also remember that one day we were to be told who done this barbaric act together with Raymond Caruana . Is this campaign being run by PBO ??
Why doesn't Dr Cassar say how he is going to solve the grave problem at the Emergency Department in the supposingly state of the art hospital?
If we open a quarrel between past and present, we shall find that we have lost the future. Winston Churchill Please take note Prim!
Is this the same person who promised a new way of doing politics? Has he already run out of ammunition? Why didn't he remind his listeners of the obscene and the insensitive €500 WEEKLY he gave himself BEHIND the people's back? When the PN's back is against the wall they always try to take us back to ancient history. Why didn't he say anything about the last time Labour was in government ie 1996 - 1998. During that time there was neither violence nor political discrimination.
Mhux ta bxejn kanadidati zaghagh qed jitilquh lil PN. Kap skadut u mmuffat ghandhom. Fil passat graw affarijiet li kienu tal-misthija kemm ghal PN u kemm ghal MLP. Hadd ma jinsa l-armamenti li nstabu wara hajt finta fil-kwartieri tal-PN. Il-balavostri li ntefghu fuq il-Laburisti. L-armi fl-idejn fil-Mass Meetings tal-PN. Il-bombi li kienu jsiru ma nies prominenti u le li kellhom karigi importanti mal-Gvern u li ma qaghdux ghar-rikatti, l-ittra bomba li qatlet lil Karen Grech, ghax missieru gie Malti biex ifejjaq lil pazjenti Maltin, zgur mhux il-Laburisti ghamluhom. Dawn huma ftit mill affarijiet li ghadda minnu il-poplu Malti taht Gvern Laburista. Issa ghidli liema gvern ikun jixtieq li jkun hemm dawn l-affarijiet waqt it-tmexxija tieghu?
Dr. Gonzi wants us not to forget the past, fine for me, but to me, its more important for me to forget the present!
Pathetic Gonzi! Let's all go back to the future dear Sir. Those horrible incidents have been unconditionally shunned by all and sundry. You (Gonzi)are the least fit person to bring these incidents back to memory because at those crucial times you were nowhere to be seen in the political fora. So says the english saying that a drowning man clutches to a straw. If you want to win back the sympathy of the thousands of disgruntled nationalist who are simply fed up with your corrupt government, than you must really work harder for a different strategy of good governance dear Dr Gonzi and not bring divisive national issues on your agenda.
Ipotreki,IPotreki,IPOtreki,IPOTreki,IPOTReki,IPOTREki, IPOTREKi u IPOTREKI Nazzjonalisti ta' wicc b'iehor. Tafu x'kontu taghmlu fis-60' u l-inkwiet li kien hawn fl-ahhar hames snin ta' Gvern tal-Labour min kien jaqilghu, inotn kontu taghmlu l-hmira u tresqu n-nar lejn il-porvli u mbaghad naturalment in-nar kien jiehu u intom kontu tkunu lesti bil-careras taghkom hemm fil-post pronti, pronti tigbdu r-ritratti ghax kontu tkunu tafu min qabel fejn ser jigri l-incident. Intom qabda oqbra mbajda. Dejjem tlajtu fil-gvern bl-ghajnuna tal-knisja qabel is-72' ghax l-Arcisqaf Gonzi kien jghidiln li min jivvota LABOUR kien jaghmel DNUB MEJJET u meta kont tmur tqerr jekk kon tghidlu li inti LABURIST ma kontx tinghata assuluzzjoni. U anke kienu tawna l-INTERDETT b'hekk illum il-Knisja Kattolika Maltija qed tahsad dak li zergha Mons Arcisqof Gonzi u n-nepputi hekk ukoll se jaghmel jahsad dak li zergha. Ja qabda IPOTREKI
Ipotreki,IPotreki,IPOtreki,IPOTreki,IPOTReki,IPOTREki, IPOTREKi u IPOTREKI Nazzjonalisti ta' wicc b'iehor. Tafu x'kontu taghmlu fis-60' u l-inkwiet li kien hawn fl-ahhar hames snin ta' Gvern tal-Labour min kien jaqilghu, inotn kontu taghmlu l-hmira u tresqu n-nar lejn il-porvli u mbaghad naturalment in-nar kien jiehu u intom kontu tkunu lesti bil-careras taghkom hemm fil-post pronti, pronti tigbdu r-ritratti ghax kontu tkunu tafu min qabel fejn ser jigri l-incident. Intom qabda oqbra mbajda. Dejjem tlajtu fil-gvern bl-ghajnuna tal-knisja qabel is-72' ghax l-Arcisqaf Gonzi kien jghidiln li min jivvota LABOUR
Needless to say that those were not the best times of the Maltese Islands, but the point that the PN is trying to hide is that the PN provocked many of these incidents, as they were planned well before. We even know with people who were among the Labour supporters, but were PAID to cause trouble. But why the PN always stops at the 80's? Doesn't they remember what happened in the 60's, that who ever voted for the Labour Party, or even read the Labour Party's newspaper, would have committed a MORTAL SIN? Doesn't they remember that in the 60's, during PN government, one of the leading newspapers was NOT ALLOWED in hospitals, because it sided with the Labour Party, and when took to court, the PN government LOST the case? If any member of the PN has dignity, they should mention these facts too, and not only trying to portrait themselves as victims! The truth is that the PN knows that it has lost the trust of the majority of the Maltese people, like what happened in the divorce referendum, which had to be INTRODUCED in Malta by a PN government, and is restoring itself to FASCIST tactics! And this is the biggest proof that according to their surveys, Labour is leading with a big majority. It's always like that in life, who's under always try to throw dirty things to the other side. Thanks GonziPN for confirming that Labour is going to win the next general elections.
Ohrog rasek mir-ramel Gonzi u tara li wasalna fit-2011/12 u ara x'qed jigri madwarek. Il-Euro 500 fil-gimgha mit 2008 u mhux 20/25 sena ilu.
A drowning man clutching at straws
Priscilla Darmenia
What happened in the 70’s and 80’s? - Well I remember also some good things, like the introduction for pension for all; children’s allowance; maternity leave; minimum wage and other social services that were badly needed by the people and that the Nationalist were always talking against these reforms. - These good things are still with us today in spite of and not because of a PN government. - And I also remember some bad things, like several bombs placed behind doors and windows of persons or public organisations (e.g. Police station in Sliema) which wonder of wonders all stopped immediately when the PN got into power.
@bond 477 Dak inhar ma kontx issib tixtri Mars imma llum issib tixtri sahansitra magistrati.
Wonder if WE have instructions to put up programms concerning this on Bondi+ and Xarabank. Go ahead guys prepare your own noose.
@Just Ray Tista tiehu cikkulata Mars issa milli ma kont tista tiehu dak iz-zmien
He who keeps looking over his shoulder y will trip in his own feet - Confucius
Acts of desperation. This time only a handful of fools would be impressed. Thank you mr gonzi you are convincing more PN supporters not to vote for your party as they can see that instead of addressing important issues like energy and the economic situation you are trying to scare the people with non excistant monsters. You are as sillyas Ms Merkel would be mentioning the Nazi experience during an electoral campaign. Grow up gonzi your childish diatribes do not become the office of a prime minister.
We also expect answers as to the discovery of a cache of weapons at PN HQ at the time.... It will be worthy of a poster
Instead of looking forward, the PM is looking backwards. Instead of leading, the PM is being lead. Lead by Dr.Muscat, whose interest is primarily that of taking Malta out of the mediocrity that this same PM has helped to instil with each and every thing that his government does. We need new blood. Malta needs a new beginning so that the Maltese are able to look brightly at the future and the challenges that will come.
Li mhux isemmi, ghax jaqbillu hekk il-Prim huwa li l-kapijiet tal-pulizija li kienu jmexxu l-iskwadri ta' dak iz-zmien, meta telghu huma fil-Gvern KOLLHA tawhom Promozzjoni !!. U kellu jkun Alfred Sant li kif ha l-poter qaccathom minn hemm. Semma l-incident ta' Haz-Zebbug. Nesa dan it-tfigh tal-opramorta tal-kazin nazzjonalista fuq il-partitarji laburisti. Dan kixifhom wiehed involut li ftit snin ilu rifsuh u hareg iparla. Tal-Barrani. Din kienet ippjanata mill-A saz-Z. Ghadna niftakru li minn fuq il-Bjut naraw vannijiet jieqfu hdejn il-Villa ta' Dr Farrugia u jqassmu l-armi mill-bwiet tal-karozzi. Rajnihom ukoll jaharqu l-karozzi. Rajna wkoll lill EDDIE u l Gwido bil-bullet proof vests iheggu lill-marmalja u jhegguhom jibqghu mixjin ghax il-madonna tipprotegihom. U jghidulna min kien imexxi l-pulizija f'dik l-okkazzjoni . Iva sewwa qtajtu...wiehed li ha promotion. L-istess tar-Rabat. Tiftakruh lil dak tal-mustacci?. Dak ukoll ha promotion meta nbidel il-Gvern. Inkomplu ?. Imma min jista jinsa t-terinati li huma maghrufin ghalihom in-Nazzi ?. Ja ipokriti.
Joseph Sant
I totally agree Mr Laiviera, and I must say I am totally delighted this is the direction the PN is taking. Scaremongering was a non starter in the divorce referendum - and it will fail miserably in an election campaign. For all his declarations that he has faith in the Maltese people Dr Gonzi hasn't yet noticed that the Maltese people have come of age!
Ian George Walker
Insomma, this is good news for the PL. It means the PN has lost hope it can win the elections on present facts and figures.
Sur Gonzi stajt mort aktar lura xi 40 jew 50 sena ilu u tighd liz zghazah x kien jaghmel zijuk l arcisqof Gonzi lil min kellu twemmin laburist..isthi jekk taf kif..sur Gonzi
Ian George Walker
Have they appointed Giovann DeMartino as their political consultant? :)
If GonziPN would like to deflect the present hardships of the Maltese to long gone era it is not a problem. We all know that during the 80's, PN were harbouring hundreds of ammunition and firearms in a garage in Qormi, convincing suspicion that detonated bombs were planted in various areas around Malta - yes GonziPN if you would like to resurrect the specter of the 80's there is enough shame for you to be shamed of too.
Running out of ideas. Then we had violence that was physical. Today the violence is mental and economic hardship.
Keeping on flogging old incidents is a strategic and desparate ploy which will simply raise the political temperature and bring back the sceptres of old political grudges to the detriment of the whole Maltese nation. Christian reconciliation at its best I would add. One had thought that in 1996 we started looking to a brotherly future and not hark back to the divisions of the past. The story of the past is history and when disclosed in its full truth as will hopefully eventually happen we will realise there were rogues on both sides who fanned the flames of division for their own despicable political agendas . Resurrecting such grudges simply poisons the political climate and is totally irresponsible and shameful under whatever name or guise you call it. Let us all remember that to every action there is always a reaction and that ultimately it is the ordinary defenceless citizen who will suffer and bear the brunt and not the politician clinging or aspiring to power.
Il-PL bhalissa kull ma jista jaghmel hu li jparla u jghid se jaghmel ga la darba jkun fil-gvern. Ghallhekk "all theory but no practice" Dr Cassar. Intkom zgur all theory and no practice - Smart City, Riforma tat-Trasport Pubbliku, Tnaqqis fit-Taxxi u hafna bla bla iehor. Fejn hi l-prattika minkejja li intkom fil-gvern. Ftakru li kieku ma kienux il-kumpaniji statali li saru fiz-zminijiet tas-70/80 ma kienx se jkollkom xi tbieghu u ddahlu l-miljuni minnhom xbin. Issa ha naraw kemm assi se thallulu lil gvern li jmiss! Tkellmu fuq is-70/80 imma tridu tghidu kollox biex tkunu kredibli.
Veru bye bye dan Gonzi! Jien x'se nikol ghada ghajdli pls u mhux x'gara 25/30 sena ilu Primministru!