Education Minister asks Lou Bondì to ‘regulate’ himself in his blogs

Education Minister Dolores Cristina has confirmed that she asked Bondiplus presenter Lou Bondi to refrain from blogging on issues which could affect the Public Broadcasting Services in any way.

Lou Bondì’s role as presenter on PBS was recently questioned by the Opposition’s spokesman for media Gino Cauchi when, in an interview broadcast on Net TV, Bondì said he would be voting PN in the forthcoming general election.
Lou Bondì’s role as presenter on PBS was recently questioned by the Opposition’s spokesman for media Gino Cauchi when, in an interview broadcast on Net TV, Bondì said he would be voting PN in the forthcoming general election.

Education Minister Dolores Cristina has confirmed that she asked Bondiplus presenter Lou Bondi to refrain from blogging on issues which could affect the Public Broadcasting Services in any way.

In the past weeks, the Where's Everybody director faced criticism by Nationalist MP Franco Debono of using the state media to carry his personal agenda. The same accusation was made by the Labour Party, which has complained of imbalance in their regard several times.

This time, however, it was Bondì's blog which attracted the attention of Cristina, who happens to be the minister responsible for PBS.

In his blog, Bondì has the tendency to hit out at individuals he might not agree with, with his subjects associated mostly with the Labour Party but also Nationalist MPs Franco Debono and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

Asked by MaltaToday to confirm that she confronted Bondì  and asked him to refrain from blogging on issues which could place him in an uncomfortable position with PBS, Cristina said: "It is true that I had a meeting with Lou Bondì recently but at no point was this meeting confrontational."

She went on to explain directives which PBS employees and independent producers should adhere to.

"PBS has an Editorial Board, a Board of Directors and a CEO, who regularly draw up directives regulating the contributions and activities of the employees and independent producers," she said.

Cristina explained that the directives take into consideration the impact such activities and contributions may have on PBS.

"The responsibility for these directives rests with PBS. As the Minister responsible for PBS I expect all employees and contributors to fall in line with these directives as laid down," she warned.

Bondì's role as presenter on PBS was recently questioned by the Opposition's spokesman for media Gino Cauchi when, in an interview broadcast on Net TV, Bondì said he would be voting PN in the forthcoming general election.

Quoting from the law which regulates the broadcasting sector, Cauchi accused Bondì of "challenging the law, and PBS was an accomplice".

On those known to the public primarily as presenters of, or reporters on, news programmes or programmes about current affairs broadcast on the public service broadcaster, the broadcasting law makes it clear such individuals must be seen to be impartial, including when partaking in private activities such as writing, speaking or giving interviews.

@thorny, it is harder to stop DCG cause if anyone even suggests it he would find himself the next victim of her venom. Gonzi cannot afford that.
Valuri ghall-Konvenjenza Politika -
Luke Camilleri
Why regulate Lou and not his Loo Calling mobile call-mate Daphne Caruana Galizia? Loo and his partner Rachel do report to Daphne from bathrooms, loos, etc., etc......
Balky "you have parrotted your master and mistress so much that you make repeat posts also. PARROT. "
@antoin, shouldn't it be the minister to negate the report and not you, since when have you become the Minister for education mouthpiece? Darn what have you been smoking lately you seem so full of yourself?
@antoin, shouldn't it be the minister to negate the report and not you, since when have you become the Minister for education mouthpiece? Darn what have you been smoking lately you seem so full of yourself?
I think this report is essentially untrue and Maltoday is twisting the minister's words to mislead its readers. I have gone through all the entries on Bondiblog and couldn't find one which involved PBS.
Arrogance runs in the veins of this family with Gozitan roots. No wonder the PN has published a new set of political strategy under the heading of Our Roots (L-Gheruq Taghna). How true of the maltese saying and the pn's billboard which says 'Skond ix-xokk il-fergha'.
Tkomplix iddahhaq nies bik sinjura Cristina. Ma tafx li la int bhala Ministru, la int bhala persuna, l-ebda Ministru, l-ebda Prim Ministru, l-ebda awtorita, l-ebda kummissarju Ewropej, u l-ebda alla ta din id dinja ma ghandu bocci kbar bizzejjed sabiex iwaqqfu lis Sur Lou Bondi. Kemm il multa dabbar ? Kemm hallas minnhom ?.Pero nghejdlu grazzi Sur Bondi, ghax hafna Nazzjonalisti qeghedin isiru jghobodu lil partit nazzjonalista minhabba fik, u xi erba bhalek.
Now we'll see who gets the last word Miskina or Loooo.
antoin vella you have parrotted your master and mistress so much that you make repeat posts also. PARROT.
Loo keep it up you are an asset for the LP! Antoine Vella and Mrs Bucket father please note!
@xprun Quote:"U tghid mhux hekk, Dolores! Mela ma tafx li qed toqrob l-elezzjoni. Mill-lum sa dak in-nhar nistenna li kull artikolista (tipo Daphne, l-Bocca u Fr Joe), kull xandar (tipo Peppi u Bondi) u kull apologista (tipo l-izmagat tal-Mosta u l-pastizz ta' Hal Balzan)jaghmlu li jistghu biex f'kull okkazjoni jonfhu l-gvern u kull ma jaghmel u jikkummentaw fin-negattiv fuq il-PL. Ma ntiehomx tort ghax fejn tidhol il-fissazzjoni tispicca r-raguni" Unquote. Ma tarax xprun! You are expecting a lot. Remember that we live in Mickey Mouse county, aka Malta!
@Antoine Vella Quote"But Bondi can still write about Maltatoday and call it "the paper without balls", can't he?" Didn't know that newspapers have balls but Lou may know better!
Why, is she confirming that he is not abiding with the rules laid down by PBS? If in the affirmative is that all she asked of him? Why doesn't she show him the door?
But Bondi can still write about Maltatoday and call it "the paper without balls", can't he?
But Bondi can still write about Maltatoday and call it "the paper without balls", can't he?
Hallieh Cristina ghax sejjer famus.
U tghid mhux hekk, Dolores! Mela ma tafx li qed toqrob l-elezzjoni. Mill-lum sa dak in-nhar nistenna li kull artikolista (tipo Daphne, l-Bocca u Fr Joe), kull xandar (tipo Peppi u Bondi) u kull apologista (tipo l-izmagat tal-Mosta u l-pastizz ta' Hal Balzan)jaghmlu li jistghu biex f'kull okkazjoni jonfhu l-gvern u kull ma jaghmel u jikkummentaw fin-negattiv fuq il-PL. Ma ntiehomx tort ghax fejn tidhol il-fissazzjoni tispicca r-raguni.