ETC launches new manual for women returning to work

Employment and Training Corporation offer women returning to work how-to manual.

This booklet is packed with essential information and useful tips which will ensure a smoother and successful return to the workplace.
This booklet is packed with essential information and useful tips which will ensure a smoother and successful return to the workplace.

If you are thinking of going back to work or how to make the switch from a full-time stay-at-home mother to a working mother, then do log onto the ETC website and look for the very helpful online manual which was created specifically to help women make a smooth transition back to work after a period of absence.

This booklet, which is also available on the ETC's Nista' Facebook page (nista.etc) is packed with essential information and useful tips which will ensure a smoother and successful return to the workplace.

The Nista' campaign, is an EU funded project which addresses the dynamics of sharing work / life responsibilities through the use of TV and radio spots as well as other media. The information presented in this booklet was compiled in collaboration with Anna Borg, a lecturer and researcher who has also worked as a gender equality expert in various EU funded projects and has delivered training on the subject both locally and abroad. The booklet offers practical and insightful advice to women who are not sure whether to make the move.

"We wanted to ensure that material extensively covers all important issues both practical and emotional. From your rights in the workplace to dealing with working mother guilt, it also provides practical help such as how to find quality childcare in your locality." said Tonio Montebello, the NISTA project leader .  A woman's rights in the work place are also included together with all the newly introduced tax incentives and benefits that a working mother can now benefit from. There is also plenty of sensible advice and encouragement to those women who have a flair for entrepreneurship and who aspire to set up their own independent businesses.

A number of case studies were included to provide inspiration and encouragement to anyone who is currently pondering about getting back to work. The booklet also highlights real life examples of women who have gone back to work and who understand the emotions that women returning to work feel. The on-going information and support that ETC provides in terms of job counseling, job placements and free courses among its many services as the public employment service will also make it that much easier for women returning to the work place.

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