Blogger no more, Bondì closes blog after ministry 'reprimand'

Last post from the blog: Bondì departs from the land of the pecluqa

Lou Bondì gives his furious fingers a rest...
Lou Bondì gives his furious fingers a rest...

Bondiplus presenter Lou Bondì has announced on his personal blog he will not be blogging any longer, citing time constraints on his newly discovered passion.

The 'closure' of his short-lived blog - Snoop Dogg's dissing of a Times journalist last July inspired him to enter the blogosphere he once derided as the land for chatterboxes, or pecluqa - comes hot on the heels of a request by the education minister to regulate himself in his blogposts.

Education Minister Dolores Cristina confirmed on Sunday that she asked Bondiplus presenter Lou Bondì to refrain from blogging on issues which could affect the Public Broadcasting Services in any way.

In the past, the Broadcasting Authority was asked by Labour to impress upon the Public Broadcasting Services its legal obligation to see that its current affairs presenters are seen as politically impartial.

Labour MP Gino Cauchi had complained to the BA saying that Bondì often attacked Labour leader Joseph Muscat in his blogposts, when at the same time he presented a current affairs programme on public broadcaster PBS.

Bondì's role as presenter on PBS was further questioned by the Opposition's spokesman for media Gino Cauchi when, in an interview broadcast on Net TV, Bondì said he would be voting PN in the forthcoming general election.

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando had also launched a scathing attack on Bondì, telling One TV programme Inkontri that people like him, Daphne Caruana Galizia, media consultant Fr Joe Borg and Times columnist Andrew Borg Cardona were doing "incalculable harm" to the Nationalist Party.

Bondì's blogs often mixed his political observations with a furious denigration of government critics and Labour MPs, and his blunt style often jarred with his role as the presenter of one of PBS's leading current affairs programmes.

In the process, he often spoke out against his own critics, like European Commissioner John Dalli, who insists Bondì used his programme to discredit him and hasten his resignation in 2004.

Good riddance,now do us all a favor and disappear somewhere where you will feel at home, at the zoo.
Bondi + PN X PBS - Peppi / PJ = ZERO
WoW, Dolores now get us back the EU refunds we lost through your incompetence. Actually looks like it was payback time , Dolores picking up a tab for her parliamentary support.I would believe this was all of Dolores's doing when she manages to reign in the dispicable blogger from boidnija
Tghidlix li beza' minn mara!
Fl`opinjoni tieghi ir ragunijiet huma tlieta....A. Il partit nazzjonalista indunaw li Lou Bondi qazzez lil hafna nazzjonalisti, specjalment dawk li jissapportjaw li John Dalli, u li J.P.O....B. Induna li qeghed jaqa ghac cajt,ghax il kredibilta spiccatlu, ghax wera li huwa partiggjan,u hlief blu ma jarax. Ghallura C..Ma jghamilx sens li tipretendi li int gurnalist indipendenti...Kieku nikkmanda jien, bir rispett kollu,ghanke il programm min fuq L-ISTAZZJON TAL POPLU inwaqaflek, sakemm titghallem...jekk taf titghallem.
Skuzawni ja cwiec. Jiena nissuspetta li meta Dolor iltaqet ma Bonn D tax-xewka qallu biex ikun aktar fin f'kitbietu forsi terga titla. Altru minn konfrontazzjoni. Minn jaf kemm laghqitlu.....