Malta slips further in corruption index

Malta has fallen another two places in the 2011 International Corruption Perception Index, moving down three places from 36th last year.

Malta scored 5:6 out of 10 points to rank in 39th place in a list of 69 countries
Malta scored 5:6 out of 10 points to rank in 39th place in a list of 69 countries

Malta has scored 5.6 out of 10 points to rank in 39th place in a list of 69 countries, slipping two places in Transparency International's corruption index.

The report - published today - was accompanied by a statement by Transparency International which explains how corruption continues to plague too many countries around the world.

"It shows some governments failing to protect citizens from corruption, be it abuse of public resources, bribery or secretive decision-making," Tansparency International said, and warned that protests around the world, often fuelled by corruption and economic instability, clearly show citizens feel their leaders and public institutions are neither transparent nor accountable enough.

"This year we have seen corruption on protestors' banners be they rich or poor. Whether in a Europe hit by debt crisis or an Arab world starting a new political era, leaders must heed the demands for better government," said Huguette Labelle, Chair of Transparency International.

The results for 2011

The index scores 183 countries and territories from 0 (highly corrupt) to 10 (very clean) based on perceived levels of public sector corruption. It uses data from 17 surveys that look at factors such as enforcement of anti-corruption laws, access to information and conflicts of interest.

Two thirds of ranked countries score less than 5.

New Zealand ranks first, followed by Finland and Denmark. Somalia and North Korea (included in the index for the first time), are last.

"2011 saw the movement for greater transparency take on irresistible momentum, as citizens around the world demand accountability from their governments. High-scoring countries show that over time efforts to improve transparency can, if sustained, be successful and benefit their people," said Transparency International Managing Director, Cobus de Swardt.

Most Arab Spring countries rank in the lower half of the index, scoring below 4. Before the Arab Spring, a Transparency International report on the region warned that nepotism, bribery and patronage were so deeply engrained in daily life that even existing anti-corruption laws had little impact.

Eurozone countries suffering debt crises, partly because of public authorities' failure to tackle the bribery and tax evasion that are key drivers of debt crisis, are among the lowest-scoring EU countries.

Luke Camilleri
Vicin li jikser record iehor Gonzi.....
U kemm kien jibki dmugh tal- kukkudrilli fl-80s Fenech Adami fuq ix-xinxilli tal-korruzzjoni; kemm moralizmi foloz; kemm qdusija biex jirbah l-elezzjoni; illum il-kuxjenza 'hibernated' ghax hekk jaqbel; l-aqwa il-voti!
One should see the type of defence apologists on another e-media in english are giving.One very illuminating excuse is , that there are 37 other countries worse than us.How sad.As usual they compare themselves with the worse instead of with the best. They keep looking down instead of aiming for higher ideals.
I feel that the Government is playing some game like how low can you go. Shameful that a nation like ours is one of the most corrupt places on earth. What amazes me is the fact that nothing is being done to stop such shameful and damaging practices. How Low can we go?
Ilhom jghidulna 23 sena li kollox trasparenti u mghanw korruzzjoni. It-39 nilghabu prima ghada.
U dan li jidher. Ahseb u ara jekk kellna nzidu dak li ma jidhirx. Innotaw l-ahhar paragrafu tal-artiklu Eurozone countries suffering debt crises, partly because of public authorities' failure to tackle the bribery and tax evasion that are key drivers of debt crisis, are among the lowest-scoring EU countries." Ahna hekk qed jigrilna. Ghax hemmhekk hem hafna korruzzjoni li ma tidhirx.
I am not surprised that corruption has increased in Malta. Considering how BWSC were involved in acquiring the project for our Power Station extension has made the Index getting worse for Malta. SARGAS are honest, respectable and never involved in corruption - that is why this eco-friendly power station never got into GonziPN's radar.
Malta is always slips in this or that. How about putting some brakes on corruption? How many millions were taken from the nation mounth to be fed to the few stuanch people in the very inner circle? Pensioners, families, workers, health, education, transport, fuel and electicity users are ALL burdened by this corruption. I hope that we will soon put ans end to this. I also hope that those responsible for this corruption will be brought to book and will pay for their misdeeds. Taking €500 a week withour anybody knowing, is that included in corruption practices? jew dik "acqua passata"
Corruption was always rampant under PN Governments, but Lawrence Gonzi will long be remembered as the Prime Minister under whose premiership Malta obtained the worst ever results of corruption under any PN Government.
Il-kellma 'perception' hija zbaljata. F'Malta mhux percezzjoni tal-korruzzjoni hawn. F'Malta hawn korruzzjoni instituzjonizzata u legalizzata. Il-percezzjoni qieghda f'ghajnejn il-gvern u l-hbieb tieghu li jahsbu li poplu ma jafx jgharaf li din hi korruzzjoni reali.
Tiftakru kif l-awditur generali kien sab " id-duhhan tal-korruzzjoni izda ma setax isib in-nar" fil-kaz tal-B.W.S.C. ? Jidher li d-duhhan qed ikompli jizdied, li jfisser li n-nar qed ikompli jikber u mhux jonqos !M'hemmx ghalfejn tara n-nar biex tinduna li hemm nar jaqbad ! il-barranin jidher li jafu dan sewwa x'qed jigri f'Malta u f'Ghawdex !
To whom it may cocern. Il present huwa l mera tal futur. Fuq hekk se nivutaw mela x gara 31 sena ilu!!!
39 out of 183 is not exactly that bad...though why in the caption it is listed as 39 out of 69... if there are 183 countries.. that is the base line... and it is a huge difference... I actually thought that we are worse off to be honest ....
Surprise surprise.
Am I correct if the above image of shaking hands represents our Prime Minister handing the 500euros weekly to one of his Ministers??
This is no longer of news value. Corruption stinks, and wafts of it can be smelt everywhere. We are now below the half-way line of the corruption index, and still falling. And the Government boast of transparency. Yes, as transparent as an opaque ground glass.
Malta slips further in corruption index ------- Are we supposed to be surprised, or something?
Karl, Thanks for the update, but come on, the only people that dont's know this news are those in a coma or brain dead. I would like to point out to that picture. It is very misleading. Real fraud, the ones with the 6 digit figures are done in day light.They are even invoiced and tax deductable. HOw ? You can normally find it under " Consultancy Fees"