Debono to vote with government, as Gonzi ‘concedes to reason’

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi is set to realign his ministries and split the justice portfolio from home affairs, which until today were under the responsibility of minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

Franco Debono: “the Prime Minister did not concede anything to me, but he has simply conceded to reason.”
Franco Debono: “the Prime Minister did not concede anything to me, but he has simply conceded to reason.”

Speaking on the Nationalist Party's NET Television yesterday evening, Gonzi appeared to be acting fast to implement  Constitutional amendments which have been under consideration for the past months.

The announcement was made hours before the House is called later today to vote on the financial estimates allocated to the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, which refer to several issues raised by PN backbencher Franco Debono in a private members' motion and a justice reform bill proposed Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

Debono, who initially made it clear that he was objecting to how the minister was making the amendments in some aspects, stressed that he would vote down the bill.

But issues developed over the past hours, Debono is reported to be intending to vote with government today, and has also welcomed the fact that the Prime Minister is finally implementing the necessary changes to the justice system by firstly separating justice from home affairs.

"The Prime Minister did not concede anything to me, but he has simply conceded to reason," the PN MP said this morning, adding that it was high time that "someone took a decision in the best interest of the country, the people and democracy."

Splitting the justice and home affairs was the way forward, Debono said, adding that one could not accept a situation where the roles of the judiciary and the police were blatantly overlapping themselves to the detriment of a democratic society, while the minister had to balance his way between the Judiciary and the Police Commissioner which are two distinct roles.

In his comments on NET Television, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that he was taking note of Franco Debono's proposals and will be splitting the ministry currently held by Mifsud Bonnici.

@ Antonie Vella: Stenbaht, qomt minn gol-friex? X'tahseb li inti biss il-bravu, tahseb li ahna ma nafux li Franco Debono mhux se jasal li jivvota biex iwaqqa l-Gvern? Tahseb li FD hu xi bahnan? FD jaf li jekk jaghmel hekk ser ikun vitta u jsir martri iehor ( u forsi twahhlu fina wkoll bas-soltu). U siehbek Gonzi ma jistax ma jaqdix lil FD ghax jaf li qed jghid sewwa, imma issa stenna li wara li jieqaf u jiehu li jrid FD ser jinbet xi hadd iehor u jerga jibda it-tingiz li siehbek Gonzi. U miskina Malta ostagga ta' dan il-Gvern bla sinsla li jrid jibqa fil-poter akkost ta' kollox. Dan il-Gvern mhux ruhu bieh lix-xitan imma gismu wkoll. Bongu sur Vella.
Gonzi concedes but will certainly would not nominate Franco to one of the new posts. Gonzi said he kept the cabinet to a minimum not to waste resources (more lack of talent)gave himself and his cohorts a double salary and a €500 per week wage increase because of this.Now he is adding more ministries. What a shambles almost everyone on the gonzipn's side is scrambling to get a piece of the pie before it disappears.
Mintoffjani are sorely disappointed in Franco Debono; their Elves had foolishly led them to believe he would bring down the government. All their avowed admiration was false, all their talk about 'linef' was just wishful thinking - they were only egging him on, hoping to manipulate him in betraying his party. This is clearly not going to happen and, in the end, it proved to be the Mintoffjani themselves who were cut off from reality. This is their second disappointment after that of Pullicino Orlando.
I didn't know that we now have a new Prime Minister No.2 - Franco Debono - in lieu of Austin Gatt, and he is leading Gonzi by the nose. Who knows? If Gonzi loses the next election, as it very well seems, there will be a race for the top of the PN, and FD will be there among them. No a bad idea, really, if it should be FD as a no-funny-business PN leader at last, in Government or Opposition.
Ghandna Prim Ministru kuntent u dejjem jitbissem ghax jiehu pjacir kulhadd jaqbdu mill-kukki !!. Terga' w tghid issa qed jaghmel U-turn wara ohra u wara li jisfida lil Joseph Muscat biex jghidlu x'ser jaghmel , meta dan johroglu bil-proposti, l-ewwel jipprova jwaqqaghhom ghac-cajt u ftit wara tarah iwettaqhom !!.Kellna tal-Pulizija , issa tal-ministeru tal-gustizzja..... Biex meta jerga' jsemmihom Dr. Muscat joqghod jghidlu "Dawk diga ghamilnihom " !!. B'min qed tahseb li qed tghaddi z-zmien prim ?. Imbaghad ohra. Iridu lill-Partit Laburista jghidilhom x'ser jaghmel wara l-elezzjoni li gejja, u huma lanqas jghidu x'ser jaghmlu ghada. Kellna l-wizard finanzjarju li jumejn qabel il-budget qalilna li l-ahhar decizzjonijiet jittiehdu jum qabel ghax jistghu jinbidlu c-cirkostanzi !!. Mela sewwa huma jhallu sal-gurnata ta' qabel biex jiddeciedu, u lill-Labour iridhom jghidu x'ser jaghmlu sena w nofs ohra !!!. Tistghu tkunu iktar ipokriti ?. Imma ma ntihomx tort, tant m'gahndhomx idejat, taht zvujtjaw mill-hsibijiet li qeghdin jistennew lill-Labour johrog bihom biex jikkupjawhom !!. Warrbu minn hemm. Imma qed nitlob xi haga mpossibbli, ghax HADD m'hu ser jitlef dawk il-gliegel ta' flus li dehlin fi bwiethom u fi bwiet tal-familji taghhom u tal-forcini taghhom. Imma z-zmien jghaddi u kollox jasal.
Gonzi ghamel promessa lil Franco Debono biex isoddlu halqu u ma jaqlalux inkwiet. Ser jispicca jkisser l-unika Ministeru bis-sens li ghandna Malta biex ipaxxi lil Franco Debono. Prosit Dr Gonzi ibqa sejjer hekk u aktar qed turi bic-car li inti korrott bhal skoss Ministri ohra li inti mdawwar bihom. Franco PN mid-dehra ser tkun id-daqqa li jmiss tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. Pero kun af Sur Prim Ministru li l-ewwel wahda jien ma inix ser nerga nivvota ghal partit korrott immexxi minnek u minn Franco Debono mieghek.
Tal-misthija Gvern miexi bl-istoffi bhal ma kien miexi l-ahhar Gvern tal-Labour immexxi minn Sant. Imma Sant kien ragel ghaqli, avolja ma hux Avukat, ra li ma jistax ikompli sejjer hekk u allavolja kien jaf li ser jitlef l-elezzjoni, ghal gid ta' Malta xorta rrezenja u ghajjat elezzjoni generali halli Malta jkollha gvern gdid b'sahtu. U int Dr. Gonzi x'se taghmel?????? Smajt sewwa li se tibqa mwahhal fuq dak is-siggu go Kastilja jew smajt hazin????? Qed tghidli biex niehu pacenzja sa kemm tahsibha? Ma tarax li m'ghadx hemm lok li Malta tkompli titmexxa mill-Gvern tieghek li qieghed f'din is-sitwazzjoni ta' Gvern rikattat il-hin kollu? X'qed tistenna? Qum minn dik ir-raqda li tinsab fiha u saffar is-suffara li kullhadd qed jistenna li jisma u ghamel xi haga tajba ghal Malta. Bongu Prim.
Something tells me that PM Gonzi has got something to hide by saying YES to Franco Debono's proposals. Of course Franco Debono only had one Ministry to attack since he feels only good in his own profession. I wonder which part of the Justice and Home Affairs section he will be handed to manage, one doesn't have to look very far to realise that Franco Debono is a high flyer and is doing his homework just before the next general election. I presume he will be engaging his own regime from the Zurrieq area to keep up to his promises!!!
If the PM is only now seeing that Justice and the Police have to be under different Ministries, what does this say about his judgement over the last four years? Not only that but the PM happens to be a lawyer as well.
I wonder who is going to get a €500 pay rise per week, a new Jaguar, a chaufier and God knows how many buddies for his office ALL paid from our tax just for the simple bloody reason to keep GonziPn in power. Haqqi ja poplu MUTU!
Perfect now who will be the new face. Dr Franco Debono? or some one else from the back bench? Wait and see what happens in the chess game of the century
Bonqu Dr. Gonzi, nisthajlek li sirt bla pinnur li jkun hemm fuq il-bjut jew inkella tlaqqat bhal-ballu tal-football daqqa ddur l-hawn u daqqa l-hemm, jider car li l-agenda mhux li taghmel int qed issir imma li jghidu shabek u inti jkollok tbaxxi rasek. Ara veru mhux par idejn sodi biss imma l-veru ghandna Gvern SOD u b'sahtu hafna ghax ma l-inqas ziffa rih il-pinnur idur. L-unika rgulija li ghad badallek hi li ssejjah elezzjoni u madoffi tehles minn dan l-inkwiet kollu ghax nithassrek nahseb lanqas rasek ma l-imhadda ma tpoggi b'dan l-inkwiet kollu li qed jinqalalek. Pongu Prim.
"someone took a decision in the best interest of the country, the people and democracy." and somebody else took a decision that he thinks is in his own interest. We dont need another hero.
Ghandha Gvern RIKATTAT il hin kollu.Min imissu wara Franco. Appell lil Back Benchers nazzjonalisti..ISSA huwa il mumment li tqumu mir raqda li qeghedin fiha u takwistaw dawk il 500 ewro fil gimgha, kif il Prim Ministru qeghed fuq sieq wahda. Tinsewx li illum qeghedin hemm u ghada tistaw ma tkunux.
Ian George Walker
Next election - FRANCOpn?
Bongu Prim Ministru Franco. Welcome to Fantasy Island.
heqq, min dak hemm.par idejn sodi.U-turn ohra.miskien kellu jerga icedi ghal Franco.Long live franco