Herrera says people 'queuing up' to change judges presiding their cases
Labour MP Josè Herrera said that a ‘long queue’ of applicants are calling on the Chamber of Advocates to have their judges changed over delays in judgements.
Labour MP Jose Herrera has stated in parliament that long queues of people are requesting the Chamber of Advocates to process their applications to have the judges and magistrates presiding their cases changed.
Addressing the House this morning as parliament debates the financial estimates that fall under the ministry for justice and home affairs, Jose' Herrera said that since the Chamber of Advocates announced it was willing to help people overcome unjustified delays for judgement by changing the presiding judge, this was "clear evidence of a massive crisis in the judicial system."
Herrera said that it was unacceptable that some 1,000 court cases have been awaiting judgement for more than 18 months, with one having been deferred for final decision since 2004.
He criticised justice and home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici for the way judges and magistrates are being appointed, and stressed that as minister he must assume the political responsibility of the under-performing members of the judiciary he appointed.
Without mentioning any names, Jose' Herrera said that a "few" members' of the judiciary are not performing and it was odd that government preferred to let things be rather than reform or address the matter.
He said that there is a serious problem in the quality of those who are being appointed to the benches, and added that it is high time that the concept of security of tenure for the judiciary should be revised.