PL calls on MEPA to choose gasoil for Delimara

The Labour Party has called on the MEPA board to choose gasoil over heavy fuel oil for the new Delimara power plant extension.

MEPA today will be deciding on Delimara power station's IPPC permit.
MEPA today will be deciding on Delimara power station's IPPC permit.

In a statement issued today the PL urged MEPA to choose gasoil instead of heavy fuel oil (HFO), as the MEPA board meets to decide on the Delimara power station extension's IPPC permit.

The MEPA board will be holding a much-anticipated meeting later today to discuss the granting of an Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control (IPPC) permit for the new Delimara power plant extension.

The PL is urging the MEPA board to choose gasoil as this will make it easier to completely switch the plant to gas at a later stage, as proposed by Opposition leader Joseph Muscat. 

The PL has favoured gas over the highly polluting HFO since the beginning of the extension process.

The PL said that PM Lawrence Gonzi is obstinately insisting on choosing HFO, which will increase the price of energy production and is the worst choice in terms of the environment.

The PL said opting for gasoil will not bring about higher bills and will make it easier to convert the Delimara plant to cleaner technology with cheaper tariffs at a later stage.

Labour said it was reiterating its electoral promise that a new Labour government would immediately commence the process to convert the Delimara plant firstly to use gasoil and subsequently to gas.

Missieri darba qalli "jekk trid it-tfal tieghek jghamlu xi haga ghidilhom bil-kontra bhal ma ghamlu lis-Sambu ix-Xadin". Storja fil ktieb tal-Malti ta' l-iskola. Hon Muscat ghid lil Gonzi juza il-Heavy fuel oil, u ghidlu ukoll li l-gasoil ma huwiex tajjeb!