Animal Rights Coalition reiterates call to ban circuses from Malta

23 animal rights organisations say public authorities have ignored their call to protect animals and ban animal circuses from the Malta.

One of the lions performing at this year's Circo Orfei. The Circus Animal Rights Coalition reiterates call to ban animal circuses from the island.
One of the lions performing at this year's Circo Orfei. The Circus Animal Rights Coalition reiterates call to ban animal circuses from the island.

The 23 NGOs forming the Circus Animal Rights Coalition expressed their disappointment and concern that JS Productions have once again brought an animal circus to the island.

It has now become somewhat of a tradition for an animal circus to perform during the Christmas season.

The coalition said it was dismayed by the fact that, notwithstanding the public's opposition to the exploitation of animals in circuses, the same company still generates profit from this animal cruelty, year after year.

Mary Grace Vella, an animal rights activist, said public calls have been made to the Rural Affairs Ministry and the Animal Welfare Department, but without any success. "We have repeatedly made public calls to the authorities to ban the circuses. We emailed them and sent them petitions as well. But they never got back to us - not even acknowledging receipt of our message," she said.

Vella said authorities need to show consistency in what they say and do: "On one hand they promote animal rights and impose fines and prison sentences to those who hurt animals, and on the other hand they let such animal cruelty take place. How can we promote animal rights and at the same time allow this to happen?"

Vella said the coalition was not ordering the public not to visit the circus: "We only want them to research on how animals are trained before they visit the circus. If they really love animals, and make an informed decision, they would decide on their own not to go."

She added that ironically, it was people who loved animals which most of the time go to the circus. "But is it right for an animal to be exploited for our enjoyment or for profit?" Vella said.

Francesca Saliba, also an animal rights activist, welcomed the decision by the Education Ministry to stop taking schoolchildren to the circus.

She recalled how the Animal Welfare Act states the government "shall protect the life of animals and to prevent and punish acts of ill-treatment in their regard". Moreover, the Act states that "the State shall protect such animals from undue labour and work practices which are beyond and not constant with their nature."

"But even though it is laid out in the national legislation, government persists in allowing the setting up of animal circuses, an industry which conditions animals to perform tricks which certainly cannot be considered 'constant with their nature'," the coalition argued.

Repeatedly, the Circus Animal Rights Coalition has called on government to abide by the Animal Welfare Act: "It should not only conduct veterinary checks, but there should also be frequent and regular animal behaviour checks so that animals are assessed on the basis of psychological health, confinement, frequency of use in shows and travelling schedules from one circus to another."

The coalition noted that its concerns are not alien to the local authorities or society. "The public outrage at the numerous acts of animal cruelty reported in the media is not limited to cases of cruelty on domestic animals," it said.

It also showed enthusiasm at the increased public support for better protection of all animals, especially when these animals are exploited for economic gains of a private operator.

"In its absence to halt the animal circus operations, government needs to take all necessary safeguards to protect the welfare of the animals," the 23 NGOs said.

It reminded that, in accordance with the principle of the Animal Welfare Act, government has the "duty to collaborate with voluntary organisations in the field of animal welfare, and that it is the duty to promote the culture of respects towards animals".

The Circus Animal Rights Coalition also called for action based on the principle in an open, accountable and transparent dialogue.

The coalition will be holding a Walk for Animal Rights and Against Animal Circuses as a symbolic protest against Circo Orfei. The Circus Animal Rights Coalition invites all those who love animals to join on December 20, starting at 6pm from City Gate Valletta.


Daqt naslu fi stat li ikun hawn min ghidilna biex ma nieklux. Mela ma nieklux tigieg, fniek, majjal, canga u hut u kull tjur ohra ghaliex din hija mohqrija. Ma nilbsux zraben ghaliex maghmul mill-gilda ta l-annimal. Ma nieklux haxix, ma nuzawx toilet paper ghaliex imorru kontra l-ambjent u dik hija hajja ukoll. Ma nuzawx l-ajruplani, ferroviji, vapuri, karrozzi, eletriku, gas, petrol ghaliex qedin ihassru l-ambjent. Ma niedux medicini ghaliex ghaliex dawn ukoll gejjin min xi forma ta ambjent. Ma nigbrux taxxi ghaliex ninketaw lil-poplu. Ma ikollniex Gvernijiet, ordni fil-pajjiz, servizzi socjali, unions, knejjes, spartijiet, ligijiet, habsijiet u kull haga ohra ghaliex inkunu qedin nirfsu xi dritt ta xi hadd. Ma naghmlu xejn, noqodu bil-qeda fl-art immutu bil mod il-mod bil guh bil-mard, bla edukazzjoni u indossu kull toqba li ghandna f’gisimna ghaliex jekk naghmlu xi haga ikunu qed ihassru l-ambjent, nuzaw ir-risorsi li hawn fil-dinja, nahqru l-annimali, inkissru, infarku, u neqirdu kollox. Ghaliex fid dinja hawn iz-zoos, aquariums, min irrabi l-ghasafar fil-gaggeg, ghaliex ma nissugerux li dan l-annimali ihalluhom jigru. Malta ma ghandna xejn min dawn allura kif min qatt ma sifer irrid jara dawn l-affarijiet. Nahseb l ikollok annimal thobbu u tiehu hsiebu huwa don.
Well done to the NGOs Shame on the politicians When such companies who exploit animals allow truly independent parties to freely monitor and continously film animals whilst they are subjected to 'perform' unnatural acts, transported, and confined to cages - then the public would really be able to make an informed decision. Obviously some egoistic homo supposedly 'sapiens' will dismiss such exploitation - as will those who have vested interest!
If you don't like it. don't go, but let people choose ,what they want!! If I want to go & watch the circus, who are you to stop me!!!!!!!
Alla ma halaq l-ebda annimal sabiex il bniedem jitterturah sakemm igibu jghamel li irid huwa. " SAKEMM IL BNIEDEM JIBQA JAHQAR LIL L-ANIMALI, JISTA JIBQA ISEJJAH LILU INNIFSU SALVAGG ".... Thomas Edison. Sakemm qeghed iggib lil animal jghamel li trid int, fic Cirklu, qeghed tahqru.......Mela int salvagg, ghax ghar reghba tal flus qeghed tuza lil l-annimal. Ara ghawnx xi volontier ghax inzommu tajjeb u nitimaw, noghoqod niehu pjacir nitterturah u insawtu bil frosta ,biex indahhaq u nghati pjacir lin nies...u fuq kolox naqla ewro. Jekk lit tfal taghna irridu nuruhom l-annimali ezotici..ingibu Zoo u mhux Cirklu.
These animals are well taken care of, they're well fed, and most of them, if not all, are born in captivity which means that if they're taken in the wild they would perish within a few weeks if not days. Besides can you animal rightd activists tell me where can Maltese kids ever see a real lion or a giraffe? Not everyone can afford a safari in the Serengeti, and please don't tell me there's Animal Planet or Nat Geo Wild to watch.
oh come onnnn... what s a circus without animals??... Go get a life.
@ Tony Jekk qed tirreferi ghal dawn li qed jaqbzu ghal annimali, immaginak INT trnejat, hajtek kolla f gagga. u meta nghid trnejat ... ittorturat jekk tghamel zball. Cirklu = MOHQRIJA!
Raymond Falzon