Sargas plant can run on gas, Norwegians insist

Norwegian carbon-capture energy company says gas or biopaste plant could complement Delimara heavy fuel oil extension.

Sargas business development manager Martin Rödén is insisting that the plant can also be fired on natural gas.
Sargas business development manager Martin Rödén is insisting that the plant can also be fired on natural gas.

Sargas and two of its engineering partners, DSME and SNC-Lavalin, are proposing a feasibility study to verify the conditions  necessary for a new power plant that can run on either gas or 'biopaste' to complement the existing Delimara power station extension that will run on heavy fuel oil.

Reacting to criticism from political parties and other experts quoted by the media that Sargas's technology depended on coal, the Norwegian firm has also denied having any link to any political party and that it never expected to enter a political controversy.

The firm had been suggested to the Prime Minister by former foreign minister John Dalli and has since invited criticism from the green party, Alternattiva Demokratika.

In a statement, Sargas business development manager Martin Rödén said Sargas's technology was not in prototype phase, but was already in full-scale operation in countries like Sweden, Germany and Japan.

"Sargas technology does not depend on coal. Biopaste, a wet mix of biomass and coal, may be used to create a carbon negative plant. The plant can however also be fired on natural gas, also with carbon capture," Rödén said.

Carbon capture is a process that captures carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plants, and then stored so it does not enter the atmosphere. Rödén said a gas-fired plant configuration would capture the CO2 and still have approximately 50% efficiency.

ComparisonCoalFuel OilNatural gasSargas (BioPaste)
Carbon dioxide (g/GJ) 94,600 77,400 56,100 12,285 (Carbon negative*)
Sulfur dioxide (g/GJ) 768 1350 0.68 2.8
Nitrous Oxides (g/GJ) 292 195 93.3 9.6
Carbon monoxide (g/GJ) 89.1 15.7 14.5 4.2
Particulate matter 1,203 16 0.1 0.1

* Sargas Biopaste with 20% biomass. Capturing 95% of CO2. This means all emitted CO2 derives from Biomass and the plant is carbon negative.

Source: Sargas

"Over 950 plants in operation worldwide are using the HPC technology being used in the carbon capture technology in the Sargas patented combination for pressurized combustion and pressurized capture.

"A Sargas plant would not require any investment from the government. The low cost of electricity to Enemalta would be stipulated in a power purchase agreement which would be negotiated following a feasibility study."

According to Rödén, a pre-feasibility study conducted with Enemalta in February 2011, concluded that the delivered cost of electricity to the grid would be 7.5 cents per kWh, in 2016.

"Based on today's consumer tariffs in Malta, this figure would be around half the current cost of electricity produced today."

Rödén also said the plant will not be floating at sea, but shipped in one piece to Malta by sea and embedded permanently to the ground 200 metres south of the Delimara power station.

"This power station will complement the new HFO and future wind power plants... The proposal does not depend on an EU funding programme. The project is commercially viable."

Rödén also said the new interconnector to Italy would be an opportunity for the power plant to export clean carbon-negative electrical energy from Malta, increasing export revenues. But he said that Italy was one of the more expensive electrical energy markets in the EU, and had a great deficit for clean energy.

Rödén also said that any radiation concerns were dispelled by thorough surveillance systems. "Our reference plant Stockholm has certification that no such pollution has occurred for more than twenty years which can be verified. Such verification and certification would be pre-requisites for a plant in Malta."

Sargas claims it can capture 95% of all CO2 including the carbon-neutral biomass flue gas, and emit less than zero fossil carbon emissions. "The reason why Sargas technology can be very clean and still very efficient and produce low cost power is the fact that is works under pressure. Any power plant engineer or chemist can verify the fact that capturing CO2 and other pollutants under pressure is drastically better," Rödén said.

Micheal Bonanno
@Vella. Joseph Muscat always stated if and but during his discussions. He knows quite well that any politician who binds himself unilaterally will be in a lot trouble. Much as your darling PM did with the BSWCgate. His hands are tied behind his back and he can't do anything. Muscat already said, before, and during the budget speech that the Sargas option was only one of many. But of course, you and your ilk choose to stick to only one statement. Like your party stuck in the mud of your own doing!
So, for a few days, Labour ranted on and on (and on and on) about the "Dalli Plan" and about the "proposal ignored by Gonzi" and now that the Sargas bubble has been all but burst, they are trying to distance themselves from it, regaling us with a chorus of 'ifs' and 'buts'. Too late.
Mr. Vella, With all due respect, grow up. This is not a political issue, but concerns the safety of ours and future generation. Your reference to Radio Active emitions is nothing but a pathetic ruse to foment a little scare mongering. If you read the article properly Mr. Roden said, quote: Rödén also said that any radiation concerns were dispelled by thorough surveillance systems. "Our reference plant Stockholm has certification that no such pollution has occurred for more than twenty years which can be verified. Such verification and certification would be pre-requisites for a plant in Malta." I tkink it is clear enough. None the less I would have you know that numerous Nuclear Power Stations are scattered all over Europe. I stand corrected, but I beleive France has the largest number. As you well know if a major accident (God forbid) were to occur in one of these plants, Malta would be effected. Surely enough, the risk of Radio Active proliferation has been a reality for many years. Apart from the fact that nuclear ordinance have been stored or made transut stops on the island. Befoe I end, with all due respect. I would like to bring to your cognizance, that the political group you adhere to, ie the right, are in favour of Nuclear Power stations. Those who oppose such hazards are the greens and us the left.
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. Imma skuzi ta, int taf taqra? Jew ghallinqas meta taqra nehhi dak in-nuccali politiku li ghandek u aqra sew. Joseph Muscat qatt ma qal li ser jaghmel tas-Sargas. Dejjem qal li barra tas-Sargas hemm options ohra. U jekk trid issemmi r-radio-active waste, mela dak ir-residual li se jibqa mill-HFO x'inhu? Iftah ghajnejk l-ohra wkoll! Ara vera bniedem selettiv bhas-siehba tieghek.
So the power-plant proposed and enthusiastically promoted by the PL leaders and Labour Elves would likely produce radio-active waste. X'għaqal.
Tant huwa ghaqli u konxju mill Gassijiet Velenuzi li johorgu mill-Power Station li tahdem bil-Heavy Fuel Oil, li Dr Gonzi qed jibnilna Sptar Gdid ghall kura kontra il-Kancer. Xi tridu aktar minn hekk??
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. Fejn hi l-u-turn li qieghed tghid li ghamel il-PL? Ghadni kemm rajt Bondi+ tal-bierah. Imkien Joseph Muscat ma qal li s-Sargas se juzaha. Dejjem qal li ghandu l-options miftuha li fejn jaqbillu jqabbel. Kontra qalbi rajt Bondi+ biex nivverifika li ghidt int. Imma mid-dehra ix-xewqat tieghek huma vera l-boghod mir-realta. Joseph Muscat dejjem qal li barra l-proposti tas-Sargas, hemm proposti ohrajn! U dan int biex minghalik biex tghajjar il-PL b'u-turn. Int qieghed taghmel ezatt bhal siehbek Loo meta beda jipprova jgieghel lil Ms. Marlene Farrugia tghid li jrid hu! Ezatt bhal ma pprova jaghmel ma' Karmenu Vella.
So we went from an alternative to complement. I think Maltatoday should explain its connection with these con artists and stop making fools of themselves.
Dear Nation, If the above rates of emissions are correct, why are we being taxed VERY HIGH CAR LICENCES due to emissions. This is not logical and in no way right. Can the health department or the emissions control department or unit and the new task force confirm and verify that the above rates are correct or not. It is their duty to the Nation who is responsible to call a spade a spade and not cover any wrong decision taken, IF ANY, as we Maltese say, iz-zejt jitla f'wicc lilma, and it will be on his/her conscious. Monitor
Antoine Vella I have a priest in my family and he is very angry about PN U TURNS about divorce gays etc so are the majiority of the priests. If you use your common sence and work out the votes lost in €500, water and eletricty bills etc etc etc. You have a lot to worry about!
Tonight on Bondiplus - another U-turn by the PL. They are no longer in favour of the Sargas proposal but only the "carbon capture technology".
@nobody ====== You do not know what you are talking about; you've said so yourself ("Goodness knows how that was calculated, apparently there are lots of tools on the web sites and so I had a look ..."), so, the best thing for you to do is to shut up. It does not matter how Sargas will finance its plant. They have already quoted a 7.5 cents per Kilowatt Hour. From that, they recoup their capital and pay dividends to their investors. They are not asking the government for any subsidy, or to buy their plant. They'll build it, own it, and operate it ... according to whatever terms and conditions are imposed on them by both MEPA and Enemalta. (I suspect that you and Charroll are one and the same person.)
To Peter Borġ and Guidoforte It seems that Sargas are still peddling the same issue. Now they have come up with a positional statement that actually defies logic. Natural Gas - is till a Fossil Fuel. If you burn Biomass as in trees - at a rate faster than it is replenished in the natural form - then like Canada - the vastness of the forests will disappear. And there is still the answer about the Capital Costs. Charroll who was last reporting on this offered a statement about how financing was calculated on the background of an equivalent mortgage. Goodness knows how that was calculated, apparently there are lots of tools on the web sites and so I had a look. 1] Mortgage would not let me do a 1,000,000,000--00 borrowing. Mortgage Summary Loan amount $100,000,000.00 Term 10 years Interest rate 5.500% Monthly payment (PI) $1,085,262.78 Total principal and interest payments $130,231,533.45 Total interest $30,231,533.45 Mortgage Summary Loan amount $100,000,000.00 Term 15 years Interest rate 6.250% Monthly payment (PI) $857,422.87 Total principal and interest payments $154,336,115.51 Total interest $54,336,115.51 2] Operations and Maintenance Scenarios for Power Stations and other plants as a %age of CAPEX....10% see,s to be the normal cost per year regardless of fuels. And you do not have to be an engineer specialised in power generation, you only need to use some logic and common sense. The question is - do you know of any business that will give you anything for free? A business is there to generate profit for its investors, punto e basta.
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@ Sargas ...........You are wasting your time and energy to convince this arrogant government. Take my advise and pump about 4 million euros from under the table to somebody .........and you will get what you want in a jiffy.
Why would we need a Sargas plant in the first place if we use natural gas! Who do they think they’re fooling?
u mela jigi Brigulio u imaqdar bladdoc lil tas-sargas, min Gonzi nipretendija!! imma mhux min sippost kap tal-green party malti