PM: Euro Summit sends clear message of stability to markets
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says the summit registered a level of success of what is the euro currency.
"It is clear the international markets expected all prime ministers to address the issues which were worrying the markets and expected a clear and stable message of trust in the Euro ... a strong currency which addresses the current challenges," Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said, at the end of the Euro Summit.
Gonzi said during the summit, all 17 eurozone leaders, supported by other leaders, bound themselves to several important principles: "Most importantly that each country should aim at a balanced budget with zero deficit."
He added the Maltese government has long been reiterating this should be a country's goal. The Maltese government, he said, has tried to address the deficit problem more than once, but the international crisis and recession had temporarily halted the plan.
"The principle of a balanced budget, the stability growth pact and other important parameters will be strongly implemented," Gonzi said. "Our message to the markets is that we will not let what happened to the markets before repeat itself."
He said the leaders went to the summit prepared with their concerns and all points were addressed.
Gonzi said the leaders also agreed to hurry the process by which the temporary European Financial Stability Facility will be replaced permanently by the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).
"I believe this also sends a strong message to calm the worries of the financial markets. I take the opportunity to thank Opposition leader Joseph Muscat for agreeing to the government's position."
Gonzi also called on the European Council to hurry up the process to unfreeze the Libyan assets. "It is clear the new government needs the finances to administer the country in the most important things."