Muscat reiterates Opposition’s support to government

Leader Joseph Muscat says Opposition will support government on decisions to safeguard the Eurozone and its currency, as long as Malta retains tax sovereignty.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat said he will continue to support government as long as the line of fiscal harmonisation is not skipped.
Opposition leader Joseph Muscat said he will continue to support government as long as the line of fiscal harmonisation is not skipped.

Reacting to the Prime Minister's speech in Parliament this morning, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat said his side of the House will continue to support government on the agreement reached in the European Council, as long as decisions on taxes are taken by the Maltese government.

Muscat has reiterated that all measures must be taken to safeguard the Euro, but this must not come at the detriment of the sovereignty member states currently have, the ability to set taxes themselves.

"The red line of fiscal harmonisations must never be skipped," Muscat said. "This line was not skipped with the agreement reached on Friday in the European Council."

He said government's aim must always be towards a balanced budget and debt reduction. He added, the Constitutional amendment to add the so-called "golden rule" of a balanced national budget should not be hastily implemented.

"We should wait until discussions on a European level are concluded," Muscat said.

He went on to say he could not understand how government chose to embark of the City Gate project and the building of a new Parliament, during a time that required financial discipline.

Muscat added government did not include the cost in its books.

The Opposition leader also said the common consolidated corporate tax base and the financial transaction tax should be resisted by Malta: "This because they are not in the interest of our competitiveness."

Muscat reiterated a new government assures stability in the change of the country's leadership.



Jeffrey Vella
@antoin vella. Jealousy will get you and gonziPN nowhere.
Prosit Joseph. Kompli offri politica ghaqlija u suggerementi fl-interess tal-Maltin kollha u s-success tieghek ikun is-success ghall-Maltin kollha. Xeba l-poplu Malti jara l-istess klikka ta' hbieb tal-habieb tgawdi ghad-detriment taghna, l-kumplament tal-popolazzjoni. U jekk verament ikunu sinciera maghhom infushom, perzwaz li n-nazzjonalisti genwieni li minnhom jien naf hafna, dan jgharfuh u japprovawh.
@Antoine Vella As regards your comment 'government leading and Joseph following' recently we have seen the opposite. Joseph leading and Gonzi following him e.g. the recommendation about the maternity leave etc.
@Antoine Vella And how serious was Lawrence Gonzi when he thanked Joseph Muscat for his support? Was it done for convenience ie because he needs the Opposition's support (constitutional change)for the so called 'golden rule to go through parliament? From past experience I would say it was because Lawrence Gonzi cannot 'tango' alone this time round. The time of arrogance when the PN had many more MPs than the Opposition in the house of parliament is over. Remember Austin Gatt when he said that they didn't need to consult the Opposition because in case of a division the vote would still go through as they (PN) had more members?
The only "serious" thing Joseph Muscat can do is support government. Let government lead and Muscat follow in support; if he did it more often he would be more serious.
Mexxej SERJU li jgib l-interessi tal-pajjiz qabel dawk tal-partit u tieghu inniefsu. Proset Joseph Muscat qieghed tikkonvinci aktar nies biex darb'ohra jivvutaw PL. Kif jghid sew l-islogan tal-PL Tmexxija Bil-GHaqal u jien inkompli b'Mexxej Serju.