Tomorrow’s politicians should be technical – Opposition leader

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat reiterates a change in government would bring stability.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat
Opposition leader Joseph Muscat

Addressing a political activity in Mellieha, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat said this week Malta had the opportunity to see what a new Labour government would bring: "This week, the Maltese saw that an alternative government would mean 'safe'. It would bring a stable change. With prudence we will lead better."

Speaking on this week's vote in Parliament, Muscat said he felt it was his duty that, on national interests, he supported government on the measures that safeguarded Malta's needs:

"We did not embark on a populist and critic road but chose to support government. That was the right thing to do safeguard national interest. We sent a concrete message of stability."

He said the Opposition had no problem with agreeing to the constitutionalisation of the golden rule of a balanced national budget: "Prudence and discipline have long been our party's call."

He reiterated the importance of never skipping the line of fiscal harmonisation.

Muscat said economic growth is crucial for the reduction of deficit: "But most of the European leaders seem to have not realised this as yet. In Malta, it is clear that the PL is the party supporting businesses."

He added his party's attitude towards businesses was liberal, because the PL understood no wealth could be created without having the private sector as our partner.

"With tomorrow's Europe, yesterday's politics are no longer viable," Muscat warned. "Our country needs new measures of leadership, which combine together ideal and practice: politics with technical."

He said leaders should not remain focused on what happened 25 or 30 years ago. "Malta needs a new race of politicians who look ahead, aware of the good and bad of the past but who are focused on the success of the future.

"Politicians who have a strong technical background, who know what they are speaking about because they are experienced; politicians who are not blinded by money but are there to serve."

Muscat said Malta did not need a leadership which focused on one election after the other. "This leads to moral and financial failures. Our country needs a clear leadership who tells the public what can and cannot be done. We won't promise everything to everyone and then retract."

The Opposition leader said a new government will have big decisions to take: "This week is proof we are ready to take those decisions".

Speaking on education, Muscat said recent comments made by the Malta Union of Teachers "were worrying".

Earlier this week, MUT said it had been left out of the core committee that drew up the National Curriculum Framework and described the consultation process as propagandistic.

"We cannot experiment with our children's education," Muscat said. "We believe there is the need for a change in the curriculum. It is inevitable. The current tools are outdated.

"But investment in education is not only tied to the building of schools. We must also concentrate on the quality of the education."

Muscat described teachers as "tomorrow's builders", helping shape tomorrow's workers.

Muscat said it's common of the Maltese government to have good plans, but when it comes to implementation it fails continuously.

"We cannot accept a repetition of the Smart City saga in the education sector. The disastrous effect a failed education reform would have is immeasurable."

Muscat called on government to reply and explain himself to MUT's accusations.

Muscat said government failed to conduct the necessary analysis for the curriculum reform, and added this lack of focus by government is clear.

"We still have students who leave secondary school without the ability to read and write correctly Maltese or English. Nothing in the new curriculum addresses this. Nor does it address the need to keep students in school after reaching 16 years."

Muscat said he might not sound popular with certain sectors when speaking this way: "But education is important. Our first aim should be of deleting poverty from Malta. 21% of our children live in poverty, and this is linked with early school leavers."

"It is our vision to create social mobility," he said, and called on government to revisit the curriculum: "We will support you on this."

Muscat added a new Labour government would work hand-in-hand with teachers to achieve the curriculum that addresses the students' needs. He went on to say government should also address the tools needed by children with special needs, eradicate bullying and increase discipline.

He also spoke about the need to strengthen languages and sciences.

On energy, Muscat said Malta should not remain an oil slave. He said gas was the alternative to a cleaner energy. On Sargas, Muscat said it is not a pie in the sky, but a reality that is with us.

"The only thing government should have done from the first day was to commission a study and see whether this solution is viable. The study could reveal government could go for it, or not. But what problem is there in carrying this study?"


Jurgen Cachia
@niko001: Habib, l-ewwelnett jekk se titghajjar ghallinqas uri ismek. Issa ghall-argumenti. (1) ma nappoggjax lill-PN, imma ma jfissirx li naqbel ma kulma johrog mill-PL. Xellugi kont u nibqa'. Li nistaqsi huwa kemm ghadu xellugi l-PL? (Li jehtieg jitwarrab GonziPN m'hemm ebda dubju.) (2) Lil Berlusconi qatt ma hmiltu, imma t-twegiba ghalih m'ghandhiex tkun inqas imma iktar demokrazija. Bl-Ingliz ighidu li qabzu mit-taghgen ghal go n-nar. (3) Jekk kliem Evarist irrapportawh hazin, allura spjega x'qal, mhux tinfexx fit-tghajjir. Grazzi.
tigrix dr muscat ghax qed tghid ic-cucati issa. alla hares il politici ikunu teknici ghax dawk bil calculator immexxuh il pajjiz. miskin il haddiem.jekk dr gonzi mhux qed jghati kas SARGAS ghalfejn inti qed turi dan l-interess kollu. nahseb li kemm inti u kemm dr gonzi qed tahbu lil poplu.
Future and new governments should be free and unencumbered from the mundane obligations towards the big, greedy a money thirsty fish which linger in their shadow every single minute. Even though it has the political sense of wanting to do the right thing for the sake of being re-elected, the present PN government cannot operate freely because it is burdened with numerous benefactors and friends all demanding that they be given priority over all others. The interest of these ‘parasites’ is now more important for the PN than the national interest. And that is why, whether one likes it or not, the country badly needs a change of government.
By saying that ministers should be "technical" (sic), Joseph Muscat is excluding himself. What is he "technical" about?
Most or at least many Maltese want to see a change in government - I think! However if Muscat keeps this up - ie the non sense he talks about - and is increasingly doing so - there may not be a change in Government at all and the most or many will, yet again, like it happenned in the last election, will get another fright when they realize that they have the PN for another five years! What is Muscat talking about?
By saying that ministers should be "technical" (sic), Joseph Muscat is excluding himself. What is he "technical" about?
It all mounts up to having the wrong people in the wrong place also admitted by Gonzi himself.
@Michael Schembri - mela jekk tahseb li jigu mibdula l-politikanti eletti mhux demokrazija, allura ghalik Berlusconi huwa demokratiku? Mela ma tafx kemm ghamel ligijiet halli qatt ma jiehdu passi kriminali kontrih? Mela ma tafx kemm ghamlet aktar flus il-kumpanija tieghu minn meta sar PM? Dik demokrazija? Mela ghax jitkellem Joseph Muscat l-affarijiet ma jkunux tajba? Mur hu holiday minn fuq dan il-gvern tieghek ghax ghandek ghanqbut f'mohhok...u ta' Evarist Bartolo ara l-affarijiet sewwa ghax ma tafx x'inti tghid!! Hu nasa tajba u serrah
Dr. Muscat said, "The Opposition had no problem with agreeing to the constitutionalisation of the golden rule of a balanced national budget." ====== He is no different than the prime minister. They must be mad; both of them. Constitutionalization of a balanced budget has long been the call of right-wing Republican politicians in the USA, and rebuked by an overwhelming majority of Democrats. Someone needs to knock some sense into that man's head. If you must touch the Constitution, for heaven's sakes, remove Article 2. Needless to say, the PN won't go for that, and neither should the PL go for this madness. Sick!
Jurgen Cachia
Dan Joseph Muscat jinkwetani. Igħid ħafna affarijet imma spiss nieqes mid-dettal. Per eżempju: . Meta jsemmi li neħtieġu nies tekniċi fil-gvern qed jirreferi għall-kolpi ta' stat li seħħew fl-Italja u fil-Greċja, fejn taw il-gvern lil bankiera mhux eletti? F'dak il-każ, adio d-demokrazija. . Meta igħid li l-politika tal-bieraħ mhix tajba għall-politika ta' għada jfisser li l-ħaddiema qed jarmihom? Għax politika li, per eżempju, tnaqqas il-pensjoni lill-ħaddiema l-iktar li se tweġġa'. . Meta jsemmi l-importanza tal-lingwi se jgħidilna - f'isem il-partit, mhux f'ismu biss! - jekk jaqbilx maċ-ċuċati perikolużi ta' Evarist Bartolo li jrid iwarrab l-użu tal-Malti fit-tagħlim?
"Malta needs a new race of politicians who look ahead, aware of the good and bad of the past but who are focused on the success of the future.” This takes the biscuit, Joe Muscat has been around in politics for the last twelve years if not as an MEP as a Super One journalist or a politician writing articles against Malta’s membership in the EU, not to mention Iceland’s . was he focused on the success of the future of Malta then?. Labour is littered with people from the Dom Mintoff era : karmenu vella , Mary Loiuse coleiro Preca , Alex Sciberras Trigona , Joe Grima , Leo Brincat , Anglu farrugia , Toni Abela . Technocrats are needed where the countries have grave problems , is Joseph in favour of reducing pensions like in Italy and Greece? Or increasing VAT? That’s what the tecnocrats coldbloodedly and ruthlessly did in Greece and Italy. Thanks Joseph but no thanks.
Luke Camilleri
Id-Differenza bejn Joseph Muscat u Lawrence Gonzi mhux fil-QALB biss qedgha imma anki fil-vizjoni! Dr. Muscat ried jaghti bil-QALB izzieda tieghu fl-onorarja lill min hu anqas izxxurtjat u l-VIZJONI tieghu tmur l-hemm mill-present imma dejjem ihares il-quddiem lejn generazzjonijiet futuri! Dr. Gonzi ivvotta bil-QALB halli joghlew il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma u l-VIZJONI TIEGHU ...ihares lura! Ghidulna ftit kif jista jimxi il-quddiem il-pajjiz jekk min imexxih ihares lura!!!!!!!
The report is replete with non-sequiturs. Is it the writer or the speaker or both that is at fault? And pray what happened this week that proves Labour right and makes an alternative government 'safe'?
Take a bunch of not very bright people - who study languages - in the case of Maltese literature - a theological LSD trip. Then waste their time for 5 years at university learning politics and how to suck up, with largely absent lecturers. Once they graduate - you have a new generation of lawyers ready to run the country in the 21st Century. Then you wonder what went wrong with the country!
Kemm hemm nies li jafu sewwa ix-xoghol taghhom i gew mormijja fiz-zibel min dan il-Gvern. Jista xi hadd jiftah ghajnejh u jara dawn il-hnizrijiet? jew l-importanti li jibqu/jitilghu fil-Gvern? Hemm bzonn ta' Partit iehor halli forsi xi darba jibda ikolna bilanc, Gustizzja, Honesta, serjeta, accountability u serhan il-mohh.